The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. We should just leave that entire area, and not interfere with anything else at all unless there is a direct attack on us, and who cares about fixing those countries, they will never be 100% fixed and stable, I say let them just kill each other, its not our problem at all, We need to fix The States up and just never get involved in any crap like this anymore.

  2. Hmm…where do I start? First, the war is like a football game in which we are in the enemies “red zone” by being deployed to be closer to the fight. Would you rather be fighting them in their house or in ours? I might add that if the fight is in our house, many more than died on 9-11 would die as well as the terrorists would actually gain more rights here due to our justice system.

    About the oil, I would like to make few points. While we do import a large portion of our oil, the majority of our imports comes from North America…Canada and Mexico; not from the Middle East. Additionally, those electric cars you propose be mandated are possible because of imported oil. The exotic lightweight materials they are made from come from oil. The electricity used to recharge their batteries comes from oil in a lot of cases. In fact, the batteries for those cars are ALL imported, including the ones in the Chevy Volt. I agree that we should get off of oil all together, but there has to be something to take its place in a seamless cost effective fashion.

    Taxing imports works both ways. Other countries would tax our exports to them and we already have a trade deficit. For example, there are trace elements in computer chips that can only be found in some other countries….not available anywhere in the US. We therefore have to purchase it from someone else. The electric vehicles and other technologies depend on computers. So if you tax imports to severely, we could see an end to our technological marvels. Additionally, some countries already get around the import tariff on manufactured goods in two ways. They either send the components of an item here to be assembled by US workers or they simply build a plant in the US. Just look at Toyota, Nissan, and Hyundai for example.

    I also agree that the unions pretty much strangled manufacturing. The main reason the foreign companies are beating the crap out of us is that they are non-union. Many also share profits with their employees. The employees at these companies actually take home more money than they ever did working for GM or Chrysler.

    As to making other manufacturing a priority, who would we sell to? After we take your proposal of taxing imports and endure the backlash of reciprocal tariffs on our goods, we wouldn’t be able to sell to anyone and our economy would be in even more trouble than it is now.

    As to fixing our roads, who is going to pay for it? Since the taxes on gasoline are too low and home ownership has dropped, there is not enough tax revenue to pay for much of the infrastructure repairs the nation needs. Oh, and asphalt comes from oil, as does the machinery it takes to do these repairs. Those, BTW, are state issues for the most part, yet states are looking for federal dollars to pay for this. Can’t have it both ways.

    As to the Chinese money, who borrowed that? Not pointing fingers, but a certain group of folks wanted to finance the war on a credit card yet blame another group for wanting to help the American people instead by doing bailouts and make work programs.

    That brings me to what America has lost….its togetherness. The terrorists are winning because they are forcing Americans to take a look at themselves out of fear, instead of out of love for each other. It is dividing the nation to the point that everyone is quick to point fingers at each other on what they did wrong and not what the did right and build on it. America used to be a land of builders; not tearing each other down. I find it odd that as Russians gain more freedom, Americans seem to be losing theirs. Racism and classism are hot button topics again all since the election. Its like there is only one group or class of people that can truly be Americans. Who decided that crap? Guess what? Unless you are a native American (Navajo, Cherokee, Creek, etc.) we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. It is what the country is based on and people seem to forget that.

    So, until we come together as a nation and a people, we will continue our slide into the abyss because, a nation divided against itself, cannot stand. We were supposed to have learned that from the Civil War. I guess like everything else, Americans have short memories and no patience for anything. Live fast (and on credit) die hard (and broke).

Is there another solution to terrorism besides military deployments?

Question by mbez1: Is there another solution to terrorism besides military deployments?
In September, 9/11/01 will be 10 years past. Since then, we have deployed millions of troops, civil servants, and gov’t contractors into Iraq and Afghanistan. Our import / export ratio is at an all time high. We are completely dependent on foreign oil. Most of our manufacturing jobs have left the country, compliments of corrupt unions. What made America strong is gone. We are living on borrowed time. Why do we chase thugs halfway around the world with borrowed Chinese money? Is it to prove that we’re still “tough”? Why don’t we show our toughness to the world by kicking some butt economically? Cut off oil imports, mandate electric cars! No one said a gasoline car was a birthright! Tax the hell out of imports; make manufacturing products a top priority. FIX OUR DAMN ROADS AND BRIDGES! In a nutshell–stop worrying about the rest of the world when our own nation is falling apart. Yes, go attack Al Queda. Go find who and where they are and kill them. You don’t need 100,000 troops to do this. Send in hit squads and bring them home. Rescind the mandate that we can’t kill leaders of foreign nations. Why not? Because they will try to kill ours? Ha. Folks, if you can’t tell, I’m angry. 9/11/01 is 10 years past, and we just got UBL. You should be mad too. I pay tens of thousands of dollars in sales, real estate, and income taxes every year. Where does it go? Certainly not to public works or schools. But I feel better that my money went to build a road and a school in Afghanistan…gimme a break.
Thanks. The Russians and Israelis deal harshly with terrorism and they still get bombed. It just ups the ante. It’s like this: They bomb us, we bomb them. They bomb us harder, we bomb them harder. Israelis never know when something’s going to blow up. Do we want to live like this? I don’t know what they answer is. I guess go find the killers and take them out. I like the way the US handled UBL. Take him out, get proof he’s dead, and throw him to the fishes. No monuments; just return him to the primordial soup.

Best answer:

Answer by jwthoughts
The solution to terrorism is simple, but too many are afraid of it.

When a group attacks the US, we should attack with BRUTAL force…not targeted, not “like force” BRUTAL. Shock and Awe was a decent start, but not enough.

If they attack us again, we should use a tactical nuke to hit a stronghold.

If they attack again, turn that area into a glass parking lot.

As long as we use limited responses, they are only emboldened.

We need to make the consequences for attacking the United States SO great and widely known that they do not dare.

ADDED for additional details: ARE YOU KIDDING? The Russians deal harder with their own people than with terrorists and Israel keeps being held back by the US. We should tell Israel…do what you gotta do and we got your back. Your idea of escalating violence is way off base. IT should look like this. They bomb the WTC…we bomb a city. They fly planes into the WTC…we bomb the crap out of a nation. They hit us again, WE NUKE ‘EM. The problem is that we are doing as you said. They bomb us, we bomb them, they bomb us, we bomb them.

Liken it to a street fight. If someone smacked me in the face, I would not smack him back and continue to trade punches. I would LITERALLY grab his balls and YANK HARD…whichever is more convenient.
1. He is IMMEDIATELY out of the fight.
2. He is VERY leery to come back.
3. People who hear about it are likely not to attack for fear of their nuts.
If he did ever come back, and say he brought a baseball bat…I would pull out my 9mm and pop a cap in his crotch.
It sounds brutal…I do not care. This is not a boxing match, a wrestling match or any other sanctioned fight. It is a street fight with one rule…do what you can do make them unable or unwilling to continue to try and hurt you.

In the long run, I have done less damage then fighting fist to fist once a week.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!