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21 Responses

  1. Mr. Mitchell – Chairman of the Moonie Oil Company Ltd, Chairman & Director of oil companies including Clyde Petroleum, Avalon Energy, North Flinders Mines Ltd., Paringa Mining & Exploration. He was also on the Board of the Australian Bank Limited and other public and private companies. His experience is derived from over 25 year’s involvement in companies that explored for, developed and financed gold and base metal mines, oil and gas fields and pipeline systems in Australia and overseas.

  2. All people are suggestible… There’s also a ‘nocebo’ effect. If people believe that a certain stimulus will have adverse effects, then they will start to feel badly as a result of that. People would not be human if they were not effected by these suggestions that some people have made, that wind farms cause genuine illness. There’s really no evidence to support that at all.

  3. Give me wind, water and solar power rathe rthan the wealthy corporations who do anything to protect their investment in terribly polutting fossil fuels. Next thing you know the Fed Gov will start looking into Nuclear power again.

  4. tinyurl dot com/982sng3 If you ever want true independant journalism get their emails, I didn’t realise IA existed, but now can say I have enjoyed their stories that find no one is left under a rock. The association that Warbra Foundation has with National Wind Watch, an anti wind farm group. Why is someone who is meant to be independant, not?

  5. What a load of crap jordapen. Stupid analogy backed up by “science” that doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny.
    “People are suffering because of wind turbines”. Can you point to one serious study proving this? “Look at the evidence”. What evidence? People get sick all the time and blaming wind farms even though there is no causal link is just wacky.
    You’ve got nothing other than a grand conspiracy. And learn to spell.

  6. You must be a mouth piece for the Guilard Government. Only relying on peer reviewed studies is not true science. If somebudy is laying on the side of the road bleeding, do you wait for a peer reviewed study to know what to do? Look at the evidence. People are suffering because of wind turbines. We need scientists to do research to find out what is going on.

  7. what a complete load of bollocks. The only people dividing communities are the bullshit artists like the Warbra Foundation and Landscape guardians. None of their claims stand up to peer review from credible scientists.
    The reality is, the anti-wind farm mob is a very small group that blow into town’s with proposed wind farms and start spreading their garbage. And they don’t put their hands into their own pockets for any legal action. That’s the job of gullible locals.

  8. Ordinary people are getting sick. They are not liars or fools. Why are there no studies being done ?

  9. i can totally agree with u
    most likely they picked a bunch of people that were sick and turned the blame on some 1 else.
    they showed no proof the the turbines were the cause but only blaming them

  10. well u must be a stuck up rich ass doctor that cannot see the other side of things, only what he wants to see

  11. Actually, its an area of physics that has been around for hundreds of years. It a HIGHLY proven area of physics that has been studied at length. Infrasound and tetra waves, which can have effects hundreds of miles away, not on humans though. The same principals that cause industrial deafness. Ever heard of the ‘brown note’ same idea. Same area as using ultra sonic waves to deteriorate kidney stones, whiten teeth. Kudos to them for discovering this years before wind turbines were invented!

  12. Shows how much you don’t know. If you want power, you wont want wind. Its the most expensive, least efficient and least reliable. You must only want to have power when its windy then? Are you surrounded by them in close proximity? Have you ever heard what a load of these actually sound like? Are you a doctor/acoustician/physicist or psychologist? No? then you must be right!

  13. blaaaa blaaaa blaaa
    this is all shit!
    y is it that everything has to be shutdown because of residents…do they wont power or not

  14. Don’t believe there are any effects, A lot of these symptoms sound like conversion disorder. BUT, if we drill for oil and gas without environmental concerns, we CANNOT place stronger restrictions on turbines. In Texas, you have gas wellheads in schoolyards. All over America, drinking water is catching on fire.

  15. Worldwide the wind industry is equally as corrupt and dishonest. If you are honest and ethical, would you really need a gag order and hold harmless, and be restricted from complaining. Anyone who signs one of these agreements is truly reckless and ill thinking. It is time to force the wind industry out of the shadows and into the spotlight. And also the government officials who are being corrupted and bought off. Keep working. Together we can make a difference. My home will always be open

  16. Symptoms 10 km away??? I’m not a windfarm opponent – i love windmills much better than drilling after oil in Greenland and Alaska. Better safe than sorry – so please make some laws that force the windturbine factories to do serious research about the not hearable low frekvensies that go through air and – much further – through earth and effects the living.

  17. Symptoms 10 km from wind farms? Yeah right. Apparently windfarm opponents have discovered a new field of physics unknown to anybody else.

  18. Thank you for posting the truth – We need to wake up to the fact that big oil and organized crime – this is old technology that takes more oil/gas to run them than the electric they produce. Flattening down 450 year old mountains on major bird migaration routes in Vermont by Quebec Gaz Metro for these – – and the damage they will do to wildlife is NOT green – it is about millions in Government incentives – PLEASE learn the truth and support Occupy the Mountains!

Offshore Wind Turbine – 3D Presentation

The AREVA M5000 combines everything that makes a high quality offshore wind energy plant stand out: reliability, efficiency and high performance. Its technology is tried and tested and perfectly tailored to the conditions on the open sea. The M5000 is manufactured and certified according to the latest international standards (DIN ISO 9001 certificate).
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