The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

40 Responses

  1. however, let me remind you of my personal history. my family first settled the new world in 1668 in nova scotia and prince edward island. they were fisherman just like the ones in the gulf of mexico today. just as now, the BRITISH came. they killed and separated us, took everything. AND NOW THEY ARE BACK. it is so scary seeing history come back around. seems they cant stand the idea of us making good money and living well.

  2. hello from baton rouge louisiana! i really appreciate the media black-out reports from all over the world. this is a strange bit of hope, just knowing that ya’ll know it’s happening that way. let me say this — people here aren’t saying much out loud. those working and living along the coastline are suffering, and our way of life is gone.


  4. The petro-volcano can’t be stopped with current human technology. Normal wells have 1500 psi pressure, this one has 70,000 psi. It’s a volcano of oil.

    Nuke it and you get a full fledged VOLCANO w 22″ bore 50 miles off LA shore.

    It’s basically going to poison the entire eastern United States and the entire Caribbean Yucatan Costa Rica South America Cuba Puerto Rico.

    For analysis and reports “Journal of the Collapse” on georgemcclure (d o t) net
    Spread to TN in “Chronolog”

  5. The people who planned this intentional killing of humans and all life (Corexit and media blackout) are the owners of BP. They have more power than US govt.

    Who are they? BP is owned by Jacob Rothschild, queen Eliz England, queen Beatrice Netherlands. They planned this and are responsible for YOUR death, your friend’s death, your neighbor’s death.

    BP is owned by JPMorgan too, according to Salbuchi. Rockefeller owns Morgan also Exxon. THE FOUR RESPONSIBLE ARE NAMED ABOVE.

  6. The “elite” have to play this out according to the book of Revelations – it’s really creepy! Listen to this from the KJV, Rev. 8:8 – Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 8:9 And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

  7. After all average people do not have the sustainable living resouce and strength where there area is required a long term recovery that struck by the insurmountable disaster?

  8. Thank You! for your prompt answer.
    Yes, it sure makes sense…but then, I was more in the line of thought….
    Gulf of Mexico is a very rich resourceful, and beautiful region of earth.
    If a powerful entiry wants to have the entire area to themselves….where there is means of breaking war is impossible…what method could be possible? to draw out the people in the area for good and claim the area with a dirt cheap compensation to the people for the land in the name of clean up?

  9. Media blackout here in Australia also. Obama won’t help , he’s owned by the elite and does what they want. God help those in the Gulf and those who are yet to be the victims of the lust for power.

  10. Wow,thanks for infomation.
    Mediablackout also in Germany,you can see nothing over this tragedy.

  11. I believe you are right the Earth will heal itself, however I also believe that we as Humans will not be around to see that. Question for you what was Haliberton doing making repairs 3 Days before the tragedy? Answer 2 Weeks prior Haloburtin Purchased the largest Oil Cleanup Company in America. Any more questions.

  12. Thanks!!! for the exellent clips.
    If this Gulf of Mexico tragedy is not a pure accident ….Who would benefit in the long run by wiping out all living beings in the ocean, on the land and sky?
    Apart from bank cartel manipulation of financial gain purpose…..
    And why the Gulf of Mexico? Why not some other places?
    For however long it may takes earth will eventually heal itself I believe.

  13. God help us. God help the Gulf Coast. God help all animals, plants, and humans.

  14. I will bet Obama couldn’t control the oil at mcdonalds (the only real job he ever had) and they put him cleaning the bathrooms. Any betters?

  15. Well, a person from PLATTS said that BP could financially benefit from this. The price of oil will rise. They will make more money with less production and less costs.

  16. […who would replace The Bible with the book or mormon.]

    Brand, that’s absolutely not true. Why would you think that? The man’s life is an open book and he’s hidden nothing unlike Barry. Not my first choice but he’s always left that mormon stuff out of politics before. Decent man. Why would he start adding it now? Besides, he’s a smart business man and I like some of the plan outlines he’s laid out for economic recovery. Good plans. His beliefs don’t affect my salvation at all. God bless.

  17. Shalom flower and PEACE w/ tears for now to Jerusalem.. If or when Brandt chooses to post my comments, I am thinking you will agree. During a time of great trial and suffering Our Creator showed me something about the entire system at “this” stage of this “age”! Have not heard or seen anyone else speak about it. Maybe it’ll catch on.. maybe not.. May we all Love and Keep His commands and fast, pray and hope in His great mercy.. blessings of safety and joy to you and yours.

  18. Woah! Hold up there crumpet. I totally get ur point & I agree regarding EVEN GOD does not violate ones free will & neither should any who claim 2 belong 2 Him by OUR CHOICE. However, u cross the line when u attack my bro’s as being insincere or our God not being real in YOUR opinion/beliefs. I have a few TRUE ATHEIST friends who love & respect me & MY BELIEFS & would NEVER speak down to me in such an arrogant way, as they simply cannot deny the LOVE I am today compared to the HATE used to be.

  19. WELL SAID!! & let me add to my statement below~IF YOU SO CHOOSE~to post it public~ I respect your decision and right and LIBERTY all the way beloveds! CONT’D from below~ So how do you know Barry is not His will?? If he is God’s perfect way to continue judgment of this nation & YOU vote for ANY OTHER YOU ARE THEN aware of course, you have VOTED AGAINST YHWH’S WILL!!! May all true disciples walk in the Light of His Truth in these very dark and devious times. Live a fasting life & hope in His MERCY

  20. How bout this true disciples of the Living Christ (this is for ur listeners/readers as you seem to have revelation regarding this “issue” according to your statement above)~
    “IF” you are a “believer” and are choosing to take an active part in the
    “secular government” of “this world” then you certainly MUST only vote
    who YOU KNOW is God’s perfect will to “appear” as ruler/king/pres of this nation. YES??

  21. Well said and off grid is the ONLY way to go at this stage as we know NOTHING will stop the prophecies and will of YHWH our Abba from being fulfilled! Tarped Out! Never heard that and it’s a good one.. Harped out works too!:~}) One question are you locked and loaded?

  22. I think your hatred of religious people has clouded your so called history with atheist religious propaganda.

  23. There is a place in the mental thing, where a person actually FALLS in and out of their noormal character. Stern has always drifted too deeply into his fictitious character. You made the right decision by staying real enough to remain believable, because there is a very definite place where our fictions become our reality. Drink from the waters of the eternal. Maya Mayim!

  24. conclusion, all I heard in this song was…
    men, men, men who, men who have, men, men, men, men, men, men, men… Ever think of broadening the topic idea?

  25. I’m a metal head soooo I hate this lol sorry just not my taste I like the Erie sound its just not fast or distorted enough for me

  26. Obviously he is referring to the true god of the universe, the all-powerful Flying Spaghetti Monster!


  27. People wake up it is all lies to keep you fighting meantime tax tax control murder rape wars starvation thats rite you say god works he is the cause of all wars people kill and then say its gods will I feel sad for all the people that beleve this made up mind control story. One love that is whats real .

  28. “The ONLY government that will work is the Rule of God.”

    I don’t understand. How will that work? There’s lots of different Gods including many bronze age cults like Christianity. Which one are you going to choose?

    Also who is going to administer and enforce the law? Would you nominate special men to enforce God’s law?

    You see it’s easy to spout bullshit platitudes. You’d do more good trying to solve the world’s problems yourself. Deferring them to an imaginary God is a cheap cop out.

  29. As a gay man I want Islam stopped. Remember after they come for me they will come for you.

  30. They like to destroy and wipe out everything that they do not approve of, that’s just how selfish and thoughtless they all are.

  31. When I think of Jesus my heart fills up with divine love and compassion… NOT.

  32. The person who wrote this song and everyone here that supports this song and the apparent idea that man is incapable of helping our fellow man and we need gods help to do so. Are just amazingly incapable of free thought or even critical thought. You have GOT to be kidding me!

  33. I am not American and even I know that OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM you freaking moron!

  34. No. It’s the rule of god that has inspired more death’s and hatred throughout history and even in the present day than Man’s rule every could or would. Your history needs MORE than a little brushing up.

  35. Religions are corrupt, man-controlled and created organizations which have had their hand in humanity for thousands of years. (hinduism about 5000) While not all are dogmatic and monotheistic, they all constipate the mind. Seek only truth, and seek it through sober rationalization. I spent years as a religious person and never once felt or saw anything different from normal human emotion. It doesn’t take a wise man to know there is nothing divine happening here.

DEATH Of The Gulf Part 2

Corexit 9500, four times more toxic than crude oil, is one of the most poisonous dispersants ever developed, and is up to 20 times more toxic than other dispersants, and only half as effective. When Corexit 9500, with its 2.61 ppm toxicity level, is combined with the warm waters of the Gulf much of it will transition into a gaseous state that will be absorbed into clouds, to be released as toxic rain upon all of the Eastern United States: All without any effective or real objections from the Obama administration. The Author can be contacted via email at: Music Conscience Invasion by Musicshake Please read the following paragraphs slowly and carefully to completely understand the enormity of these crimes. British Petroleum (BP), with governmental approval, was quick to dump hundreds of thousand of gallons of their poisonous chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500 (a neurotoxic pesticide), at their undersea wellhead and on surface Gulf waters. Corexit kills all life from algae and micro-organisms to human beings. So quick to dump their Corexit, BP must have expected a blow out. Within weeks BP dumped over a million gallons of Corexit into our Gulf of Mexico. How did a million gallons of Corexit just happen to be handy right after the Gulf well explosion? A million gallons? Can we even visualize a million gallons of anything? How many months would it take anyone to manufacture that many gallons of dispersants? Among other extremely poisonous chemicals, Corexit

‪‪‬‬ The Howard Stern Show controversy– Our band refused a great chance to be heard on Howard’s show due to it’s pornographic content. Our website has links to newsprint about this decision. (Best Status – Unsigned Band Indie Artists / Unsigned Artist /…
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