The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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2 Responses

  1. Titanium is mined and used in salt water plants called Desalination units to avoid heavy corrosion.Plutonium is produced in nuclear reactors used in another type of reactors as fuel
    Plutonium is radio active and dangerous.There are desalination plants in saudi arabia,Youy may try to get scrap tubes from them..

  2. Plutonium is a rare radioactive element, often found as a contaminant in uranium ore. It can also be artificially generated, usually made by bombarding uranium with various hydrogen or helium nuclei. The uses for plutonium are generally limited to nuclear reactors for power generation and nuclear weapons. It is expensive and its sale is generally tightly controlled by the countries that produce it. Getting your hands on some for a school project is exceedingly unlikely.

    Titanium is a metal that, when mixed with iron, can produce a steel alloy that is light and tough. Depending on the quantity you want, it is available on the commodities market.

Where can i find Titanium or Plutonium other then a science lab?

uranium plutonium hydrogen helium
by Sumit

Question by blizzard boy: Where can i find Titanium or Plutonium other then a science lab?
i want some titanium or plutonium where can i possibly find some i live in Saudi Arabia and i need one of them for a school science project…

Best answer:

Answer by Jeremy
Titanium In its pure form exists in small particles…kinda like other metals. You cant just find a hunk of titanium lying around. You could probably steal it from somewhere though.

And plutonium is easy to answer for. It is a synthetic element and therefore doesn’t occur natuarlly. It must be synthesized in a lab and oh yeah is highly radioactive too so PROBABLY not the best for a school science project…although other uses come to mind. *hmmm*

Uranium is a natuarlly occuring element by the way…

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