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25 Responses

  1. 1 baby Buffalo- pure harass
    2 that croc was trying to be sly… it didn’t work
    3 those lions should have ran
    4 the lion that received flying lessons would have shit his pants if she were wearing any

  2. 詳細くりっく宝くじ当選 当選金一億お譲りします says:


  3. Too bad the calf went on to bleed to death where it’s carcass would feed nothing

  4. This is when of the most amazing videos ever, sorry for the baby buffalo.

  5. there is a reason Water Buffalo are considered to be the most dangerous land animals

Battle at Kruger

Just featured on NBC’s Dateline! Like us on Facebook! http Copyright: NegativeSpace Media Winner! YouTube’s Best Eyewitness Video. A battle between a pride of lions, a herd of buffalo, and 2 crocodiles at a watering hole in South Africa’s Kruger National Park while on safari. COPYRIGHT NOTICE. For licensing opportunities, please visit This video is copyrighted and cannot be used before live audiences or through any form of mass media without the express permission of Jason Schlosberg or David Budzinski. Its use via YouTube is intended for personal use only and can only be viewed on YouTube and websites using the YouTube embed code. Any other use of the video or its screen captures violate this copyright. Featured on National Geographic, Animal Planet, ABC, and MSNBC!