The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Yes I have :P if you check out some of my other rover videos I tested out things like that on Kerban and Minmus.

  2. Have you ever tried putting another set of wheels where the solar panels are? so if it flips you can still keep going

  3. Yea…. I think its the curse of every rover that its ALWAYS going to end up flipped and/or broken. xD

  4. I designed a rover yesterday using RCS jets and a lander can… altho I found out that physical time acceleration makes wheeled vehicles glide a little leading to much less friction and speed loss allowing long travel they also slowly drift into craters with due to physical time acceleration. Anyway the rover flipped and the lander can went boom.
    However I redesigned it including an ASAS module and it works WONDERS. 30m/s on rough terrain (on the mun) without any correctional input necesarry :)

  5. I was planning to deploy a sort of refueling station next to the rover, so that it could return and just fill up on fuel.

  6. I made a Kerbaliosity (Curiosity) mission to Duna, I tweaked some little things in your rover, video’s on my channel after it’s done uploading, I linked your channel in the description

  7. AM I REALLY HEARING THIS FROM THE MIGHTY JEB?!?!?!?!?! What madness is this! Jeb denying a challenge as impossible!

Ion-Powered Rovers (KSP .18.1)

*THANK YOU SCOTT MANLEY for sending people my way =)* Well I had this idea of making a rover so I decided to follow through with it… and I’m glad I did cause these things are awesome :DI just wish I had the patience to use them properly xD Music is by Module (Used with Permission :D) and its the soundtrack to a game called Shatter: Kerbal Space Program –
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