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49 Responses

  1. 1.) Stealing oil doesn’t give you a right to invade a country and kill innocents.
    2.) Reagan gave Saddam weapons to fight Iran.
    3.) Oh of course all we had to do was show evidence, you must be a hermit and haven’t yet seen the videos of Bin Dick-fuck saying “We destroyed the infidels.”

  2. Go to the middle east dick-fucker and ask a civilian in Kandahar who is terrorizing them, Al-Qaeda or the US, I’ll bet they will say Al-Qaeda. You are also trying to put words in my mouth I never said anything along the lines that middle easterns should be terrorized.

  3. Look at the young faces – brave but scared numb -many to suffer the rest of their lives with p.t.s.d., provided they got home alive. A pointless stuff up. Aussie Vet.

  4. Oh the hypocrisy.
    You sit here and tell me not to generalize with soldiers while you yourself say that since “Al-Qaeda” was in the Middle East, then everyone there deserves to get terrorized.

  5. 1.) Kuwait was angle drilling and stealing oil from Saddam.
    2.) Reagan gave Saddam weapons that were used to terrorize his own people.
    3.) Assuming 9/11 was done by 19 Arabs with box cutters… Just because a SMALL group of people attacked us does not give us any right to invade 3 countries. Bin Laden was offered up to the US if Bush could present evidence of his involvement. Bush refused and is responsible for the loss of 7,000 troops.
    I’m not debating with someone as ignorant as you.
    Good day.

  6. The united states. What an awesome idea. Promise wealth, promise change and send the millions of those who didn’t get it to die, for the sole protection of those who did. If you’re poor in the U.S.A., say fuckem. Don’t get lead into the lie. Let’s diminish their battalion and see what they do.

  7. 3.) when a dick-fucking-bitch-whore flys an airplane into a building and kills 3,000 people you can not sit back and say “oh well” do to that would be to invite terrorists to kill your people. (you obviously are 10 or 11 and you don’t understand globally politics.) Also you would be giving no justice to the people that died.
    3B.) Afghanistans terrorists were already attacking the US before we got there and the didn’t take arms to defend there country they took arms to slaughter innocents.

  8. 1.) What we did to Saddam was not illegal. We were asked by Kuwait to help after Saddam invaded.
    2.) The USA never supplied So-Damn-Insane with chemical weapons, we did help him fight the Iranians but when he started using Bio-agents on Kurds we stopped and sanctioned Iraq.
    3.) your last point is so retarded it took me a long time to even comprehend the magnitude of your extra chromosome-influenced writing. I do not have enough room to write it here so look for my reply to this comment.

  9. Why don’t you read the other comments where I corrected some errors I made?

  10. Lol, everything I said is factual. I just double checked it.
    All I said about Nam was that it was started by a false flag. Our government is to blame for that. I have friends that are Vietnam vets, and I don’t trash talk them. They were forced to fight.
    I really don’t know what you’re getting at, and I really don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

  11. your comment is not 100% true I bet not even 2% true, that’s like me saying Mexicans are all illegal, some are, but not most. Think before you type, if I posted a bunch of comments about Mexicans being drug dealing, illegal aliens I’m sure many people would be furious; but, you make dick-fucky re-makers about soldiers who volunteer to go get shot at and protect the innocent and you don’t think your a bigot, your a stuck up privileged liberal who doesn’t know the meaning of “sacrifice.” MOFO

  12. No, it didn’t.
    He questions how what we did with Saddam is illegal. While it was good, it was not our right to go over there and do it. The USA supplied him with chemical weapons in the Reagan era. It was illegal.
    Second of all, since when does 3,000 people dying justify the murder of 1.5 million and counting? We invaded entire countries because of what one small group did, and when those countries took up arms to defend themselves, we called them terrorists!
    /watch?v=5n0c9vM44x8 go to 2:35

  13. Sorry I was editing it and I fucked up. I accidentally said “Many American soldiers join these days because it was ‘cool.'”
    What I meant to say is that many American soldiers join these days because they don’t understand what it means to join. Many don’t understand that they are supposed to be protecting the Constitution.
    What I was going to say about those who think it’s “cool” to join is that there is PLENTY of those kinds of idiots who just want to kill and blow shit up.

  14. I love how I get the hate comments when what I just said was 100% true.
    I said many times that I support troops who respect their oath. If they are willing to defend the Constitution, I support them. Many American soldiers these days joined because it was “cool” or something of the sort (you’d be surprised at how many idiots do that).
    I’m not insulting anyone. The sole purpose of the military is to protect the Constitution. Take that flag out of that sorry ass of yours and wake up.

  15. exprimez votre point de vue mais toujours avec  la correction qui s’impose please

  16. Are you from America, or any other free country, because if you are you should be kissing the ground the soldiers walk on; because, they manned up and went out to protect your freedom. Lucky for you, you have the freedom to say what you want, but I implore you sir before you write some tasty comment about soldiers think that a young man just laid his life down so you could type what you want on Youtube.

    You dick fucking coward!

  17. how is he stupid, what he said made perfect sense, can you expand on your idea of his stupidity.

  18. While I don’t support what happened in the Vietnam war, I do feel sorry for the soldiers that had to endure the waste of life known as the Vietnam war. Im always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on for any man who made mistakes during that awful time. “A man who has no regrets either hasn’t been born, or is a liar.” I know a few soldiers who fought then, none of them are proud of what they did! Great upload and thanks

  19. I have compassion for them if they didn’t betray their country. I know every conflict has been political.
    My compassion is only for those who join to protect their people and Constitution. Not to “fight” for their people, not to kill terrorists, not to get “military training,” not to kill people, etc.
    My respect goes out to the truly brave men who have lost their lives while in a country they were forced to be in. I despise the soldiers who think we should be there, but for the others, respect.

  20. You can continue to resort to childish insults, but I’m not going to have a debate with someone like you while you do it.
    If you are so content and knowingly denying this, you have nothing to fear as you will be willingly enslaving yourself while you have the mindset that you are free. One day though, one day, you will regret it, and sadly, someone like you may not realize that until you’ve left this life.
    None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they’re free. Sorry.

  21. It’s a stupid assumption for you to think that I follow him just because of my knowledge.
    Fact: Assassinating leaders of other countries is illegal. The NDAA is unconstitutional along with the Patriot Act, TSA, etc. so many other things.
    I have no interest in explaining this to someone such as yourself or as him. What’s currently going on is not a “conspiracy theory,” and for you to deny its existence is just stupid. You can have fun living as a slave, but I will die a free man.

  22. Think about it; wars are fought for resources, it hasn’t been until recently that the government has had to find excuses to go, find and take the resources that you use everyday.

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Vietnam War-House of the Rising Sun

A Vietnam war video I made with The Animals House of the Rising Sun. Please comment and rate. I do not own the rights to the music featured in this video.
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Here’s an awesome way to clean your nose from unwanted pimples or clogged pores. Prevent yourself from breaking out. Save your .00 and put it to better use…
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