The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. Just out of interest did Jesus love Hitler or was he an exception?

  2. Good for you Marine! You should’ve killed the dude though, it’d be one less fucking thug in this world!

  3. No, the only thing that can prevent you from having a strong and loving family, is love…not money.

  4. Think of 9/11 : if America wasn’t in an oil war for about 20 years, if America wasn’t the country with the most propension to send army in the arabic countries, if America wasn’t peeing on every country which is not agree with it, do you think it would have been targeted, and in a such demonstrative way?

  5. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. I just place my opinion way up higher than my security, place in the society, or hypothetic future. I just live the day i’m in. Thant is not a handicap to build a family.

  6. Think of 9/11. If they would’ve shot the jets down, then a couple thousands of people would’ve been saved, including the destruction, and possibly the war. However, it would have costed the lives of the people in the plane. Such a sacrifice isn’t it? What if the people in the planes would have stood up against the hijackers? These decisions, we make, although not the same, everyday in our lives. You often just have to do the best thing, at the best moment, even if its against what you believe.

  7. In situations like that, you Just have to remain rational at all times. Like the tripartite soul philosophy. If you allow your spirited(emotions), or hunger(desire) to steer your chariot, rather than rationality, then you will crash. You simply cannot allow the two to intertwine. However like I said earlier, Money is not my happiness, it is simply my security. Its not my drive either. Im doing this for the foundation and security of the future.. The ends justify the Means.

  8. Don’t get me wrong, i understand you ‘re clearly not brainwashed. You got arguments. we just disagree on this : the ends justify the Means. I think it’s a very false sentence.This sentence can justify all the horrors of the world. It’s a blind choice. What if, in five years, you’re responsible for the radio transmissions in a mission that is opposite from your beliefs.How could you explain it to your kids?How will you react?Does the 2k or 3k will worth it?Money is their power, thinking is yours.

  9. Thats wishful thinking. Its a Materialistic vs Non Material kind’ve view. But its the society that we live in. Im far from brain washed trust me, as much as I hate money and the effect it has, I have a family to one day start, and a foundation to build; By any means. Until society stops asking for bills, then i have no choice.
    But you know? The ends justify the Means. Some join not just for money and career benefits, others do it on a quest to better themselves, and their image.

  10. I know what you are saying. But i think money isn’t all. There’s much more valuable things than it. 2k a month is not the price of your independance from the system. I think we’ve been brainwashed to think this way. There’s nothing we “have to do “, only things we choose to do, encouraged by the society. I just think, what if tomorrow, there’s no more less wealthy guys that enter the force? Maybe all this people could unite and change the society instead of encourage it’s bad way of work.

  11. I understand and I respect your beliefs. However, the airforce for example pays roughly 2000 USD a month, compared to the average non corporate job paying only half of that (if you’re lucky) a month. Not including free health care, living expenses, and insurance. some join just to pay off school tuition so they can actually get a decent career. How things are set up here, most of us have no choice but to. As my father says “You have to do what you need to, so you can do what you want to.”

  12. I know that but even if you never go to battlefield, you participate in the whole “killing” part, by your actions in your job you make the military force stronger. And i think our actions must be the reflections of our minds. I don’t support war, for any reasons, i don’t support guns, in any situations so i can not be a military, a police officer or even a clerk in a place that sells ammunition for example. Because it’s important to be honest with ourselves. In my opinion…

  13. The whole “killing” part is just the brunt of military jobs, you can get jobs dealing with a whole different spectrum. Most people who go in as infantrymen and etc do it cause they couldn’t get a better job or werent qualified. You can be anything from a office worker (i forgot the name) in the forces, to just being a mechanic or computer analyst. Communication jobs too. Some of which will never really ever see combat or deployment.

  14. I was being ironic, and I understand your point but I will add this. Choose a job in a corporation that encourages weapon selling and using, and consider killing ppl as a necessary inconvenient for “good reasons”(like religion or politics, or supremacy),is not a wise choice in my opinion.I think that a military carrer is not a simple job but a real proof of your convictions.I don’t share thoses. Good luck with your life, i wish you the best.Sorry about my english, i’m from French spoken Belgium

  15. It just depends, most people go into the armed forces and pick any job.. If you pick a job thats actually relevant to what you want to do as a career outside, then you have a higher chance, its also more beneficial to go in during your junior year of college then you can start as a officer, making double the money you would as a bottom-of-the-barrel ensign. Im joining the airforce though.

  16. 25 years being a marine… and he ends being a clerk in a gas station…Nice moral for the youth. Don’t go military boys and girls !

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