The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Thank you for posting the coolest vid on youtube that I have seen in months!

    I have a Mamod Steam engine with a similar set up. I am going to add to it to make electricity. My goal: Be able to recharge small rechargable batteries. When the ‘Big Crunch’ comes….I will be a huge income maker for me.

  2. Wow I didn’t realize steam engines could get up to such high RPMs. Have you ever measured your average top RPM? Also would you happen to know the torque curve? This is pretty neat. Where might I buy a larger steam engine like in this video? (Youtube) /watch?v=hBy3zLWss8w

  3. Neat. I’m just getting into the hobby (fixing up an ancient 76), Will have to snag one of these!

  4. yea bullshit you have one that runs for 3 hours on a single drop of methanol il eat dog turds the day i see that lol

  5. Its the volts that jolts, its the mills that kills! Put a load on it. Any steam is good steam.

  6. we have one that runs on methanol, 1 drop and it lasts for about 3 hours. ill upload a video of it if i can find some methanol :)

  7. REAL Free energy technology exists!But Millions are spend in supressing that information,Get a motor that works with the power of magnets only at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Big change is comming soon!

  8. Energy sources without the need for fuel or energy input exist ,But the big oil corporations don’t want that technology revealed,Get the blueprints for a free energy motor at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Free yourself!

  9. No you are not retarded. This engione does not work with pellets though, it uses electricity to heat the water, but there are some like this one that do use pellets.

  10. dont you put water in the top then put some fire starter thingys in a tray then put the tray in and then it works? if this is the machine please reply back if you dont know what the hell i am on about just say to me im a retard :D

  11. Free Energy is real and its here! The Oil companies are doing everything they can to stop these

    information. If you want a Free energy machine do a search in youtube for the LT MAGNET MOTOR , Join the


  12. im with you bro the earth and sun bine to calm for way to long most people dont understand how nice we had it but most people dont look at history or other planets it plain to see the temp of all planets are rising at the same rate as earth stating the sun is enter a new cycle people just like to blam each other and try to get money out of fear

  13. DC Motor vrs Stepper “stepper motor can make 3 time the amps/votts at 1/4 the speed of a dc motor but stepper motor take more power to turn on smaller units i us permanent magnet dc motor Large or gaint class steam engines i us steppers

  14. stepper motor can push over 60dc volts with alot of mil.amps best generator i have i blow up 4 bulbs usen mine

  15. y do u use an electric boiler? use soild fuel to make it a real steam engine lol

  16. I invented a breakthrough energy source which violates the law of energy conservation. I have a PROOF that there are electrodynamic phenomena which violate the law of conservation of energy. I am looking for $30 000 fora prototype and for $3M for patents. Making a 15 kW generator will cost $1200 in mass production, value of the energy produced yearly about $10 000.
    H. Tomasz Grzybowski
    tel. +48-512-933-540

Model steam engine electric generator DC Model steam engine electric generator.
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