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48 Responses

  1. Theology and religion are not always the same thing.

    Also, North Korea is <2% Christian. Where do you get your information from?

    why do they have such strong relationships with the supposedly "Muslim" gulf states, such as Saudi, UAE
    Oil. Don't be naive.

  2. “What about Africa where White people traded slaves for several centuries” – Ah, you seem to be casting aside the arab slave trade. Why should my peoples with advanced glimmering societies have to take in scum and animals from 3rd world shitholes? If you hate us “white imperialists” so much, why move to our countries? That makes no sense!! No you’re moving here because we actually know how to run countries.

  3. I didn’t need a lecture on ad hominems, since name “name calling” is abusive or insulting language referred to a person or *group*. A fitting description of someone who ignorantly uses inaccurate sources to stereotype everyone of a certain religion, while at the same time naively believing the claims of people crazy enough to commit acts of terrorism. It is apparent that your logic doesn’t stand to reasoning. P.S. Even by your limited definition, calling someone a brick is an ad hominem ;)

  4. So wait, you’re saying that the government of the US does in fact have a theological basis for going into wars? How do you explain the Vietnam war? What about their relationship with overwhelmingly Christian communist countries, even to this day (N. Korea, Cuba)? Also, since you so firmly believe that their relationship with Israel has a theological basis, why do they have such strong relationships with the supposedly “Muslim” gulf states, such as Saudi, UAE, etc.?

  5. Ad hominem is name calling in place of an argument. Firstly I didn’t call you any names. I said ‘fuck’ for emphasis. Secondly, one can be as insulting as they like, but it’s still not ad hominem unless the insults are substituting an argument

    I’m done with you. You’re clearly not even trained in formal logic. It’s like trying to converse with a brick.

  6. You’re putting words in my mouth. Of course I’m going to be irritated.

    You used the word ‘secular’ to imply that the United States is not a religious country and went on to question why the US is such a warmongering country when you alleged it is irreligious. I pointed out that the US Gov’t is de jure irreligious, but is a country with a religous majority population and hugely influential involvement of religion in poltics.

    Why the fuck do you think American supports Israel?

  7. Lol, obama and the white house had a televised prayer on easter evening. The state is secular, but not atheist

  8. 1) Why are you getting angry? 2) My usage of the word secular is correct (denoting attitudes/activities/etc. that have no religious or spiritual affiliation). So yes, re the US government, it is athiest (or agnostic, at the very least). My point is that the wars fought by the US have not had a theological agenda, and should serve as proof that non-religious people are just as violent as religious people. P.S. I definitely spoke too soon, you’ve resorted to profanity and name calling.

  9. I just told that there will be a final ‘test’ for the atheists at the Day of Judgement that will decide whether would he go to Hell or Heaven. We muslims dont decide if you are going to hell or heaven.

  10. >You stated earlier that religion should be entirely banished because they cause people to be aggressive
    Quote where I said this, because I said no such thing. Banning religion is a horrible idea. In an ideal world people would willingly discard religion, not ban it.

    Yes, atheists are much less prone to wars. Look at Northern Europe, where most people are actually atheists today. most Americans are not atheist. Secular does not equal atheist. At least learn what these fucking words mean.

  11. And most Muslims believe atheists go to hell. That is a sickening and hateful worldview.

  12. 2) P.S. Thanks for the intelligent dialogue. It’s very refreshing not to be personally threatened/mocked when conversing with someone on YouTube. Oh, and I definitely do respect your opinion. I just don’t see how you can claim that Islam is causing people to do those things when I’m telling you beyond any thread of doubt that what they’re doing is 100% against Islam. I am Muslim myself. Islam is a big advocate of “live and let live” These people (Wahabis/Salafis) are *not* Muslims.

  13. That’s exactly my point! Judge the actions of people as actions of people, not something forced onto them by their religious affiliation! You stated earlier that religion should be entirely banished because they cause people to be aggressive, and now you’re stating your acknowledgment that people might be idiots regardless. If you think atheists are any less prone to wars/etc., you only need to look at secular governments like those of the US. Yeah, they’re so innocent, right?

  14. For those non-muslims, their intentional actions in their lives will be considered …and also… there will be a final ‘test’ for them at the Day of Judgement that will decide whether would he go to Hell or Heaven.

    And you are wrong about Women that are discriminated in islam. According to islam, Women and men are equal and have same rights, but sadly some muslims doesnt appear to follow this. See how i know this more than you and i just proved you were wrong.

  15. You have to know there are three kinds of people (Islamic point of view):
    1) Believers
    2) Non-Muslims
    3) Disbelievers

    1) Quran [17:15]: Allah (swt) says, He will not punish those, to whom He has not sent any messenger (to warn him).
    2) Quran [2:268]: Allah (swt) says, “to NO soul a Burden will be placed, greater than it can bear”
    3) Quran [5:48]: Allah (swt) says, for every human being, there is a different test depending on what he is capable of !

  16. united states, australia, canada,new zeland, south africa….ring any bell??

  17. My question my friend, is not about the history lessons I received but about the question of Why did White Europeans invaded and colonised all those lands, made all those native people as their slaves, exterminated most of them by the diseases they brought with them from Europe. Let those native tribes be barbarians and exterminate each other. Why did these people owe this generosity of being exterminated and tortured by these White Europeans for a change.Did those natives ever invaded Europe?.

  18. “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is in the Bible. How about them Crusades? You seem to imply that religious people actually care about being consistent as opposed to just doing what their leaders demand of them, like mindless sheep.

  19. arabs traded black slaves for a way longer period, i never hear any of them beeing accused and called for compensation.

  20. How does denouncing the number 1 holy book in Islam make you a “muslim extremist”? Please explain that. How does going directly against one of the 5 major sins in Islam (killing another human) indicative of being Muslim? Do you even know why Wahabis/Salafis kill? They admit that it’s against the Quran, but they have a story about some king in their messed up “holy book” the Bukhari. Look it up. I can go do crazy stuff and claim it in the name of whatever I want. Does my claim make it authentic?

  21. >Did i say that i was a mindreader?
    You directly inferred it by stating that I haven’t researched Islam, when that is not the case.

    >explain to me how you find the religion of islam as a hateful religion?
    Are you joking? From saying Non-Muslims will go to hell, to discriminating against women, to advocating death for leaving Islam, there are no shortage of hateful teachings in the Quran.

    I notice you’re in Sweden, a largely atheistic country. Why not go to Saudi Arabia and live under Sharia?

  22. Did i say that i was a mindreader? I just gave you suggestions on how to be open minded when you study islam and understand it with an open heart. And explain to me how you find the religion of islam as a hateful religion? If other people are different it doesnt mean that they must hate on the religion.

  23. You claim knowledge of what I have and have not researched. Are you a mindreader? I have read the Quran, as well as the Bible. I find them both to be full of hate and justification for harm towards others simply because they are different.

    Why should I not judge the religion? I judge both the religion itself and the followers. Argument from popularity is no argument at all, and you yourself acknowledge that not even all Muslims can agree on how to follow the Quran.

  24. lol you havent even read about islam and u havent even done reasarch about it, why not open the holy quran and read it then you would understand differently what it really is about? Why dont you go and speak to islamic scholars to find more facts about islam? Dont judge the religion, judge the people who are not even pracitizing 100% of the religion. Mark my words, DO NOT JUDGE THE RELIGION. Its the fastest growing religion and even the catholic roman church stated that islam has taken over us.

  25. This IS fake!!!!!!!!!
    There is a commercial like this for a few players
    including one for Andres Guardado, they were for a commercial!
    David Is good but no one can do this lol.
    Sorry but it is fake.

  26. this maybe fake but never say anything bad about david Beckham he’s a legend!

  27. u just jelos cuz ur not a real soccer player and u cant even do that bTCH!

  28. Fake and gay plus he a faggot for drinking this shit with a straw fuck pepsi

  29. … So there’s just one guy on a beach with Beckham…

  30. Haha you’re stupid. Yes it has been edited. This was one of his first pepsi commercials, yes it is fake.

  31. This is easy to fake.
    You kick 3 real balls, and as soon as they’re above the horizon, you take them out and replace them with CGI.

  32. Your stupid as hell to make a intellectual comparison to someone with a incurable disorder. Down Syndrome is incurable and has absolutely nothing to do with someone’s opinion on something. Not to mention, people with lisp are the result of either there tongue shape or irregular parts in the mouth (broken teeth, big tongue, small tongue, no front teeth,etc). The Dodo bird is extinct and has never been proven to be stupid scientifically. So, as a summary, get some Aloe Vera, you just got burned ;D

  33. Im sorry to say this but you sir are extremely stupid to believe Beckham have this type of accuracy… let me tell you this the video itself is real but the ball is not… the ball is a CGI and if you dont know what that means then Ill tell you…

  34. You are the equivalent of an down syndrome riddled dodo bird with a lisp if you think that was real.

  35. I saw a while ago a similar video from another guy (“David Beckham Beach Shots” from channel szajda09), I think it’s true, but … okay I’m just a woman… :-)

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