The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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6 Responses

  1. I’m guessing what you mean, since your question is poorly worded.

    There could be an asteroid or comet on its way towards the Earth – that is certainly possible.
    Right now, there are none that scientists know of that are headed our way with impacts within the next 10 years.

    Asteroid 99942 Apophis has a 1 in 45,000 chance it might strike the Earth in 2036.
    And asteroid (29075) 1950 DA has a 1 in 300 chance it will impact Earth in 2880.

    As of May 2008, 5,474 Near Earth Objects (NEOs) have been discovered and are being tracked by the Minor Planet Centre. The US, European Union and other nations are currently scanning the skies for NEOs in an joint program called Spaceguard.

  2. If you check, you’ll find that there are over 1100 asteroids and comets that will come close to our planet. All of them will not cause any damage to the planet or to people.

  3. You may be thinking of the asteroid Apophis. There was a collision alert for the 2029 approach, but it was cancelled after more observations showed that it will miss us in 2029. It will be a close approach at that time. We will continue to observe it’s orbit to determine whether it could impact us in 2036. We are looking at methods of mitigating its orbit if observations show a possible impact for that approach. Also, it isn’t an extinction size asteroid. It is only 320 meters long. This is large enough to cause regional destruction and tsunamis.

    “BUT DON’T EVACUATE just yet. Although we can’t force Apophis to miss the Earth after 2029, we have the technology to nudge it slightly off course well before then, causing it to miss the keyhole in the first place. According to NASA, a simple 1-ton “kinetic energy impactor” spacecraft thumping into Apophis at 5000 mph would do the trick. We already have a template for such a mission: NASA’s Deep Impact space probe—named after another 1998 cosmic-collision movie—slammed into the comet Tempel 1 in 2005 to gather data about the composition of its surface. Alternatively, an ion-drive-powered “gravity tractor” spacecraft could hover above Apophis and use its own tiny gravity to gently pull the asteroid off course.”

  4. The short answer is no.

    The long answer is that thousands of asteroids are approaching the Earth, and thousands of others are receding from us. But the ones approaching are not on a collision course. They will pass at some distance and start receding again. Most will pass millions of miles away while a very few will pass close, only thousands of miles away. But none is going to hit.

  5. No. The NASA JPL Near Earth Object web site shows no hazards of either a comet or an asteroid striking Earth.

  6. there is an asteroid which is going to hit our planet on
    21st december 2012……..

    most of the scientists believe that it is the day that earth is going to finish…..
    u can get more information in website

    and there r many videos in youtube relating that..

Is there already an asteroid approaching to our planet?

Question by Engr. Ronald: Is there already an asteroid approaching to our planet?
Is there already an asteroid or a Comet approaching to our planet to be impact, even its still very very far away from us?

Best answer:

Answer by oldwoodstockhippie
Yes,with the many asteroids in space there is one with earth as it’s target. This should be priority one to our governments,but as always it is on the back burner.

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