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25 Responses

  1. Global warming is not real. The earth’s temperature has only changed 1/10 of 1 degree in over one hundred years.

  2. Don’t ever try and make someone believe something. We don’t even have enough information to prove it.

  3. Why are you so determined to talk him into believing in global warming? If you love him, you should be focusing on building your relationship with him. It’s not your place to convince him of global warming. If we all think alike, what kind of world would this be?

  4. Don’t tell him you are going to talk about global warming and say you found an interesting science video and watch with him. Its not specifically about global warming but does deal with it quite a lot (and other science conspiracy issues). If he still doesn’t believe in global warming after that then I’m sorry but there isn’t much you can do to convince him.

    If you can’t convince him its not the end of the world you just need to accept he as a different opinion. Point out to him that there is no legitimate scientific body on the planet that denies global warming exists.

  5. I guess these people haven’t seen the artic pictures from space of the glacier caps that have shrunk to half there size in the past fifty years.Global warming does exist,people just like to drive their cars,play there x boxes,and are to wrapped up in there lives and what matter to them,and them alone,screw the rest of the rat race.I’ve been around for quite a few years,the weather has become more vol ital then when i was a little kid. I’ve watched the nova series on t,v,i would believe any of the scientist that they have on there before i would believe any word that comes out of a cops mouth.

  6. Just show him the science paper that demonstrates how much climate change is caused by a given amount of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.

  7. What can he do to convince you it’s a lie?

    How about no warming since 1998 DESPITE an INCREASE in man made CO2 in the atmosphere?

    How about ocean cooling DESPITE an INCREASE in man made CO2 in the atmosphere?

    I’m sure he loves you to death, but seriously you have to be skeptical. Instead of just believing like most alarmists do, look at the FACTS. The facts don’t support catastrophic global warming.

  8. Why is it so important? I guess it was important to those people in Jones Town to drink the Kool-aid. If you ever do convert him then drop him for he will be a loser.

  9. If he thinks it’s a conspiracy I think his mind has already been polluted with denial. You can try and show him the science behind it but, if he is far gone enough, he will just rant and rave how the government controls the science and nothing we see is real but is all part of some cover up in order for socialists to form a one world government and rob them of their hard earned money. If he believes this way then I’m afraid all you can do is laugh and point.

    If, however, his mind is open to new thoughts and ideas you can try to tell him the following and provide the related links.

    Anthropogenic global warming is a consequence of human interaction with their environment and the emissions of greenhouse gases as a consequence of that increasing the amount of longwave energy retention, or that energy that is re-emitted from the colder Earth after the shortwave solar energy from the warmer Sun has been absorbed by the surface, within the troposphere and hydrosphere. Certain gases with an uneven distribution of electric charges, called an electric dipole, and more than one atom per molecule have the ability to absorb radiation at these longer wavelengths.

    As you increase the amount of these gases in the atmosphere the amount of radiation at those specific wavelengths leaving the atmosphere decreases. Satellite measurements show this to be occurring and the wavelengths, which are attributable to specific greenhouse gases, it is occurring at (1, 2). As you can see more radiation associated with frequencies related to CO2, methane, water vapour, ozone, and various other gases are the frequencies that are being retained by the atmosphere more. If you look at the data in those specific studies you also see how much of an effect each gasses increasing concentration has. The major greenhouse gasses being water vapour, a feedback relating to temperature and not a forcing, CO2, the most concentrated possible forcing gas associated with human emissions with concentrations over 390 parts per million (ppm) and the most widely emitted gas by human interaction with their environment, methane, another growing greenhouse gas that has concentrations over 1.5ppm and growing, and ozone, tropospheric ozone emissions are the result of the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.

    The major forcing gas associated with the current warming is CO2. CO2 goes through two different cycles on different time periods. One known as the biological carbon cycle where carbon is cycled through the atmosphere, the biosphere and the hydrosphere. The other is the geological carbon cycle where carbon is often formed into rocks such as limestone and fossil fuels such as oil, lignite and coal. The problem with human usage of fossil fuels is that humans are adding more carbon into the biological carbon cycle that would not be there due to the slow turnover of carbon in the geological carbon cycle. This is reflected in the increasing CO2 atmospheric concentration, which is increasing at a rate of roughly 2ppm or 15.8gt annually (3), the increasing amount of carbon with 12 isotopes as opposed to that with 13 isotopes as plant-based matter, or that which most fossils fuels are most likely comprised, has a bias for 12C (4), and declining atmospheric oxygen concentration as that oxygen is now incorporated into CO2 molecules (5). We can also look at how annual human emissions, at over 30gt, compare to the atmospheric increase mentioned above (6).

    The reality of it is is that humans are increasing the temperature within the troposphere by adding greenhouse gases that would not be there naturally and are throwing the natural carbon cycle, or that cycle where the natural emissions of CO2 are generally offset by natural carbon sinks, out of wack. Several lines of additional evidence corroborate this including decreasing sea surface pH during a warming period where, naturally, the opposite would occur, due to increased CO2 uptake (7) as well as, perhaps, increased oceanic dead zones due to weakening upwelling caused by changes in trade wind activity (8).

  10. The global warming issue is not scientific any more, but political. That’s why I don’t think it is real.

  11. Take him to Glacier National Park in Montana, USA, before they (the glaciers) all melt.

    “Scientists studying the glaciers in the park have estimated that all the glaciers may disappear by 2020 if the current climate patterns persist”.

    Us old-timers can see the change.

  12. Tell him that if it wasn’t for global warming Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.

    Fortunately, Cro Magnon people learned how to make fire — the smoke from their campsites melted the glaciers.

  13. Jeff M. provided a good answer summarizing the science. I will add the observation that your boyfriend is not demonstrating an ability to make decisions based on evidence. GW is peripheral to your relationship, but you should consider how a flawed decision making process could impact you on more significant topics.

  14. Some here claim to be old timers and to have seen major changes in the earth’s climate. I have not. All I have seen is a decrease in air pollution in the United States. As far as the weather goes, I see no changes at all. The weather is different from year to year, it’s never the same, but on average, there have been no dramatic changes since I was a kid. Get this through your head: Carbon dioxide comprises 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, far too little to affect any change in the weather, or heat up the earth. If you want to account for any warming, look to the sun’s activity. We as humans are not affecting the earth’s temperature in any meaningful way. One volcano going off spews out more “greenhouse gases” than we have produced since the industrial revolution. You young people have nothing to fear except ignorance. Enjoy the world!

  15. Take him to the Arctic in 2 years time when all the ice has gone.

    When it snows tell him not to be so silly, it can’t be snow, the warmers promised very little snow.

    Take him to the Maldives, but be quick before they disappear forever under the ocean.

    What bollox, fortunately it’s Sunday and the pub opens in 3 hours time.

  16. If he’s an intelligent man you won’t be able to convince him. I completely understand the science. I get the CO2 is a green house gas, more is being added, and it’s getting warmer part. It’s the conclusions and predictions that I disagree with. Predictions of doom and gloom, the it’s unprecedented part, or that since man came along the balance has been ruined and since he’s contributing an additional 4% to the CO2 released into the atmosphere it’s going to get really hot around here. Melting glaciers and rising sea levels are going to wipe out millions of intelligent sentient beings because we’re too stupid to see how CO2 is ruining life on the planet. That natural disasters are much worse than they’ve ever been and we better watch out or they’re going to get worse, coupled with alarmist examples of what some believe to be evidence of the catastrophe already occurring and others say no these are just examples of the bad stuff going to happen just wait and see, like Katrina, droughts in drought prone regions, floods on river deltas during monsoon season, erosion of barrier islands, and these are the “normal” issues.

    Bottom line, you tell him when he’s around you he better agree with you or he’s going to be pleasing himself indefinitely.

  17. You don’t have to stress yourself about it. He’ll come around.

    Also, believing that global warming is just a matter of being informed. Some believe global warming because they feel like climate changes are caused by it. And some don’t because there’s not a lot of proven researches about it.

    What matters most, however, is that we reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible because it has a potential effect on the environment.

  18. The main reason most skeptics scoff at global warming is because origination’s like the UN want to use it to fund their “Socialist Agenda.” Direct redistribution of wealth from western Europe and the USA to third world nations. They call it “Reparations.” That is why we hear from Bolivia, Indonesia, and other third world nations over and over. They want free money from the west. It’s always about the money.

    Ever think that your boyfriend is correct and all your liberal friends are wrong? it’s more than likely the case because it’s always about the money.

Q&A: How can I convince my Boyfriend global warming is real?

Question by Mary D: How can I convince my Boyfriend global warming is real?
He thinks its a conspiracy.
I love him to death but seriously, he has to believe in it.
I guess if i cannot convince him then oh well. But I’d still love if he believed in it.

Best answer:

Answer by Rick
You can’t convince a reasonable man of something which is false. You ever think perhaps you are wrong? You know there are just as many credible scientists who dismiss global warming as there are who support it. So seriously, he doesn’t have to believe in it.

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