The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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11 Responses

  1. The movie the knowing had the oil rig explosion in the gulf. maybe they did
    know and hollywood was warning us

  2. aww ok if i was to believe this then I would also believe 9/11 was an
    inside job so Bush killed all those Americans on 9-11 on purpose.

  3. This guy should be given a bigger platform.He is one of the few with the
    guts to even ask for an investigation.

  4. @stme2008 I have no problem with 9/11 or the BP eco-disaster being an
    inside job. I mean hell, our troops over in Afghanistan are providing
    security for poppy fields. Know why? Because the CIA has an interest in
    opium to fund it’s BlackOps, it no secret…Sometimes these conspiracy are
    in plain sight, people just don’t want to know the truth, they are in

  5. “Not based on any fact”…in other words this stupid uncle tom doesn’t know

EVOO – Olive Oil – A Conspiracy Foodies Are Missing? Even organic olive oil found at your store may not be the real thing. If real organic Italian olive oil…
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BP Oil Spill. Tea Party Republican candidate Bill Randall from North Carolina alleges possible Gulf oil conspiracy between the Federal Government and BP.