The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

50 Responses

  1. what you need is an electro magnetic field over your magnets get
    a giant spool of wire and run electric current thru it and make a
    field of electricty and it will spin up the magnets

  2. i cant work like this because the force of the repelling magnets is going
    directly twards the middle of the shaft… i needs to be of centre to turn

  3. It will never work..If so we would see magnetic motors long time ago..One
    force will always cancel the other,it will never spin..any type of magnetic
    motor won’t spin,it’s waste of time,which you could spend with your

  4. That would have taken a bit of time to make all those pieces, very well
    engineered. The law of physics will make it not work as free energy doesn’t
    exist. There is always friction,, and when power is taken off the device
    will slow down, if it decided to work.

  5. tried this experiment once….if you spin it at about 1000 rpm for some odd
    reason they will spin 10% longer with magnets than without..kind of makes
    you think there may be something to it.. O_o..

  6. The shaft will need a alignment key. The magnets need to be angled for one
    direct force rotation to drive the generator or altinatore to create the
    electricity you want.
    Then you will need that electric motor to the wheels of your auto or hook
    up the electric motor directly to the bell housing on your cars
    Of course you will also need a regulator for the charging system and 12
    volt battery
    for back up.

  7. Quizás la mesa de metal influya en los imanes, si no, seguí intentando
    estas cerca del objetivo..saludos

  8. Cute kid, you just can’t beat the wonderment of a child. At 10:29 he said
    “still rolling”.

  9. your cog teeth are to large for the precession alignment necessary to
    complete the propagation loop.

  10. Would you ever consider selling this? Or can you make me one the same that
    I can buy?

  11. The design needs two positive forces against the wheels set at a constant
    variable. The two should force reaction against like an upside down cars
    wheels. The magnets set positive to positive will propel, but not as you
    have designed.

  12. The real question is, if it is possible to prove that perpetual motors
    exist? Even if you were to do a complete disassembling of the motor, it
    would still not count as ‘proof’. Even if someone else would replicate the
    results in another lab, it would still not count as ‘proof’. There simply
    is no way to prove it’s existence.

  13. Now I don’t know if this is true or not, or if it’s possible or not, but
    what I do know is that we’ve been told in the past that we can’t leave
    earth, and we did. We were also told that Rail travel at high speed is not
    possible, because passengers wouldn’t be able to breath. X-rays were
    believed to be a hoax. Also that flight by anything heavier than air, will
    not fly. So I say all the power to the people breaking the mold, for you
    won’t get anywhere conforming to the “laws” that inhibit you to invent for
    the future. 

  14. This video has nothing to do with us Turks. We present our knowledge enough
    to rewrite physics but please do not link us with such a low price. Best

  15. mr. yildiz, have you thought of repositioning the motor to have less wear
    and tear?

  16. A conclusive test would be: hand it to independent, who will observe it
    running, over a protracted time. No other test is proof!

  17. It’s fun to suspend disbelief for a moment and be awed by the wonders of
    magic. But at some point we have to leave the auditorium so the
    housekeepers can sweep the popcorn from the floors. Obviously, some of you
    refuse to leave the auditorium.

  18. My question is… Why all the super secretive BS? If someone has perfected
    a technology that is potentially world changing as this, why not submit it
    for peer review to the scientific community? As far as concerns of the
    technology being stolen, and patent offices not allowing the patenting of
    anything that would be considered a perpetual energy device, it is a simple
    matter of documenting your research and development with a verifiable, and
    indisputable time line to prove that you perfected it. You would not be
    denied at the very least an indisputable copyright and ownership of your
    work. If it is legitimate, and can be reproduced by others in the
    scientific community, every major law firm in the world will beat your door
    down to represent you in the event that someone tries to steal, or profit
    from your research. When one does a demonstration like this, and does not
    allow any close examination, or peer review, it only stinks of fraud the
    likes of Carl Tilley and his “Magic” box Delorean with all the gold wires
    and such. As an enthusiastic (amateur) alternative energy researcher
    myself, I always get excited when something revolutionary comes to light,
    but every time, they pull the same crap like this. It does nothing to help
    the cause of our research. If it truly works, the truth will always win out
    in the end. Furthermore, if the inventor has not tested and proven his
    invention to the point of 100% certainty, using universally accepted
    scientific methods of proving your invention, then they have no business
    wasting the public’s time with press releases and demonstrations. That’s
    why the scientific community is so reluctant to even consider anything from
    this realm of research. Thus far everything that has come along has been
    shrouded in BS, secrecy, and sadly, most of the time, smoke and mirror
    I find it incredibly difficult to believe that if someone were to truly
    perfect a device that could run on it’s own, such as a magnet motor for
    instance, use it to spin an alternator and generate electricity, that the
    world would not beat a path to the inventor’s door and hail them as a hero.
    All the BS about inventors being taken out by some ghostly Illuminati
    that’s in fear of losing their grip on the energy industry just doesn’t
    carry any credibility in today’s information age. The mass media would have
    a field day with such a conspiracy.
    I personally feel that using magnets in some heretofore untried
    configuration, could at the very least, result in a more efficient, if not,
    dare I say self sustaining mode of rotational force that could be harnessed
    to generate energy in some fashion. I am not a physicist, by any means, but
    I believe that “fresh eyeball” syndrome could someday lead someone to a
    revolutionary discovery. 

  19. The physicists here seem to be confusing free energy with perpetual
    machines. This obviously isn’t a perpetual machine. Friction will kill it
    eventually. Rather than calling it “free energy,” perhaps it would help to
    call it “highly conserved” energy. The fact that it runs for many hours,
    pushing air, without slowing down makes it impressive whether you buy into
    any of the reasoning for why it works. Remember, this device does actually
    work for many hours using a minimal starting force. That’s a great
    accomplishment and could help generate energy for off-grid applications.
    I’m betting most impoverished people wouldn’t mind turning a crank for 10
    seconds in the morning to have free electricity all day long.

    For those pompous purists who believe our current understanding of physics
    is written in stone, despite a plethora of real world anomalous
    measurements to the contrary, what have YOU created lately? The best
    physicists in history have started by assuming that any given current
    understanding is simply one possible representation of what’s really
    happening. Look at Newton vs. Einstein. There are many brilliant physicists
    who think outside the existing frameworks and then there are the pedestrian
    masses of physicists who are too narrow-minded to do anything other than
    follow the “rules” that true thinkers established for them. They remind me
    of the supposed experts who argued vehemently for centuries that the Earth
    was flat. When you close your mind, you prevent true understanding from
    ever entering.

    Yes, you can prove that 2+2=4. But you can also prove that 1+3=4 or
    2.26+1.74=4. Limiting yourself to one possible explanation for any
    particular result is pretty simple minded. I don’t care how many degrees
    you hold.

  20. rofl, he stopped it because he did not want a cascading failure of the
    magnets, rofl.
    What bull crap.
    He stopped it because the batteries inside it that were powering it were
    running down, thus the RPM reduction. What a scammer.

  21. At 5.20 you say he uses a brake surely what he does is the same as starting
    but in reverse. I would think knocking a magnet alignment into position, a
    load break would be a component that would wear and give trouble over time.
    If he is using silicon to bond this is still a test model. The magnets
    need to be tested for lifespan. The way to test the magnets life is easy
    and should be tested on video just set 2 magnets opposing each other in a
    test rig and measure the gap between them over time maybe a extended finger
    pointer to get a precise measurement against a graduated scale. This is a
    rig that can be made in about 1 hour and the magnets are on ebay.

  22. Being that I was not there to physically scrutinize the device, I will
    neither deny nor confirm that this device works or is a hoax. Now, as a
    person who doesn’t believe in limitations of the human mind, I’d like to
    say that the possibility of this device are sound.

    If you don’t believe that this is possible, then think back to when it was
    wrong to think the world was round. To when a submarine was nothing but
    letters on a piece of paper in a novel.

    I may not be the most intelligent person alive but for those who know
    everything about anything (particularly those that say that the energy and
    math don’t add up) my question to them is: have you ever considered that
    the magnetic force is the same as gravity.

    Magnets can be considered a universal form of battery. Gravity promotes
    movement of energy with positive and negative poles releasing energy
    outward. Key is to harness this.

    As for the open/closed system where energy in an open system will gradually
    be lost, I would agree with you. however and again, have you considered the
    gravitational energy of the magnet being lost due to this process?

    And finally, in a natural setting, I’d suggest going much larger. A neutron
    star would be one hell of a source of free energy as long as you have
    something in the right spot to circle around it.

    We are far too small, insignificant, and stupid to be telling the rest of
    the universe how to act. Instead of limiting the possibilities, I suggest
    keep going until something happens. After all, there is no such thing as
    100%. There is always the possibility that such a device can and will
    someday exist.

  23. good documentation – but permanent magnet generators – and overunity, well,
    its been around for a long time. Gray, Tewari, et al, myself included, can
    build / design these things. I’d like to take an old design I had and see
    what it does under a high current load. I also intend to check this out
    further. No mention of NdFe, NdBo – so I’d like to know.

  24. Imagine how far along this technology would be if they had the billions
    that’s wasted on the polluting inefficient internal combustion engine

  25. I have a real Free energy motor kicking out about 10KW, this is such a
    joke, thin film chemical battery’s, lithium po embedded into the the case a
    whole host, I can get a motor to spin for days using current tech , 4.5
    hours is poor, good conman bad demo, 120 magnets 20 billion same deal,
    power in = power out, famous con artist, Anyone is free to see test check
    with what ever my 10KW Free energy machine, its REALLY simple :)

  26. cant help but think if it worked as described we would see a extreame
    runaway with the speed.

  27. Já vimos uns chineses no evento, para copiar o projeto. É incrível como
    eles copiam tudo. Até mesmo um aparelho que fiz, visando melhorar situação
    da coluna vertebral, foi copiado por eles e hoje está sendo vendido no
    (We’ve seen some Chinese people at event to copy the design. It’s
    incredible how they copy everything. Even an appliance that I made to
    improve the situation of spine, was copied by them and today is being sold
    on alibaba.)

  28. the conservation of energy the way you guys see it means that the energy
    you consumed in your entire life u should only make agriculture and not
    have time for anything else .. nobody knows what energy is only that it’s
    always more that beleved .. all matter has energy in it because of the sun
    .. when u have 0 degrees kelvin then u don’t have energy.

  29. To disprove the use of a battery pack, these motors need to run untouched
    for a period of time to negate the assumption of using batteries.
    I have yet to see this or hear it witnessed by qualified observers.

  30. lmao at people who think this is a scam. it is nt a scam nor is it
    perpetual free energy or zero point energy.. it is run on magnets. magets
    run down after a while but still pretty cool.
    how long does it run is the question ?

  31. Respectfully :Maybe you would consider using neodym´s with epoxy covering
    instead of nickel ?

  32. This is absolutely brilliant. I have been thinking about perpetual motion
    and limitless zero-fuel motion magnetic motors recently and this guy has
    nailed it. The world needs this and it has so many applications the list is
    endless. Imagine re-charging your bike or car while you drive with no down
    time or a house or sub stations powering a city 24/7! Definately got to be
    the undeniable best form of generation of electricity thats possible. Not
    sure how long magnets hold there force but like any physical object I know
    they will deteriorate over time. By far this has got to be the limit being
    pushed. Thumbs up from me. Well done.

  33. This is dumb as shit for anyone to believe to begin with, but for the ones
    that want to know how long it spins that really is everything because if it
    works for an instant it works forever, and that may be a way for people to
    better understand.
    So why doesn’t he keep it running under the glass forever? Because ha ha
    made you look that’s why.

Magnet Motor part 2

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