The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. I like hydrogen fuel as much as I like the world to shift into hydrogen
    economy but the only thing I’m very worried is about the safety of the
    hydrogen tank.

  2. Cooh! Everyone is all cock a hoop to turn the Earths atmosphere into
    water… What happens when the oxygen is gone for good?

  3. @darrenspiece If I understand correctly, this with use considerably less
    amounts of gas in proportion to miles per gallon then a normal car. Plus,
    this is just a stop gap measure until a hydrogen economy is in place.

  4. @bigwillchill Mileage: The car needs the same amount of energy like a
    gasoline car with 68 miles per gallon. Yes, you can make your own hydrogen:
    You need about 75 kWh electricity to produce enough hydrogen for 100 miles.
    HHO fuel cell people grow up! You still seem to believe in Santa Claus.

  5. In what NASA has used for 40-years, a FUEL CELL, which combines hydrogen
    and oxygen, the two most common elements in the universe, and turns it
    dierctly into electricity, emitting drinking water as a by-product!

  6. @executableapplet The sun runs on nuclear fusion not chemical reactions. I
    didn’t say anything about fueling up more often nor was a knocking this
    hydrogen car in any way. I was just pointing out the flaw in the logic of
    running a car on water to another commenter. Also, while hydrogen may be
    the most abundant element in the universe most of it here on earth is tied
    up in molecules with other elements already and you need energy to free it.
    So hydrogen is more just an energy storage medium.

  7. Yo freedom! It uses a hydrogen fuel cell. The fuel cell takes hydrogen from
    a tank and mixes the hydrogen with ambient air to create massive amounts of
    electricity that is collected in the battery. ( I believe the FCX Clarity
    uses lithium ion, but I could be wrong ). This technology is different than
    what most people are working on. ( ie: water to hydrogen in gas burning
    cars that use electrolisis or hydrogen generators converting water to fuel
    e.t.c. ) This has great potential.

  8. Nice Video That You Share , So Very Nice Thanks You Short video of the new
    2009 Honda FCX hydrogen powered car. The future is here now.

  9. The only problem is, it is not happening fast enough. We can make the
    goverments help with the hydrogen fueling stations.Remember one thing,
    there is power in numbers.Right now it is not a free market but we can
    change that..

  10. Fuel cells are wrong! If i could modify a car to use natural gas and then
    install electrolysis HHO production units under the hood and use HHO in
    place of the natural gas, then I’d approve of that as a green car. Another
    problem is that fuel cells wear out and then you’ve got to replace them and
    Honda probably sells it for $3000 on a $50,000 car that no body can afford
    except the upper 5% but then a very large majority is stuck with petroleum
    monsters. Oil companies conspiracy!

  11. HONDA and TOYOTA are the most advance propulsionand robotics companies on
    the planet, next to BOEING and LOCKHEED MARTIN.

  12. It’s not that simple hydrogen is very good at bonding to other elements and
    it is difficult to break those bonds doing so requires a lot of energy. The
    same amount of time and effort goes into separating hydrogen from compounds
    to produce pure hydrogen as it takes to refine oil. But on the plus side
    the emissions are water vapour so there is no harm done to the atmosphere
    and the hydrogen gets recycled.

  13. We have an endless supply of water. You then create the electricity through
    wind, solar or hydro which are all clean sources. You then run the
    electricity through the water to release the hydrogen. Hydrogen is the fuel
    we will burn with zero pollution.

  14. @flref0x Gp to 3:01 he says it gets 68 MPG its just a hybrid that runs on
    gas and has a hydrogen booster. You can google it and see the cell too its
    not much better than a home made one dumb ass!!

  15. Hmm I feel like I’ve heard this before… oh yes that’s right! Top Gear
    said that LAST YEAR

  16. Good, I like that you share this video, I wish success always Short video
    of the new 2009 Honda FCX hydrogen powered car. The future is here now.

Honda FCX Hydrogen Powered Car – Available Now!!

Short video of the new 2009 Honda FCX hydrogen powered car. The future is here now.