The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

17 Responses

  1. Great stuff! Always good to see the creations of other guys like myself
    who build shit because they can!

    Here’s an idea I am incorporating into my windvane – flash the LED in time
    with the propeller, and you will be able to see how hard the wind is
    blowing at night!

  2. Neat video! I never new about the electric motor being able to
    make electricity like a generator when the shaft spins.

  3. Yep, It will have to have power storage, no matter what…
    Sometimes I wish I was independently wealthy, so as to be in a shop all day
    think’n and build’n… Thats the life… Tinker’n…

  4. Great video ! Learned something new from this. Thanks, I will try this
    soon. Thanks and keep them coming.

  5. second – great reminder that with all the junk we have out there (ie.. old
    printers etc..) we are surrounded by potential generators 

  6. Love the video for a couple reasons – first, it’s a great reminder that
    when you add electricity a motor can generate physical power for things
    things but when you reverse the process and apply physical power to the
    motor you turn it into a generator and create electricity. Most people
    don’t know this and it’s simple but so well illustrated by the video – Same
    reason you can start your car by pushing it down hill and throwing it into
    gear – good work!

  7. hey that works i took a motor out of a printer hook it up to a led lamp it
    lights up
    now i’m going to make a Whirligig thank you………

    mike byrd

  8. That is really cool, thanks for the tech info and the basic idea. I may
    attempt one of these myself

  9. I have a BUNCH of stepper motors, I’m going to do this with one of them to
    test them out. thanks

  10. you must take this to QVC! Dude, this is awesome! I can imagine it as an
    airplane with all the lights inside the cockpit and running lights and
    windows that allow you to see the inside seats, etc…….. Did you finish
    another ? waterproofed ? more lights?

Whirligig – Wind Powered Led Path Light Thingy

It spins outdoors in the wind and lights a couple LEDs by using a small electric on board motor used in reverse to generate the power. This was built from sc…
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