The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. Here’s UKIP back in 2010 on the crazy wind turbines scheme driven by EU
    directives who only care about their jobs, personal finances, and don’t
    give a damn about the citizens of member countries. UKIP has been fighting
    this sort of state-run self-serving socialist (aka green) big government
    power drive (like the man-made climate change / global warming scam) for a
    long time and should be supported in that battle for what’s right and good.

  2. We don’t need to save the planet…. the planet is perfectly capable of
    saving itself … the planet has been around for about four and a half
    billion years …has had several ice ages and continental shifts within
    that period … we have been industrialised pumping out “greenhouse gases”
    etc for approx 200 years and we think that has made a difference to the
    planet …. all the global warming wacko’s live in cloud cuckoo land …..
    The only people who benefit from the Global Warming Conspiracy are the same
    money grabbing bastards who benefit from everything else on our
    kleptocratic planet ….. Global warming is just another bunch of bullshit
    to get us all to pay more for our energy …. these people make money
    building ineffecient wind turbines … they then get more money from the
    14% subsidy we all pay for green energy …. Get it into your thick skulls
    the planet is perfectly capable of saving itself … it doesn’t fucking
    need our help …. The planet is great …its the human race that is fucked
    ….and the sooner the fucking better if you ask me …. at least it will
    get rid of all the whingeing politically correct do gooders at the same
    time as the rest of us miserable fuckers ….A-fucking-men

  3. The tides happen every day in and out so lets build windmills that dont
    work when there is no wind

  4. What is the point exactly? Well I’ll tell you. Creating wind turbines will
    undoubtedly save the world… I highly doubt it. For example, if you take
    into consideration, China with their Coal plants or America’s newly
    devolved way of harvesting Shale gas (Fracking). You could have 100
    countries the same Britain with complete and utter “clean energy” and STILL
    not be able to contend with the emissions and fumes of the Super powers. So
    please believe the Government when they say we’re “setting an example”
    because we are. That example is that Britain is more than happy to be a
    laughing stock for the world. We still believe we Brits have influence on
    these countries, If you believe that, you’re seriously deluded. The only
    good they’re doing for us is putting our Jobs at risk and our power on a
    deadline. Nigel I agree, I can’t conceive of a Government that thinks
    bringing our country into a “goody goody two shoes” protectorates of the EU
    is a good thing. These people’s minds are beyond me 

  5. For those of you who don’t believe what Farage says…. how much did your
    electricity bills increase?

  6. HEY, PAY ATTENTION, IT AIN’T RECESS YET;-So, if windmills are not
    efficient, then how did the Dutch use them for several centuries, (and VERY
    EFFECTIVELY, I might add), and pump sea water out of useable farm land, and
    create hundreds of thousands of acres of usable farmland? Okay, fast
    forward to the 1970s. Someone came up with the bright idea of creating
    ELECTRICAL windmills. But first they had to SELL THE IDEA! But no one
    would take an old fashioned looking “Dutch” windmill seriously, right? IT
    HAD TO LOOK “MODERN”! So some bright boy sez-“Hey let’s make these
    windmills look like AIROPLANE PROPELLERS?” And they gave him a corner
    office, and a horny intern named “Monica”, and they all got stock options,
    and BMWs, and all lived happily ever after. 

  7. Here’s the truth;-Electrical windmills will work very well. But they must
    have large blades, and create torque, so that they can turn a generator and
    make electricity. Here’s the rub;- Once an efficient “Dutch” electrical
    windmill starts turning, it produces lots of electricity, AT VERY LITTLE
    COST. And big industry, (coal, oil, gas, etc.) begins to lose money. And
    the same people who own all those industries, also own “modern” electrical
    windmill companies. This would be called “pissing in the soup”, and the
    oil, gas and coal boys are too smart to do that. So they create electrical
    windmills that don’t work.

  8. OKAY, RING THE BELL, SCHOOL IS IN;–“Once upon a time, there was a country
    called HOLLAND. And Holland had lots of land. The only problem is, it was
    mostly under the sea. So the Dutch, (being very clever people), decided to
    build something they called “dikes”, which are simply big earthen dams.
    And they built huge windmills, and they pumped the land enclosed by the
    dikes, (hey, no gay jokes here, please), completely dry, and turned that
    land into farmland.

  9. what a nice list of irrelevant bull shit im sure the opinions of those 5
    people who know nothing about what there talking about is valid and by many
    scientists he means 3 percent of scientists where as the other 97 percent
    think the opposite 

  10. Typical climate skeptical bullshit, I feel sorry for anyone who was
    brainwashed by that

  11. absolutely fucking outrageous, natural resources like coal and oil are
    clearly running out, why the fuck wouldnt you want to invest in renewable
    energy? and how the fuck are wind turbines more ugly than massive power
    stations churning out smoke???

    ukip is outrageously stupid and i honestly don’t understand how they’ve
    manages to win over the majority of the UK?!?!?!?

  12. They dont give jobs to local people? utter tosh windfarms are one of the
    largest source of new jobs this year as specific industries go.

    How many of these people do you reckon have engineering qualifications
    required in order to say they are a “waste of space” or not? as for them
    being an eyesore, i think they are rather beautiful, a testament to human
    ingenuity, the romans showed off their skills in engineering with their
    aqueducts, we do it with our windfarms.

    They are not inefficient, that is a fact, windfarms will sustain us into
    the future and provided we master tidal energy in the next 50 years we can
    be a self sufficient nation electricity wise purely on renewables.

    of course Mr Farages mates on the trading desks (he used to do metals but
    they have the same for oil and gas) wont be happy as they wont be able to
    skim huge bonuses off the futures pricing mechanisms anymore!

    How about that for convinient.

    and you know whats? im an oil and gas engineer so what im saying here is in
    support of putting myself out of a job for gods sake

  13. Windfarms automatically shut down in severe weather, and they only produce
    a fraction of power, 100,000 wind turbines could only manage a top power of
    a days worth of power of a nuclear power plant, only on a truly windy day
    that lasts all year could wind farms be effective as a green energy and i
    am all for green energy.

  14. Why is Germany building sow many coal plants after they decided to close
    nuclear stations? Cant bird-choppers produce enough electricity? 

  15. what a hilarious comment below ” and they actually create more CO2 to build
    and run than a fossil fuel power station of the same output. The current
    technology simply isn’t good enough to make these worth building.”

    not only is that an outright lie, it also stinks of “we’re not good enough
    to do it so lets not bother”

    completely failing to realize that the way you get better at doing
    something is by doing it, trial and error, if we build a windfarm and we
    find out that gearboxes break then we can study the data to find out how to
    make more resilient gearboxes, do you think when they first invented the
    car and they stalled it on the test drive they should have given up the
    project altogether and thrown it on the scrap pile?

    Fucking troglodytes

  16. When they are not revolving it does not mean there is no wind. More often
    than not it is that the very complicated gear boxes are broken. These cost
    ten of thousands of £ss to repair. Then of course there are the
    government’s land owning friends who are making millions of pounds out of
    this farce.

  17. Not only that, but revving those gas, coal, and oil plants up and down in
    order to support the fluctuating power from the turbines creates more
    pollution, higher costs, and more inefficiency than just letting them run
    at a constant pace. Green energy is just another special interest group
    feeding from the trough of big government.

  18. @FoAmY99 problem is as i am sure you know oil is running out, gas is
    becoming more expensive, coal is dangerous to mine, destroys local
    habitats, very polluting, and like all fossil fuels is not infinant,
    nuclear power is off the agenda (according to the UK Govt after Fukushima)
    – does Nigel have any better ideas – or is he just using this as part of
    his armoury in his personal crusade against the EU? My guess is thats
    exactly right …he has no interest in the issue at all!

UKIP Nigel Farage MEP – The Lunacy of wind turbines

UK Independence talks about the crazy scheme driven by EU directives, of building wind turbines. 2010 political slot.
Video Rating: 4 / 5