The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses


    Even though the video “appears” to be very convincing, after a frame by
    frame analysis of this video using software, I can tell you exactly how
    this was done, or how I could have done this myself to fool others.

    1) Since there is no audio, it appears that the individual was pointing out
    how he added magnets to the motor to make it a permanent magnet alternator.
    2) The board with all the switches, wires, and lights looks legit.
    3) The real giveaway is at 3:35 in the video. Using frame by frame
    analysis, you can see that once the motor is spun by hand, a certain speed
    is attained(which is clearly visible due to the screw on the motor’s shaft
    with the spring) which is the same speed as when the cage is closed around
    the spinning magnet motor. You will notice that no light is on before the
    cage is closed, but once the cage is closed, presto, the light turns on
    even though the speed is the same. You can easily observe this. So clearly
    when the cage is closed, there is a switch which allows external power to
    be supplied to the motor so it can spin the magnet motor, and at the same
    time power the light and the fan to give the illusion the magnet motor is
    doing all the work.
    4) So how was the power supplied? You also will notice that the side straps
    of the PMA are bolted to the wood boards(Not one solid board). If you look
    very closely, you can see there are some sort of insulating spacers between
    the motor housing and steel straps. This tells me external mains power is
    being supplied through the straps into the motor. Notice that there is NO
    REASON ON EARTH why the person would have to add extra boards under the
    motor assemby when the top board is one solid piece of wood. Between the
    wooden boards are thin steel or copper straps which are routing power to
    the hidden switch on the cage, and to a spot where he drives in the (2)
    nails into the Earth.
    5) No reason to nail the board into the ground before he used the unit.
    That assembly was not going anywhere, especially at low RPM’s. The purpose
    of the 2 nails was to make contact with the metal inside the 2 boards, and
    go into the dry Earth(Looks like Inda/Pakistan), to make contact with 2
    thin metal plates that are buried and connected to mains power.
    6) You also can observe that as extra load is added, it has no effect on
    the RPM.


    Sucks that so many scam artists exist. I debunked a couple on my channel.

  2. Magnetic Field dudes! It’s animated by magnet and powers the copper coils,
    I will try this if I have the materials… let’s trample down the greedy
    power firms.

  3. To get 3KW out this you would need about 3.5 KW coming out of the generator
    but the tiny little spring connecting the motor to the generator is
    laughable, does anybody really believe that amount of torque is going
    through that connection? Unfortunately yes there is, foil hatters that hate
    anybody with some common sense and a basic knowledge of physics.

  4. Some times I really wonder how stupid people can be. Have you ever heard of
    the MONOPOLE MAGNET???? It got only one pole, N or S. Use a few in the
    motor this guy is using, you will get the same result. FREE ENERGY!!!!! Go
    build it as he build it, then your freakin small minded assholes will wake
    up. Stop seeing as a fake, go try it. Build it. Fucking morons!!!!!!!! If
    you really want to know, the Pakistani people are one of the most
    intelligent people on earth. A magnet looses its magnetic field over more
    then a hundred years.

  5. even if this one is fake , the magnet motor and free energy of Nikola Tesla
    is exist , you just can’t beleive because your are slaves of Edison and
    your education system

  6. People who do not want to believe that magnet machines work: LISTEN! Why
    are you watching things like this? To show the world how stupid you are? If
    you do not understand the mechanics of it why are you acting like you do?
    That shows an enormous stupidity and a very puny, tiny brain. If you don’t
    appreciate the work this man put into this motor and you think he is faking
    it, I tell you what. You think hard about it, build this same machine and
    then you put it on you tube so dumb people like your selves can see it.
    Lets see what you gono say than.
    The machine works. I built one in 2007 and published it in 2010. It works,
    and it is surprisingly simple. 

  7. Hoax. Why did he stop the rotor immediately? Why didn’t he let the rotor
    stop slowly, so that we can see the lights fade out? Because the lights are
    connected to an external power source through a simple switch. It can be
    only on or off. Maybe in the next version you could add a piece of
    electronics that fades the lights out to make your hoax more believable.

  8. 1, Going from my old memory the supposedly generator looks remarkably like
    an old DYNASTART unit starter/dynamo.
    2, have a good look at the two rods left and right of the supposedly
    generator it’s my opinion their supplying power like one would need to run
    a motor.
    3, it’s my opinion that the magnets arms lifted in the video are nothing
    more than a switch that’s used to switch the power on to the motor through
    the two rods,
    4, the wires out the back of the motor to run the light and water heater
    are also connected to the two rods that supply the motor.

    Ok how’s he powering you scream.
    5, why move it on to the soil to run it after all the hard floor would have
    been the best place.
    6, he’s very pacific with the positioning of the unit.
    7, Have a good look at 110 in the video you will see alignments on the soil
    together with a board pointing the line out for him that he uses as a
    convenient levelling block after it’s all aligned.
    8, the two nails he hammers in through the predrilled holes (0.28 in the
    video) supposedly to anchor it to the floor are indeed used to connect
    power from soft plates under the soil that the nails pierce in order to
    make the power connections.
    9, how’s it all connected you ask, 0.18 in the video we see what looks like
    18mm boards set out like a samwidge hiding the connections.
    10, the spring like coupler would be too inefficient to carry the load that
    the generator supposedly generating, however it the supposedly generator is
    indeed a motor turning a light load as in the video the spring like coupler
    would possibly drive the magnet motor as the load would be insignificant
    with most of the magnets removed as one can see in the video.
    11, the short out test that starts at 4.35 is proof of the efficiency of
    enamelled copper wire.

    He could be using a wireless power setup just like I’ve suspected in
    videos on YouTube to power some units but has this unit is a bit of a low
    end setup I think the nail theory holds more water on this one.

    All the above in my comment is of my opinion and is not a derogative of any
    work or demo in the video but a response to the author of this video that
    through down a challenge at the beginning.

  9. this is ridiculously fake . look at 8:41 . he shuts down the motor but the
    fan is still going strong . just look at the fan going with the motor off.

  10. Love it, High Tech manufactured generator strapped to a crappy board with a
    spring from the prime mover LOL. Try putting say half the rated torque
    through the spring and watch it vaporize. 

  11. Also see his other videos on this device he has the fan on the soil with
    the nails holding it down, more like supplying power to run it all just
    like in my last comment. lol 


  13. This may not be real, because just looking at it, the only thing not truely
    shown is the insides of that motor, I really want to see inside that
    motor/alternator. I would expect to find a few Ultra Capacitors, &
    battery/batteries, & an DC-AC inverter. If not in there, then this would
    seem real to me. Would just like to see inside that motor/alternator. Never
    under-estimate the craftiness of man.

  14. BTW. I didn’t mean to say there is no free energy. As a matter of fact I do
    a lot of experiments in this field. (And I definitely had a lot of free
    lunches, debunking those who say “there is no such thing as a free lunch”).
    But this video… cmon guys. Peace.

  15. A glued groundplate, why non an clear acrylic one? Nails are put in the
    ground? Why not on the stonefloor? And he starts the generator by hand, but
    the lightbulbs startet later emidietly wen he closed the stator. And to
    make it watertight, when you got an generator running and you switch on
    some extra bulbs, the voltitge drops at the first seconds the bulbs getin
    darker. But here, same brighnes at the swiching.
    There is better made Hoax at the net out there.

  16. Si bien es cierto que cualquier cosa puede pasar detrás de cámaras, los
    ingenieros estamos para dar soluciones eficientes a los problemas. esto es
    un desafío y una buen manera de divertirse. Saludos al desafiante. 

  17. its on the dirt and has a double wooden base, i could connect it to any
    power source while the camera isnt watching lel

  18. User *Aetila* chooses to inhibit comments to his incompetent statements.
    Neither Tesla nor Leonardo or Galileio broke any laws of physics. I wish
    that he or other fans of Mr. Kahloon could explain, why this “motor” is not
    shown by Mr. Kahloon in a more credible way? Why is there always the chance
    of a hidden power connection? First video board next to a door and never
    raised, second video two nails driven in without any need, third video the
    board is raised after all, but connected to a ventilator which is not
    raised! LOL! And top of the cream is Mr. Kahloons gravity wheel following
    this construction:
    A construction known since medieval times and even then it was known that
    it doesn’t work – when not driven by a hidden battery and an e-motor.
    *Aetila* will probably also believe in this gravity wheel. Very likely it’s
    the anti-gravity beetle wings that make this wheel work …

  19. I wonder what magnets he used monopole or bipolar? bipolar magnets do not
    give pure magnetic field to propel the rotor!

  20. 你是哪国人啊,为什么要发布这种骗局想成名吗,洛克希德马丁公司都解决不了永动机,你更牛这么烂的机器竟能发出几百瓦的电能,你当别人都像你一样愚蠢?

  21. fake only.. Bcoz he is using 4 bulbs and heater and fan… it will take
    approximately 300Kw. But speed is very less in video i think it way be
    around 200 rpm its not enough to build voltage to light a heater and Bulb,
    and most important thing is he connected the gear train with spring
    coupling it will not transmit that much torque… So Fake… my
    friends….. but good attempt man…..

  22. Its all in the nails driven through the thin ally plates sandwiched between
    the double baseboards. Then into similar plates (live) under the dirt????
    Hand spin up needed so as when the mag motor is closed power is applied to
    the generator (motor) but the real mains power is switched on by the mag
    motor top half closing, actuating a hidden switch? True the spring coupling
    would barely turn the generator on no load..never mind a few kW!!

  23. If you put a magnet on your knob and wrap copper wire round your fingers
    you can power a small village.

Free Energy Selfrunning Magnet Motor ??? – Fact or Fake ? Wasif Kahloon challenge to the engineers Free Energy Selfrunning Magnet Motor – Wasif Kahloon challenge to the engineers https://www.faceb…