The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

49 Responses

  1. I hate to say it, but this kind of shielding cannot provide energy. It may
    shield an entire field to protect other parts of a machine, like eg in a
    harddrive. But there is one fundamental thing you guys need to understand:
    a magnetic field is a loop from north to south pole, you cannot cut this
    loop. what goes into the field must pass a certain amount of field density
    layers and when it leaves the field, it will pass the exact same amount of
    layers. There is no backdoor with no layers on it because the field is a
    toroidal, looped vector. You may compress or redirect these layers by
    “shielding”, but you will not be able to reduce the number of them (with
    passive materials).

    However there is one exception which may have the potential to screw the
    Maxwell equations: if you turn a magnetic field by 90 deg, it will
    neutralize its attraction to a second field. Try this: Stick two rod
    magnets together, side by side, so one has N up, the other S. Now carefully
    shear one of them to a 90 deg angle while the centers of the two remain in
    place. It does not take much force. Now you can pull them appart without
    any force required!

    Tho, a mechanical implementation for a motor based on this phenomen may be
    rather tricky. Furthermore, one should test if the amount of energy
    required for shearing is really lower that what is in the primary
    attraction… Peace.

  2. Just use tin. It works perfectly and you don’t need all those layers. You
    can even use metal flashing as that works beautiful as well. A single layer
    of mu-metal works the best as that’s what’ used in hard drives.

  3. The aluminium does nothing, the steel short circuits the mag field so the
    flux aligns tightly N_S via the steel, basically it kills the magnetic
    field.There can be no magnetic force from one pole, its like trying to use
    a battery with one terminal isolated and saying positive is useable as a
    source, (no flow=no go) or am i missing something here?
    The earth is a magnet, isolate one pole and your compass would be as much
    use as a chocolate fireguard….Get me out of here…
    If someone comes up with magnetic commutation thats another scenario?????

  4. You did not discover anything. Have you ever heard of mu-metal? YOU ARE

  5. Ok, so let me get this straight. You take a sheet of Iron and a sheet of
    Aluminum, and wrap it around the magnet. I’m taking it, one wrap Iron (i)
    then aluminum (a), then i-a, i-a…so on and so on, until you get the
    thickness that you want. Why the two elements? Why not just Iron? Does a
    mixture of the two make this affect?

  6. One of the problems that I ran into when using aluminum as a shielding
    medium is that eddying currents can be created within it, thus creating
    drag and the iron or steel simply creates an attraction.
    In my opinion this doesn’t make a very effective shielding medium for an
    actively rotating motor.

  7. Got to correct something: when I wrote “shear” in my previous posting, I
    actually meant “skew” or “turn”. 

  8. This is well understood ancient technology, sorry to say so, but that’s
    the fact of it. The ally is unnecessary I think.

  9. This sheilding is probably the standard sheilding , it sheilds the field ,
    but unfortunaltely it is ferrous or magnetic , so it is attracted to the
    magnet and
    the magnet is attracted to it, so the equation is back to……X + Y = no
    If we could find a non ferrous sheild we could build the real thing.

  10. Is there any other kind of motor that is practical other than a magnetic
    motor? I know that there are weak electrostatic motors but ALL MOTORS ARE

    You come across like some wannabe genius but are lacking in the basics of
    electromagnetism and electricity.

  11. Sorry, that’s worthless. This “discovery” is nothing new and of course it
    does not give any possibility to build a magnetic motor.

  12. what way are they wrapped? first alu than iron or first iron than alu, or
    both at the same time? what ratio or amount of rolled material? 

  13. magnetic motors are a cool concept, however further down the road into the
    energy conversion investigation one eventually realizes that the odds of
    finding very large and strong natural permanent magnets and refining them
    to a usable shape is more of an energy dissipation than simply using our
    current methods. and manufactured magnets require an energy dissipation to
    magnetize them which would take years to recoop if the average all-magnet
    motor actually worked and was turned into a generator. we have hard figures
    to beat as the energy slavers are currently only charging the average
    american roughly 10-15 cents to power ten 100 watt bulbs for one hour or
    one 100 watt bulb for ten hours. as a toy it would be incredible. but as a
    free energy device it would be impractical and as a perpetual motion device
    it would not fit the parameters.

  14. I have a flat bar of aluminum and a flat bar of iron. I pile them up, put a
    magnet on one side of the pile and another one on the other side. They
    stick highly firmly through iron and aluminum. Iron is highly attractive to
    magnet. So what kind of iron do you use because with the one I got, it does
    not work; no shielding…?

  15. What you’ve demonstrated in this video has been very well understood for
    well over 150 years. Magnetic lines of force take the easiest path. metal
    concentrates the lines of force because magnetism goes through metal easier
    than through air. Look in the back of an old tube radio. Some of the tubes
    are encased in metal shielding. That was done to shield them from stray
    electromagnetic forces. I know you want to the government to have you on a
    hit list, but this video just doesn’t show your 007 potential.

  16. Congratulations! You have just reinvented a shielding chamber (which has
    been around for ages). The aluminium is hardly useful. Cardboard would work
    just as well. None of what is shown here falls outside of magnetics 101.
    Electric motors (non-electrostatic, piezoelectric etc.) inherently require
    magnetic fields to work. Shielding is a byproduct of directing the flux
    into the gaps between the stator and rotor.

  17. Hmmm…not so sure I’d call this “shielding”. To me, it just looks like
    the sheet iron you wrap around each magnet, having a higher magnetic
    permeability than air, is causing the flux lines from the magnets to “flow”
    through it from one pole to the other of each cylindrical magnet. A true
    magnetic shield would have to somehow block the flow of flux through it so
    that you could put pieces of it at each end of a cylindrical magnet and
    then there would be no external magnetic field emanating from it. 

  18. “We don’t do bullshit on this channel” *Leaves the video with a fan powered
    by magnets lighting up a bulb without explaining it*

  19. do people believe you can create the motor effect with no electric field?
    rite. pls learn physics hahahahahahahahhahahaahaha

  20. Magnetic force is energy, force is energy.
    Depending on how you use magnets in combination with conductors, you can
    harness this energy.

    This does NOT however mean that the energy is free, even magnets run out
    And making a magnet isn’t free either.

    I built this magnetic motor over 10 years ago, If I had enough funding, I’d
    build a stronger one, a much much stronger one.

  21. If you want to bypass the fake stuff and get to the next closest thing to
    free energy then look at my water battery in my videos. I been running a
    rotating stand powered by a water battery for 5 years non stop now. Other
    then general maintenance of cleaning the electrodes and adding plain water
    around every 6 months or so, its the closest thing Ive seen to free energy
    and its real!

  22. He doesnt do it like that but he does cheat.
    The way he does it is Monopole magnets (these dont exist)?
    Well they do but only for a short time.
    You put 2 of them magnets youve got together (make 2 of these), then you
    freeze them. When you seperate them you create monopole magnets, which will
    stay monopole until they heat up or correct there polarity just by being
    near to another magnet.
    If the magnets are all north or south poles the fan spins. Theres more
    to it than you think pal but i suppose yours is the easiest way to cheat.
    Try and get bk to me.

  23. I’m obviously no scientist or even half handy with this type of thing, but
    there is a Russian fella who has placed small magnets on the blades of the
    fan and then uses a capacitor and another bigger magnet, held at just the
    right angle above the other magnets and he lights up light bulbs with it.
    It looks genuine to me. His channel is Wasaby Sajado

  24. Or you could do it the “easy” way and just have a jet of compressed air
    off-camera blowing on the fan blades to make it move.

    Of course all of these free energy devices are fake. If they weren’t they
    would be used in products we use every day. Why waste energy when you
    could just add a couple of magnets. Toys, fans, all kinds of things would
    use the magnet motor everywhere. You don’t even need to know any science.
    You just need to realize that if any of these contraptions worked as stated
    they would be used in many places.

  25. Clearly a joke vid, the bulb even stayed on when the ‘power source’ was
    removed. Reading the comments I see ignorant fools like LetoZeth claiming
    that magnets deteriorate over time, releasing their energy (in an attempt
    to explain free energy with magnetism). I’m not going to say free energy is
    impossible; in fact quantum diodes can theoretically amplify light to
    produce infinitely increasing energy. Lol LetoZeth: “I have studied
    magnetism for over 10 years. I’m not pretending to know this, I know this”.
    What a fag; magnetism is basic, well understood and boring.. it’s like
    saying you’ve been studying Newtonian physics for over ten years and hence
    can prove free energy with it. If it’s going to be found, it’ll be in the
    unknown and not in high school physics books that you read 10 years ago.

  26. If you needed this video to “disprove” free energy, you’re mugs – the laws
    of physics are not able to be circumvented – EVER.

  27. +Dan Paccione Would this be possible? In my opinion i do not think there
    are any possible ways to generate energy, but i would like to hear your
    opinion on this topic. Thank you!

  28. um all he is doing is exposing the fact that a motor can be manipulated to
    look like it is pumping out free energy…. he stopped the fan aat the end
    to show you that it was not the fan that was generating the energy. it was
    just another hidden power source with an induction switch. and he doesnt
    have to show you where or how its hidden

  29. But the video i saw, he had smaller thin round magnets on the fins which
    made the fan spin using the magnet repellant force. Not just these magnets
    on the edge.

  30. Placed the fan on the floor with the wires underneath the plastic case.
    Odds are that the fan and the bulb had a supply from a wire through a hole
    in the carpet. (Which there are a lot of)


  32. Magnets have a finite life just like batteries. You might as well hook up a
    battery. :/

  33. normally, when i see “free energy”, i think “bullshit”
    when i saw “free energy” AND “photonicinduction”, i thinked of “fire”

  34. The magnet will run out, and you need magnet, so this is NOT free energy

HD Discovery Of Magnetic Shielding For All-Magnet Motor. The Holy Grail Of Free Energy.

I discovered this magnetic shielding at summer of -08 and open-sourced it because I have no time anymore to build my motor. So I give this to those who have …

How a computer fan spins using magnets Sound Track generated from