The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. The thing to remember about Bob Lazar, is that he’s been involved in
    “conspiracies” and “government cover ups” for a long time. He is very
    intelligent and very convincing to those who are not used to listening to
    intelligent hoaxers.

    Did anyone notice that we never saw the car run or any of the real inner
    workings? All we saw were some tanks in the back of a car with some hoses
    and wires. Then we were shown a simple college experiment producing
    hydrogen from water. Finally we are shown a particle accelerator. But
    really, all we see are props and nothing actually working. This has been
    the history of “alternative energy” for decades.

    Yes, much of what he says about big business and government interference is
    probably true, but that’s just a smoke screen to prevent someone from
    trying to reproduce his device and testing it for themselves. If you can’t
    buy all the materials, and it takes a “genius” to make them, no “common”
    person will try and any chemist or physicist who knows better won’t be
    bothered with it. But, in the meantime, he gets more media attention which
    seems to be what he is really after.

    In my time I’ve known three separate individuals just like him. Very
    intelligent, but not content to just be themselves. They must be noticed in
    some way by everyone and they will out and out lie to do it. Any type of
    media attention will fit the bill. I know of three separate attempts he’s
    made: UFO’s at Area 51, selling rare chemicals and materials to high
    schools, and now this. Maybe there’s something to converting cars to
    hydrogen, but it’s not going to come from Bob Lazar; He never “produces”

  2. I don’t think you’re supposed to burn the hydrogen. You’re supposed to
    force the electron out of the hydrogen and recombine it with Oxygen to form
    water. Then use the electricity to power your car.

  3. This video demonstrates hydrogen production from water, explains hydrides
    (a storage medium in the tanks), shows a cool hydrogen car (Corvette), and
    explains why the best hydride is banned —no good reason.

  4. Hydrogen is not expensive to make. It’s very easy to make it, and you can
    use solar panels to keep the cost down. It’s almost a free energy.
    So you asking…Why not just charge the batteries in an electric car,
    instead of converting it to hydrogen? The battery pack in my Honda Hybrid
    costs $5000.00 and if I am lucky it will last 4 to 5 years. My last battery
    pack lasted 2 1/2 years, but it was still under warranty and they replaced
    it for free. To make my hybrid totally electric I would need to double my
    battery pack. Now the only issue with hydrogen is that your tank has be to
    4 times the size of your gasoline tank and about 20 times heavier. Also In
    the gas state it’s very explosive. But there are several alternatives to
    making it store in a lighter tank and he is showing you one way to do so.
    However you can’t buy the material for home use and I don’t own a particle

  5. That hydrogen generator he showed was at least $5000. This is the thing
    that I find interesting, because I would love to be able to store hydrogen
    like a battery. They showed how easy it is to make hydrogen, and I
    understand that you have to make sure that it is oxygen/moisture free. But
    the tech to make it is so simple, and yet ridiculously expensive. The
    closest thing I’ve found is these guys but they don’t have anything for
    refining or storage. If anybody knows more about this I’d love to hear.

  6. This is utterly hilarious… I mean the laws and regulations and so on.
    But not those form the problem. It’s us.
    Not the US. Us, the inhabitants of the blue marble.
    We choose to be sheep and follow the sheppards… happily grazing the malls.

    Meanwhile, lithium rechargeable batteries are at the point where they can
    provide acceptable mileage for a normal car, good milage for a light,
    composite and aluminum-made vehicle and even some real air-time.

  7. This video demonstrates hydrogen production from water, explains hydrides
    (a storage medium in the tanks), shows a cool hydrogen car (Corvette), and
    explains why the best hydride is banned —no good reason.

  8. Wait Wait Wait so his combustion engine runs of burning hydrogen? Seems
    like that would be a pretty massive conversion. 

  9. This video demonstrates hydrogen production from water, explains hydrides
    (a storage medium in the tanks), shows a cool hydrogen car (Corvette), and
    explains why the best hydride is banned —no good reason.

  10. Looks to me like a “Visual Effects” film with miss-information to the max.
    It is sad to see some one waste time and skills on a video that does not
    help educate folks for renewable and alternative energy systems.

    I recommend a basic online course in physics or renewable energy to un-do
    the poor science in this video. Look on Wiki for good information! A great
    book to start with is “Reinventing Fire” by RMI. It has many innovative
    outside of the box ideas presented in an educational/basic format for the
    average reader. It is one of the only books out there with real solutions
    available now.

    Here are some facts to start with:

    This appears to be an ICE (internal combustion engine) which still loses
    about 75-80% of any fuel energy into heat. An electric car loses about 10%
    of energy to heat. So that is about 20% efficiency for the ICE and 90% for
    the EV (electric motor).That is why the Leaf EV gets a 129MPG rating and
    the corvette is more near 20MPG.

    Solar PV and Wind energy is NOT free! They are around 3 to 10 cents per kWh
    over the life of the system. EVs like the Leaf get about 4 miles per kWh
    and cost 1 to 2 cents per mile from cheap wind or solar PV. Solar PV,
    Wind, and “Particle Accelerators” all require “embedded energy” to
    manufacture/operate. They also have toxic waste by-products so you do not
    really want to think of them as free even if they are much better than oil

    If you produce hydrogen with your own PV system at your home then you might
    get 50 to 60% of energy into the hydrogen production. Then you lose 80% in
    the ICE so you are at about 10% of the original energy! This means say 6
    cents / 10% efficiency or 60 cents per kWh of energy out of the engine. My
    expensive electricity from PG&E is about 33 cents/kwh. This gives the car
    in this video about a 10MPG rating vs 129MPG for the EV.

    One great advantage of the hydrogen modified ICE is that it is very clean
    running! This is super important when you replace an even more dirty
    engine (2 cycle ICE) on an old lawn mower. I have seen crazy numbers on
    this type of pollution device in the order of 50 times worse than a newer
    ICE car. There are many “AIR Pollution Control Authorities” that offer
    subsidized electric mowers to reduce this. Getting rid of my lawn , if I
    had one ;-) , could actually be equivalent of 2 years of driving a
    car(22,000 miles per SCAQMD near LA Ca.). Then you can also not waste 50%
    of the water to pollute 50 times as much!

    An application where you are recovering wasted electricity like on a
    off-grid hydro or off-grid PV and using the extra generation for producing
    hydrogen makes a lot of since. It is a way to store clean energy even if
    it is not so efficient (50-80%).

    Another important energy fact is that energy consumed in
    delivery/processing of electricity and crude oil.
    It takes about 1/2 the energy in both cases to transform and delivery
    energy to your house via long distance high voltage lines and gasoline to
    the gas station from an oil well. This is where on site solar PV grid tied
    electricity has a huge advantage.

  11. If you want to get the plans
    to convert your car to HHO
    Go to Google and Search for:
    *”Top HHO Gas Car Research”*
    Click the First Result (Skip the Advertisement)

  12. A tank of gas isn’t explosive in itself even in a accident as only gas
    fumes are explosive

    Main problem is making a tank to store hydrogen on a hydrogen car that wont
    make the car a bomb in a accident or if the connections malfunction

    Hydrogen on demand from water is a safe way to store the fuel but water
    will become a taxed and regulated resource if it comes the main way cars
    work with “big oil” becoming “Big Water” and cars,trucks and planes
    competing with people for water

  13. At 9.33 the gas escapes upwards to the sky, it does not linger like propane
    or gasoline vapour. 

  14. Dear viewers. Please understand that the whole trick is about efficiency.
    They do not speak about how much hydrogen they get from 1 kWh of
    electricity. And there is a reason. Also don’t suppose that “efficiency can
    go up”. It can but only a little bit. In conclusion. Hydrogen is not “cheap
    way” to store energy. If that would be the case military would use that for
    decades. Going from 10 bucks for 100 miles down to 8 bucks for 100 miles is
    pointless. Electricity is about 1$ for 100 miles. Yes battery is expensive
    but also is hydrogen vehicle and fuel cells. It will not pay off :(

  15. This video demonstrates hydrogen production from water, explains hydrides
    (a storage medium in the tanks), shows a cool hydrogen car (Corvette), and
    explains why the best hydride is banned —no good reason.

  16. Hydrogen Car is the very good idea world must direct aim to reduce gasoline
    oil and realize the energy pollusion.

  17. What ‘s the radiation detection for? Is x-ray radiation potentially emitted
    from the Lithium during the hydrogen fuel process, or during the lithium
    hydride process?

  18. here he is using the hidrogen as an energy combustion source. But we just
    get a 25% of the energy in the hydrogen doing this (as any other fuel), but
    if we use a fuel cell, we can have 40%-60% of efficiency without the need
    of those rare materials.. I am right?
    We just need to change our combustion engine by an electric motor (which
    they have 95% of efficiency) and you can regenerate the brake energy in few

  19. This video contains some real science but also a lot of misleading science.
    First I want to point out that lithium hydride is highly reactive
    especially towards water and him saying that nothing will happen even if
    you puncture the tanks is simply not true. Secondly if lithium6 can do it
    lithium 7 the more abundant isotope can also achieve the same purpose. In
    the case with lithium 7 more heat may be require to liberate the hydrogen
    from the solid as larger mass isotopes tends to form stronger bonds
    (kinetic isotope effect). my background : MSci Chemistry

  20. If one were to hook an electrolysis type hydrogen gas generator, capable of
    efficiently utilizing a full megawatt, sitting just a few feet away from an
    ocean current powered, one megawatt DC turbine generator, one would produce
    more hydrogen gas energy then a fracked natural gas well on a dollar spent
    per dollars returned basis. Just one such hydrogen generator per square
    mile for the outer 5 miles to the international water line around the
    entire US would create over 35000 generators producing enough hydrogen gas
    energy to replace all the combined gasoline, diesel, propane, coal, and
    nuclear energy used in this country. (talk about a megacorp!) The hydrogen
    gas would be pumped on shore, dried, then pumped into the 1.5 million miles
    of pipelines Mike is talking about without any further processing or ever
    worrying about the gas going bad. Converting houses and industries over to
    use the natural hydrogen gas versus the natural fossil gas could produce a
    job producing industry by itself. Coal fired plants need simply put a large
    efficient hydrogen gas burner inside their coal burner and then do away
    with the coal. Nuclear plants could do something similar. No need to
    rebuild the electrical grid, everyone would start running off the hydrogen
    gas flowing through the gas lines whether they use a fuel cell or a small
    piston engine that operates a generator. No more power lines, no more power
    outages due to bad weather. The government could do this for us just like
    they built the Hoover dam which brought the southwest to life if we could
    just grow up again and realize that not all taxes are bad.

Who’s Killing the Hydrogen Car? [Original]

Former Area 51 employee Bob Lazar is interviewed by Visual Effects Supervisor Jon Farhat. In this video, they discuss what H1 (hydrogen) is, how it is created and it’s potential in the automotive sector. In addition, Bob show us he has his own particle accelerator which he uses to create 6Li (lithium-6) H (hydride) for H1 storage.

6Li is used to store hydrogen safely and efficiently. It is also one of the key components in making a thermal-nuclear weapon, but by itself is not dangerous. Because of crony capitalism and ignorant politicians, the US government has banned 6Li and the buying and selling of it. However, the making of 6Li H yourself with your own particle accelerator IS NOT!

Bob uses solar panels to power an H1 generator which produces H1 from H2O (water). For the safe and efficient storage of the dangerous H1, 6Li H must be created with a particle accelerator and used for H1 storage in high compression tanks. With the H1 generator, H1 is forced into the 6Li H tanks through the syringe compression process.

Bob is the owner of of United Nuclear Scientific and Switch2Hydrogen. Jon is the owner of ODEMAX and director of this video.

* Engineers and scientists, send errata my way and I will fix it.