Still no suspension of the circa 1920 Jones Act (taking care of his union benefactors), pimping his cap and tax plan in an oval office address, suspension of drilling (70% of Gulf Coast residents want to continue), etc.. It’s low hanging fruit, yet this guy seems incapable of grasping even that. His ideology trumps all, I guess.
7 Responses
In general, he wouldn’t catch a break regardless of how great/poor he performs.
Politics in this 24×7, online, cable TV world now is so toxic and poisonous, it’s despicable.
I probably support him more now than normal just to spite the ridiculous extremists and statements made about Obama. For me, the hate/fear strategy is backfiring and makes me support our President.
Except that the right can’t stop calling for the President to do more? Isn’t that a cry for more politics?
He’s the President, everything is politicized. Even his 75 minute lunch with Biden is politicized, as apparent from yesterdays GOPer whiner complaining that it was too long.
obama is pure politics. If you take the politics out of obama, all you have left is yesterday’s Japanese steak.
Yes, he missed a golden opportunity to take charge and go bipartisan. He could have handled that speech in a dozen different ways and came out looking very Presidential and very much a leader. His staff and he chose to continue to make every issue partisan in attempts to move their agenda forward. What a waste of a critical moment in history.
Perhaps a little because exploiting the oil spill for his own personal agenda in order to impose the largest tax increase in the History of the World through his ” cap & trade ” tax is a new low even for Obama.
I loved it when Obama said ” no matter how effective we are there are still millions of gallons of oil spilling into the gulf ”
I wish somebody had interrupted his speech then & called out ” Hey Barry ! — if you really were effective as you claim to be…..there would not still be millions of gallons of oil spilling into the gulf “
Obama would receive rave reviews. If he would just step up to the microphone. and Say
America. I am resigning as President of the United States as of this moment. I no longer
can carry on this charade of Being the leader of this Nation. Please forgive me for trying
to screw each and everyone of you. But u have to admit. I gave it a hell of try. So Before
I go. Can someone show me the way to Indonesia. Im not going to have all the perks I have
now. So AF1 is out of the question. Thanks.
And to all the DEM Sheep out there. Boy were you ever easy and stupid.