The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

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  1. It is very difficult to harness fusion power. There is a conspiracy theory, yes. The truth of the matter is that research comes from governements and large corporations. So there is a conflict of interest – of course they are going to look out for their own best interest.

    There is a lot of research into solar energy and the panels are getting better and better. Actually government in USA backed at least one solar panel start up company that went bust, so there is an attempt to find alternative energy sources.

    Wind turbines are still in their infancey and they are still very expensive to manuffacture compared to the rate of return. The return period is too long. So while we have cheap and plentiful fuel sources, fossil fuel will still prevail. fossil fuel is too intrinsic to change from it in a big way anyway.

Are governments and oil companies secretly hiding free energy technology from the public?

Question by : Are governments and oil companies secretly hiding free energy technology from the public?
I keep hearing conspiracy theories that governments do not want us to have access to free energy technology such as cold fusion and that they work with oil companies in order to silence anyone who finds out or invents something that will give us Unlimited energy.

Apparently Nicola Tesla is one of the casualties as they have kept hidden his papers that give proof of free energy.

Best answer:

Answer by Aenima
Due to the First Law of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transformed from one form to another. Free energy in theory doesn’t exist, unless Nicola Tesla was a sorcerer. XD

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