The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

12 Responses

  1. The same spike in gas prices happened during the 70’s, and I suspect that prices will eventually drop just as they did then.

  2. Yes, the oil company’s do work the supply and demand issue to their advantage. I guess anyplace there is oil they will go, never mind that it will upset the ecology of a pristine area. I do know for a fact that there is plenty of oil in this country and whole fields are shut down and capped with plenty of oil still in the wells. It is more profitable to import the oil so that is why they do it.


  4. It’s supply and demand.In other words, you need the supply and they demand more money from you because they know you will pay for it since you need the supply..There is another word for it that you nailed on the nose….GREED…

    As far as Alaska is concerned…I would think that if anything they will hold off on drilling there until they have sucked our bank accounts dry and ruined enough of the enviroment to where it won’t matter anymore how much polution they create….

  5. I wouldnt say it is a ploy but they are chomping at the bit to do so. The amount of oil that they will get from drilling there will fill a Hummer for 3 months.

  6. I think so. The current criminal administration has developed a pattern of manipulation, deceit, and corruption. They would rather rape the land further versus something more logical like challenging our own scientists and universities to put forth and/or develop alternatives to oil, I guess that makes too much sense. As long as oil company upper level executives and wealthy shareholders’ profits are maximized, that’s all that counts while the rest of us (Americans) are taking it up the azz.

  7. Gas prices are linked to our dependence on foreign oil. Yes, oil companies are making a profit, but we pay far more in federal and state taxes per gallon than the oil companies get. Why not ask your representatives to give you a little break instead of big oil? I wish stations would show you the price of gas before taxes.

    Second, OIL IS THE REASON WE HAVE ALASKA!!! Do you think we got Alaska for the scenery? Now environmentalists/liberals won’t let us drill it.

    We have more oil sitting off the coast of florida, the east coast, the west coast, and in Alaska than Iran does. But we can’t touch it because the liberals on the east and left coasts don’t let us.

    The USA has the strictest environmental protection laws regarding oil exploration, but it doesn’t matter because they can’t drill here anyway! Instead oil companies drill in other parts of the world, without any regulation, polluting at will, having to pay more because it starts out on the other side of the world. If you are true environmentalists, wouldn’t you rather have it regulated here in the USA? LET US DRILL HERE!

    In the meantime, we need alternative energy, and behavior modification. You cryin’ about gas prices? Well get a more fuel efficient vehicle, carpool, ride the bus, ride a bike, don’t make un-needed trips. Common sense prevails.

  8. And why are all the other countries in the world going along with it? It is an international market, after all.

  9. Actually it is the reason why we have high gas prices… The oil companies are not allowed to drill in many places in the US, not just Alaska. They (the oil companies) are dependent on purchasing crude oil from unstable middle eastern countries to fulfill the high demand for their product, which is refined gasoline and petroleum based products like plastic.

Are high gas prices just a ploy to trick people into approving Alaskan oil drilling?

Don’t say conspiracy. Oil Company CEO’s are among the most corrupt, greedy and insidious business men in the world. Don’t put anything past them. And with Dubya and Dickey C. at the helm, this Q seems very relevant. What say y’all?