Step back and take a hard look at how we got here. IMO there are just too many coincidences to believe that we just stumbled our way into this mess. I have never been one who believes that there’s a conspiracy under every rock. In fact, I’m just the opposite. I want to see hard evidence. Consider the following information and give me your opinion on whether the U.S. population is being manipulated into Submission.
There are only a hand-full of people who predicted this crisis and Peter Schiff is one of them. When he speaks, I pay attention. The following is from an interview in October,08.
Schiff: The government, instead of encouraging us to start saving now to pay back the debt, they’re asking us to borrow even more money and spend that. What’s going to happen of course is that when inflation starts running out of control and prices start going through the roof, the gov. is going to focus on the symptoms and not the disease and they’re going to impose price controls on energy, on food, on a lot of other vital things which means shortages..long market..civil unrest.. All that stuff is coming if we don’t stop!
We owe the world trillions and we’re reaching for the printing press to pay it back. All of it is coming from a printing press and There’s No More Money! >end quotes.
So ask yourself some questions about exactly what is going on here. What is the logical ‘next step’ after civil unrest? You guessed it. Here’s a quote from Congressman Brad Sherman (D) just after the original bail out was voted on…
“Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill that the market would drop and there would be Martial Law in America.” [Since making this statement, Sherman is not speaking to the press on this subject]
I personally watched another democrat congressman on CSPAN last weekend state the exact same thing. Go check for yourself.
The following [safe links] are a play by play of how we got here and what American citizens can do to save our country.
Peter Schiff…
On avoiding disaster
gabriel o : Look at the last link. It explains the ‘purpose’ of pushing us into a crisis.
Bryan : Hell, they’re not even being that quiet about it.
Nurse : I get your point but this goes beyond parties. There are forces behind this who couldn’t care less which party you belong to. It’s about Power/Control.
xenypoo : You are Right about all of that.
Wy point here is that we are being pushed to the edge of a cliff and being forced to make hasty decisions and choices between Freedom and Submission. All in the name of “for our own good” etc. I believe we are being forced to make False Choices. We Can Have Capitalism And Freedom. Free Markets and a Free People is what has made us strong in the past. We’re being told that it’s Socialism or Failure.
I see some good answers folks. If I’m a nut then I guess I’m not alone lol!
Lots of good points but I think this statement by Golden Buffalo describes the overall goal. This is a great analogy of what socialism/communism does in the end…
What they’re trying to do in my opinion is to consolidate all the privatly owned land into one big conglomerate where we all live in apartments and pay dues or rent to the landed lords, then we’ll have to go work for them to get money to pay thier rent and the leash grows tighter.
19 Responses
I agree the money will be worthless in weeks
There is overwhelming evidence, and you have only begun to scratch the surface, keep digging my friend.
I could go so far as to say the word conspiracy has a slight bit of conspiracy in it.
Where does the word come from, anyway?
There is no conspiracy. It is logical and mathimatical fact.
If you borrow and print money out of thin air, you will be living a lavish lifestyle for months or in America’s case years. But one day the bill will come due.
September 13th 2008, the bill became due.
We will see a colaspe of the dollar because its not backed by anything.
where’s the conspiracy? this is pretty straight forward.
Always follow the money because in the end it will lead you to the truth of the matter. I am not a conspiracy nut and I do not see conspiracies everywhere I look. However, this does not mean that there are not conspiracies in play at any given time. The trick here is never stop asking questions. Never stop searching for the truth. Just try not to let yourself get bogged down in the far out details. You can make a conspiracy out of anything if you try real hard. The problem is that all to often we try to make the facts fit the conspiracy, rather than allowing the truth to uncover the real root of the issue.
Now as for your specific direction regarding the monetary situation and bailouts. Something stinks here. There seems to be a concerted effort being undertaken by the government to undermine the credit and banking systems in this country. When you couple this with the land grab on banking stocks and reports of banking institutions being forced to accept bailout funds in return for preferred stock even when they had not requested those funds. Well it just leaves any sane person wondering exactly what it is they are up to. To me it appears that the government is quietly trying to nationalize the banking system.
Edit: I would have to agree with that last statement in light of recent events occurring.
no, i’m a seeker of the truth. I’ve had my suspicions about the “economic crisis.” It has become an advertising slogan for wendy’s, mcdonalds, car commercials, banks and the rest. They have all found this to be a hot and effective marketing tool. The govt and media stations have also found this to be a useful marketing tool. When you talk about it people will listen. It is being used by all these, the corporations, government and news networks are all using this idea to influence us and get us to do what they want such as buy thier stuff, vote ofr them or watch thier show and give them ratings. Despite of the way it’s being used like a cheap wh*** to what extent is it real and what extent are we being taken for a ride.
What they’re trying to do in my oppinion is to consolidate all the privatly owned land into one big conglomerate where we all live in apartments and pay dues or rent to the landed lords, then we’ll have to go work for them to get money to pay thier rent and the leash grows tighter.
Oh yes, my eyes have been open to the sad truth for the past few months as I have done some of my own research. There’s definitely something going on and the economy is being manipulated. It didn’t just happen overnight either. This has been in the plans for many years. Americans have been distracted by other things to even bother worrying or being concerned over the warning signs. For heavens sake, they are more interested in what goes on in Hollywood and TV than the morals of our leaders!!! Now it’s probably too late.
I think the conspiracy is that some big wigs have not been paying their taxes, and that might be the greatest asset Obama is banking on, since the liberals are priding themselves in who could cheat on taxes the most, the treasury of the US was leaking heavily. Now if we get all those people to pay their taxes, the ones we know about and the ones we’re not informed about, perhaps we can dodge all this crisis and restore consumer’s confidence to it’s status prior to the decline. What do you think?
Well said, last comment there. I believe those socialists could not advance their agenda unless they are using the false ‘my way or else’ machination. It’s what the whole system is based on to gain total control of the government. Otherwise, telling the truth to the people, would result in losing control. There was a similar case in early century 21 in Romania, and the people had to make a choice whether to have more government control or not. Unfortunately everyone is reaping the consequence. Last time I looked into it, there was still socialism, still struggles still jobless people, I mean… the country never recovered like it should have from the fall of the iron wall! What a shame!
People always try to call other’s ‘nut’s’…when the truth is being exposed…as said before, keep up the good work
I am not a conspiracy nut, but I do believe that a huge majority do not see the manipulation before them. Remember Obama was a student of the master of manipulation, Saul Aliens.
The truth will come to the forefront with those who are investigating. Investigations lead us to the truth about Daschle, Edwards, Clinton, and many others. Now it will be about what’s being done to America, not only who is doing it.
Nope, not a conspiracy nut, but I KNOW that powerful people with great control deign to direct our lives.
STOP where you are…at the part where you say America owes the world trillions! NO Sir! The world owes US…get the facts!!!! Just to name two…WWI WWII, not counting all the monies in charity to Africa, especially by Bush…Canada owes us…no Sir, we have NEVER ever received any interest on the monies we have given to the world, Mexico and the American bailouts on their peso twice have defaulted on their debts to America! In the billions alone!
Your question cannot be answered without those facts…Conspiracy has nothing to do with it. I am not a Conspiracy nut, I know my facts!
Since WWII, France, Germany, Italy…etc owe debts to America, and not one penny was paid! American fixed their railroads, and built their buildings after earthquakes, rebuilt their countries after wars with nothing paid back to us but insult and HATE…jealousy!!!
If we take a look at history, and how the worlds worst dictators were able to control the people, we would see a scenario much like the one the liberal soon to be socalist party are trying to convince us we are in. The liberals have been at work for years trying to bring down big business so the government can control everything. They have managed to cripple the banking industry with their rules and regulations and lack of oversight. Unless the conservatives start to tow the line and keep the public well aware of what is going on in washington, the conspiracy will play out.
I choose to observe the evidence and make decisions based on that. Not blindly believe what some government figure tells me to. Some times they lie. When more than one of them tell the same lie….well there ya go. I’m a nut.
Government secrets are necessary in some cases. The problem is you don’t know the participants motives and with corruption as rampant as it is. “We The People” are royally screwed.
It’s time to start killing lawyers/politicians.
Nope just a nut though. I am a hazelnut.
I am not a conspiracy nut, but neither am I blind or ignorant. This mess is being created because it simply couldn’t have evolved without political intervention.
Does America still have their Gold Reserves which they have used to borrow from the Chines. If it has dwindled then you might be in-trouble and the only way out is capture China and take your gold back.
Perhaps we won the Cold War against communism through economics, but it appears that we will see a return to this system, this time in our own country, as a result of economics, as well.
Are we really xpected to trade in our “good guy” white stars, maple leafs, and union jacks, for red and yellow stars, with sickles?
It is obvious that we are headed now towards Marxism and Socialism. Will it stop there? Long lines for essential goods, uniform poverty everywhere, capitalism extremely restricted, secret prisons for republicans, similar the eary gulags for “White” Russians…
What has our liberal-biased media, naive youth and poorly-educated housewives gotten us into?
Will the intelligent men and women of America be able to put the brakes on this travesty in time?