The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. @Mister86Productions there is no future energy, there is just alternative energy…nothing is going to substitute anything completly

  2. @philippineagles actually, it’s not from water…it’s from methane, and the process of production of H2 from methane produces CO2. so it’s not exactly “clean”…

  3. @eguiat

    Its concept is a cylinder that captures a potential current of energy that is shot and stored into the electromagnetic chamber. As the current is stored, the potential energy charges and becomes greater. The energy can be distributed through any load and operate normally within an infinite time span.

    That’s a basic understanding of what PDCs are. Economy of the cell is up to the government, and a unit is always stable as long as its depositing energy.

  4. Hydrogen is easily produce through Sea water electrolysis. The usual set up is, Windmill near the shore shocks sea water. Water is seperated when current is run through to H20–> H2 + 0 . The production of these cars might not be as clean as making a normal car but running a normal car for 10+ years is surely worse in the long run. (don’t quote me) lol

  5. this is fine..and a great concept.. however we need to first become efficient at the production of hydrogen for it this concept to be commercially viable.
    Another issue is the amount of energy needed to transform water into hydrogen or to mine for hydrogen trapped in air pockets underground. where is this energy coming from? how clean is that energy?.. no to mention enviro production of these cars…

  6. Finely divided — aka pyro grade — aluminum. Ever lit a magnesium ribbon? Aluminum burns almost as

  7. The Hindenburg burned because its fabric skin was doped with nitrocellulose, aka guncotton. If hydrogen was solely to blame, the flames would have gone up,
    not out into the envelope.

  8. ballard is not the future…yet. its okay, believe with me. better move to consumer electronics products and not automobiles.

  9. theres no money to make in the fuel cell industry at least for the next 30 years..the market is not there. fuel cell energy is the most expensive alternative energy…..ballard power may have a bright future though if it can sustain another 30 years of loosing money…

  10. dude u do realize if hydrogen goes domestic the system needs to meet extreamly high standards, the Hindenburg is a big blimp, blimps aren’t known for their safety. and btw no one died from the actual fire, the only reason why so many people died was because they either jumped off the blimp or were crushed my scaffolding

  11. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles….Hmmmm….Where have I heard of this before?!? OOOOOH….That’s Tight, Maybe the Hindenberg F-Ing Disaster…..

  12. actually getting the hydrogen generation isn’t as big of a problem as the storage of the hydrogen. I’ll have done a few class projects on fuel cell before, currently taking a course on fuel cell, and will be researching on fuel cell starting next semester. Hopefully we can achieve something useful. The professor’s lab works with GM, so may be something even commercial scale can be achieved.

  13. rems025
    it doesn’t seems as difficult to split water, (possible with 6v and 12v) unless we have to give another name to this discovery gas fuel .

  14. Agree with You. But! There are ways to produce more energy out of water only not relised yet.

  15. Ironically the worst green house gas for the planet ……”Oxygen”, it corrodes everything on the planet.

  16. Only one problem, it takes alot of energy to split water. hydrogen is an energy carrier and it takes more energy to create it than output. Im for green energy, but solar and wind are not enough to create vast amounts of hydrogen, we need something better! like a nuclear plant. For those who slept through school, hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air, so no it will not blow up like a hydrogen bomb.

  17. i cant really belive biased americans or anyone over 40 who say anything to make people belive global warming isnt happening

  18. ok, i wanted to ask somone who isnt biased , does hydrogen fule actually create more greenhouse gas ? and water is a grrehouse gas but it wouldnt have long term effects like co2 does, it would just rain

  19. Nic you are absolutely right about water vapor being a greenhouse gas, by far the one that has the most significant climate effect. Also, hydrogen today is extracted from natural gas, by products are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Electrolysis as suggested requires electricit;y from mainly coal burning plants, fifty percent of U.S. production. This only makes battery based vehicles obsolete before they are even produced.

  20. YES. Best explanation of a hydrogen fuel cell, especially from 1:57 onwards. This has helped my understanding of fuel cells so much for school. However, I thought water vapour was a greenhouse gas… ??

Ballard Fuel Cell Technology

Go to MYRIDE.COM for more car videos. Have you ever wondered how a fuel cell works? Watch this video from Ballard Power and learn how hydrogen fuel cells will power the cars of tomorrow.