The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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50 Responses

  1. @paul43073 So… let me get this straight… You think that AMERICAN OIL that was being drilled by a British company but being paid by an AMERICAN government makes the oil British? Wow and somehow buck toothed willy lickers think they are more intelligent then Americans? LMFAO!

  2. And don’t you think a world without oil may even be a good thing, we can live without it. Wind turbines, electric cars, damns, WE DON’T NEED OIL!!!!

  3. @paul43073 lolumad? no srsly, dont blame all America for what the dumbasses at BP did.

  4. suppose it would be useless for me as a brit to say you yanks have some crap oil rig crap sub-contract yank drilling firms in your fucking country, who couldn’t drill a hole in sand.


    Anyway, it was a CIA job, as it always is them, so ask them, yanks – they’re your spooky lot, after all.

  5. HAHAHA YOU STILL Hvent cleaned that shit up british petrolum kicks ass skit you yank balls

  6. these assholes most alaskans are all greedy pigs support corporations to the max n pretend to be so good caring bullshit now some jerk judge asys bp not responsible for anymore claims etc I say boycott all bp products oil gas everything as well as any corporations like monsanto etc that r destroying the world why did so many bp and other investors just like the 911 pull out their stocks, exchange real estate, up insurance poliese prior to these disasters? look at steve jackso card theythieves

  7. BP/Haliburton knew it was not properly repaired. Also loosened New Madrid fault line. NAVY staitoned in Gulf now for spring mission. FEMA has drill planned for May with supplies ordered. Air Force did drill over mid west summer 10 as if no infrustructure below. you connect the dots friends and God Bless!

  8. Lol. The BP incident was an accident.

    A terrorist attack is deliberate…

    Why would BP purposefully cost themselves 80 billion + damage USA, one of their biggest customers…

    It’s only fair that Tony Hayward gets paid this as if he had refused to head it he might still have his job, which incidently was paying over £10 million a year…

  9. This never surprised me. If you haven’t read articles on how this works then you weren’t paying attention. Rich get pissed about paying taxes, but it’s not the little rich is the big ones that get away with murder. They screw up and they still get to walk away with billions of dollars. While penny rich cry like bitches.

  10. @vintis88 And?? I’m sorry but the whole Corporate top dog screw up and is punished by getting more money is a very common practice all over the world its called a Golden Parachute. To use that to claim BP is part of a British Social Democracy program is both incorrect and illogical. There is no comparison between BP and Sweden or any Scandinavian nation that can’t be applied to the culture of all global corporations.

  11. @CommissarRed In Sweden, if you are forced out of your current job you get a years pay up front. This is what happened to BP’s ex-CEO.

  12. @MsShocktherapy1 Well then, why do we let foreigners take control over BP for the supply? Are we so retarded that we can’t even get the oil for ourselves?

    You know, I agree with you that Americans are indeed addictive to the oil.

    But when we bash oursevles in front of the world, we are basically telling the world that we deserve what we get.

    That might make it difficult for BP to even consider any compensations.

    Obama had to force BP to offer a compensation package……

  13. BP is now screwing the American environment. More importantly, BP now has control of Iraq’s largest oil producing field.

    You Britons really do get a lot out of the Iraq War.

    If Britain does not provide the US any military support, our government should either kick BP out of the US, or just take over BP, and transform it into an American company. That way, we can at least not hear any BS from any foreigner.

  14. @Panchee123 Workers receive salaries because their overall company produces profit, the hyper-rich executive at the top just sucks up money that should be reinvested in the company or given to the workers.

  15. Tony Hayword is a snotty little shit but this disaster is America’s fault more than anyone elses. It is called “supply and demand” and america demands oil to survive. We, americans refuse to accept an alternative for oil. Therefore, when you are filling your gas tanks up, think to yourself, “this is all my fault!”

  16. @awsomenesscaleb Um dude, both my comments are sarcastic and refer to a video interview in which Tony Hayward says “I want this to be over just like everyone else, I just want my life back.” lol

  17. Tony Hayward of BP should resign. Stephen SCHWARTZMAN should hung. Stephen SCHWARTZMAN is chairman of BLACKSTONE Group Management, LLC which controls both BP and NALCO , which makes genocidal COREXIT. Randall ROTHSCHILD is also the C.O.O. of a major portion of the BLACKSTONE group. BLACKSTONE is ROTHSCHILD connected. Repeat BLACKSTONE controls Both BP and NALCO.

  18. @Itsnotthisitsnotthat

    Tony Hayward didn’t lose his job, nor is he personally suffering financially the least bit. A salary of 17 million dollars, or even a job at all is truly absurd seeing the damage he had done to the Gulf and his company through his irresponsibility and greed. Plus, I’m highly doubting the sincerity of your remarks if you think making any amount more than 17 million dollars would be more effective for “recovering.”

  19. @Tetrasoft It was under his leadership that approved the policies that allowed for safeguards and processes to operate on the side of risk instead of caution. That is why they had $330+ million dollars in fines. It was cheaper to pay the fines than to add resources to insure safety. That was his call and his alone.

  20. What can you do about it? Its in his contract. BP is contractually obliged under British Law to fulfil his contract of employment.

    He was not fired, he left of his own accord so it is still fulfilled.

    Also, it was hardly his fault. Its not like he was on the rig and made it explode.

  21. @DrakeMagnum

    Well, he did work for them for 28 years, not to mention working as their CEO for the last 3. Quite frankly, I’d be surprised if him working for such a big company didn’t result in a crazy payout towards the end.

  22. The guy only resigned because his name is associated with the oil spill…he was in no way responsible for it. Even if he was, it’s a private company, and if they agree to pay him millions of dollars, then that’s what they think he deserves.

Big Oilmance (Original) – BP Oil Spill Parody

Click the arrow for more information and lyrics. Lyrics written and performed by Jamie Download the song at – or directly here Link to CNN story that included the song (holy moly!): – if this doesn’t work, you can cnn search for Bashing BP story by Jeanne Moos. The Logo was made by Alex – here is a link to his art!! You rock Alex!!! Support BPGlobalPR – He has donated 000 to the disaster clean-up from t-shirt sales. Visit him here: Twitter: I have no rights to the song (originally created by Lady Gaga) Lyrics: Oil Oillll……. Your caught in big Oilmance Oiiiiillll Caught in a big oilmance BP…lie lie ieesss Yah so what, some birds die Laugh Laugh to the bank HA HA, an oil rig sank. Lala we can’t hear We got fingers in our ears Close our eyes, dissappear This is an oilmance We want your money You make us so rich Get on your knees Cause you are our bitch We are BP…. Oil Oil Oil Oil…… We are BP…… We drilled and drilled And nobody cared. Until we spilled Now you are all scared. Its not that bad OIl Oil Oil maybe a tad You know that we own you.. You have no choice.. You need my oil. Bad. Bad. We take your money Then kill all your plants Fish and Birds, all an oily mess No more spring break no more fishing trips Your plans are spoiled by our small dicks. Oil Oillll Caught in a big oilmance. Oiiiiillll Caught in a big oilmance. We tried to stop it We told
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