In the coming days and weeks, THH, Inc. will introduce the long-awaited breakthrough California, America, and the world have all been waiting for. Our LookLocalTM solution will make petroleum replacement practical and achievable in as little as 10 years. The “LookLocalTM Get The Lead Out” campaign will begin with an innovative biofuel flight. Starting from the Pacific Ocean, Len Johnson, our President and CEO, will fly a plane he personally built burning a biofuel to the Wright brothers monument at historic First Flight Airport in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It is appropriate that we publicize this fuel by replacing 100 octane Low Lead (100LL) with a green, unleaded alternative. Biobutanol has potentially broad application- it can be blended with or replace virtually any motor fuel, whether gasoline or diesel. Len has already solved biodiesel infrastructure hurdles with an invention that provides the capability of producing enormous quantities of vegetable oil, fresh water and salt while replacing jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil, and green petrochemical feedstocks by developing local resources within the United States and other countries. This will greatly diminish the influences of the world fuel economy politically, economically, socially, and environmentally while retaining the wealth and jobs our national economy has been sending overseas. Len is now turning his attention to developing an infrastructure solution to replace gasoline with a practical, green …