The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

13 Responses

  1. I know it so sucks that Exxon keeps posting record breaking profits every quarter of BILLIONS of dollars. I so feel for them.. Poor Exxon.

  2. #1 If you buy gas, plastic, or food made with petroleum-based fertilizers, etc, YOU are Exxon. Oil companies exist because you buy their products. All pubic companies are extremely competitive and are forced to be that way by YOU. They are competing for your investment.

    Exxon did not want the spill to happen, they lost money because of it. Their reaction to the spill is awful, but only because YOU and I would take our investment elsewhere, if they didn’t fight to pay the least amount possible.

  3. Let’s all work to shut the them DOWN! Corruption will NOT survive! Human life is far more important then oil. Also, we have oil under every state in the U.S…but environmentalists keep us from it with litigation…..Stop it all dead ….and marshall forces to get that oil…until we have all electric or biodeisel cars….

  4. Yes we need an Energy Revolution for we no longer need to use coal or oil for our energy needs. The time to switch from an energy system of enslavement to an energy system of personal independence, energy independence for what BP calls the, “Small People.” Vote for True Green Solutions in August on the Pepsi Refresh Project for real change. For we have the technology we just need to make the switch over.

  5. Worst disaster until BP spill in the Gulf. I just saw the documentary on Planet Green just now. OIL SUCKS. LET’S QUIT USING THE HORRIBLE CRUDE.

  6. share this with every single person that you know… share it with all of your social networks. Every single American needs to see this. They need to know the truth.

  7. just listened to riki on npr she is my hero and amazing so funny such a great story teller i like the story with dick gordon like every 2 weeks this story with riki ott was amazing and i lived it she is an amazing person and i want to be her when i grow up!!!!

  8. I just watched this and it made me so pissed off…this is what Louisiana is going to face 20 years from now. SOOOOOOOOO SAD!

  9. I’m doing a project on this and this video really helped! Thank you very much!

Black Wave – The legacy of the Exxon Valdez (teaser – EN)

Teaser of Black Wave, a documentary about the Exxon Valdez tragedy. Check out the official website: . In the early hours of March 24th 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil supertanker runs aground in Alaska. It discharges millions of gallons of crude oil. The incident becomes the biggest environmental catastrophe in North American history.
Video Rating: 5 / 5