The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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33 Responses

  1. “Who lived in a pineapple under the sea?” “SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!”

    “Who died of an oil spill ’cause of BP?” “SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!”

  2. You have GOT to go to yt user BeePeeOilDisaster and get ready to see the COMPLETE EVIL British Petro has unleashed in our Gulf waters! THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR HOAX. VERY SERIOUS SH*T and PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING DOWN THERE. Go to his channel if you want truth. But I’m telling you, get ready cause it will PISS YOU OFF when you see the danger we are ALL in! God be with everyone. If you are wise, you will not disregard this warning, Again, it is NOT a joke NOR a hoax!

  3. @rmpbklyn I have no idea. It does look like tweaked strips of steel, but I have no idea what the piece of steel embedded in that last mass is. Looks to even to be shrapnel.

  4. Yeah, methane hydrate… also an obvious example of BP evil… shout it to the rooftops folks. People still pump gas at BP and Amoco… it’s so sad. We’ve got to tell the people getting money from this industry that we won’t stand for irresponsibility and apathy for the sake of profit.

  5. lol,love it, some very astute observations!
    I think Bill Cooper would have loved this too.

  6. So, the Bilderberg meeting just wrapped up in Switzerland.
    I wonder what they have in store for us now, more of the same or are they going to step it up perhaps?
    What a messed up World to allow such things to happen.

  7. They Stole this technologie from Germans and created a big lie like “UFO Disclosure” and so called “Aliens” to hide their new test-vehicles from the people of the World, for future war-crime and genocide!

  8. I’m happy enough to live in a dream made up world of mine, for the rest of my life. I’m not afraid to die and okay if everybody else dies with me. Take a fucking chance, get real and fuck off!

  9. @TheAmazingJimmy Ive got a bit more informed since I wrote that comment. Yes I suspect hostile ETs are at the top of the pyramid.

  10. @Kazza0423 And how do you know these ETS are not evil or hostile? Do you talk to them? Do you think maybe they could be the ones controlling mankind? I recall in some old book it talked about how some “ETs” came to Earth, Enslaved man, then the Creator of man wiped them out with a huge flood and then they came back again and enslaved man a different way. But what do I know, that book is just the worlds best selling book published in every language.


  12. @getbo Once one told me that you should never question the official version… If one goes with that statement, Kim Jong-il must be The Worlds Greatest Golf Player. Pyongyang media say Kim enjoys golf, having shot multiple holes-in-one during his first try at the game. He reportedly aced five holes and finished 38 under par on the golf course. The “Dear Leader” routinely shoots three or four holes-in-one per round, the government-controlled media reported… Tiger Woods is just a NOOB ;)

  13. @mrfeldt That’s good because the government never lies. If you believed in conspiracies, that would make you …..a conspiracy theorist!…. which is practically a nut job. What would your friends think of you?

  14. Currant global situation = Never A Straight Answer – is trying to keep everyone confused. They don’t want people to know the truth. They have been intentionally pumping out disinformation to keep people guessing. They have tried to confuse us with the Niburu, Nemisis, planet X, Elenin, comet Honda crap Wars / terrorism / the list is NEVER ENDING. They figure (rightly) that if they split the population with multiple disinformation story lines, nobody will have an agreement on what is happening.

  15. Well, project blue beam is a possibility but I dont think disclosure will come from any government and if it does and if project blue beam takes place, hopefully enough of us is informed that the ETs is not hostile and wanting to take over the planet. I am not saying that there is no such thing as a evil ET but if the evil ET wanted our planet it would be theirs along time ago. And I am convinced with all the evidence out there, that the ETs have been here for thousands of years.

  16. Phony economic Crises..sis…sis..sis..sis…sis ….hahaha Awesome video!

  17. @MrTakeBackAmerica Im not sure if the creator of this video was implying they ‘do not exist’. Rather a ‘phoney disclosure’ to perhaps play out and disinform and distract the masses to the actual reality around them.

    Humanity has never been alone we are not the first of humans to inhabit our planet there are many civilizations that have come and gone. But the true disclosure will and only can occur through our own true experiences, not thru some global govt. program. The ‘new earth’ is birthing.

  18. Only one problem, Aliens do exist, how egotistical would it be to believe we are alone in this universe, even in this solar system, say what you want naysayers, but we, humans, are just not that important, we are nothing, face it, just a speck, an infintessimal speck, but really we are not alone, to believe so is insanely ignorant.

  19. @SamaelStone
    Haven’t figured out just what the UFOs are yet, have you? Hint: not spacecraft. We’re in the multiverse, and the answer to the UFO mystery lies in the ancient history of occult mysticism, and inter-dimensional intelligences. The military, with inter-dimensional technology can summon a fleet of 6 million black triangles just as they could Jesus in a golden throne, or Santa and the Easter bunny in a hot rod. It’s just a classic sleight-of-hand trick, by diabolically clever magicians

BP Oil Spill – Are these hydrates?

Was sitting at the PC, and caught this on my perpetual wall of BP ROV feeds. (my second montor) I was struck by the appearance of these objects that seem to have grown on those ropes, and the metal band. Does anyone watching this know what this growth is? Are they Hydrates with pockets of oil trapped in the cell-like structures?
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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