The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. The Leaks are Fake many different wells filmed and it is a volcano not all oil.False Flag

  2. @theDerailled1 Bp had contracted the rig to an ……..AMERICAN COMPANY, with american work force and american equipment, so its hardly BP’s fault is it? Sounds like another useless american company cant do anything right, then blame BP

  3. Don’t they suposed to have valves in that pipes so if they have a spill or leak they can close the line or pipe??? Sorry for the bad english ;)

  4. Are several days that I sent to BP OIL this video that puts in comparing their solution adopted and my project born on 11/06/2010.
    I turn to the public and to YouTube because I need that BP OIL takes a position and on.
    It’s like a comment

  5. Dear BP companies. INSTEAD of filming the marine life and animals stick in the oil. FUCKING HELP THEM. if you’re arguing about how they’re not being saved, pick the damn animals up! And drop the CAMERA. Damn. You can put a guy on the moon, but NOT STOP AN OIL SPILL? Really. Come on. These animals, and marine life are probably going to gonna go extinct. It should stop at day 89 now. 3 months of this is BULLSHIT.

  6. nikola teslas wireless energy could have saved us from this 100 yrs ago! please look it up, i even put up information on my youtube to wake up everyone! time to build it and get over this dependence. please wake up! nikola tesla tried to warn us 100 yrs ago! look up “increasing human energy” by nikola tesla. its a brillant piece of work he wrote for you! start learning wireless power now before it happens again!we can easily ween off oil quite fast if we build it COPY + PASTE + SPREAD THIS!

  7. Plans to stop the leak of oil you enclose two login to see my projects
    Bell surface new (reduce leakage) Bell 10072010 (stop leakage)
    And ‘welcome comment. Thanks

    Progetto per fermare la fuori uscita del petrolio ti allego due login per vedere i miei progetti
    Campana in superficie new ( ridurre la fuoriuscita ) campana 10072010 (stop la fuoriuscita)
    E’ gradito un commento. Grazie

  8. @littlelauren321 1.Its mostly BP fault…2. the us government is helping….3.When u turn around and bump into someone u still apologizeeven though it was an accident ……the good ppl at BP still deny that they were responsible for cutting corners when it was well documented….they dont deserve any slack or sympathy……the 20 ppl on youtube thats defending them is 21 ppl to many -_-

  9. @ryansisthebest Maybe we should just put their bodies in the oil to show them what they are doing to marine life.

  10. saveourgulf[ D O T ]us
    This website promotes the idea of of using microbes to help clean up the oil. These microbes actually thrive on just eating oil and this idea is much more efficient then BP’s current plan’s

  11. I get that it may be BP’s fault that there is oil leaking into the Gulf, but I dont agree with them getting all the blame. It was an accident, people died in the explosion, and obviously no one meant for it to happen. I dont understand why the US Government is refusing to help in clean up effort. The oil is affecting American land, after all. Pointing the finger of blame is going to get this crisis no where.

  12. ‘Money As Debt’ Secret Banks Scam! Must watch video, well done! ‘Money As Debt’ in HQ on youtube. Please watch and make it Viral!

  13. I hope my new song “One Life to Live” can help to open new eyes and gain awareness of the terrible damage that’s being done to our Gulf…

  14. BP is Killing the USA i live in galveston texas and i pray to god it has and most likley not affect us at all but thanks to BP flordia Alabama Mississippi and Louisiana are dying out because of BP

  15. Suck it up and see the damage oil greed does to whole communitys and environment. The destruction you see is less than the damage the West led by the USA has left in its wake over the last 50 years with their profit driven greed. Now its on your doorstep see how you like it and ask if your big yank trucks and SUV’s are worth it??

  16. @matt0mattic Rig exploded, tipped over, bent a pipe, pipe cracked, oil escaped, world doomed.

BP relies on ‘top kill’ as it still fails to stop oil spill

The US Government says it won’t take over oil clean-up operations in the Gulf of Mexico from BP. Washington had criticised the oil giant for being too slow in its crisis management efforts. BP is pinning its hopes of stopping the gusher on yet another technique never tested 1500 metres underwater: a ‘top kill’ in which heavy mud and cement would be shot into the blown-out well to plug it up. At least 23 million litres of crude oil have spewed into the Gulf, according to a Coast Guard and BP, though some scientists say they believe the spill has already surpassed the 42 million litre 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill off Alaska as the worst in US history.
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