The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. @I3liz they won’t get rid of oil even if they do come up with a new fuel there’s too much money in oil.

  2. @TheCombineify Yes, we do have to have gasoline… for several more years to come.

    World-wide turn over to new energy is going to take a while. The United States alone will take several years to completely change, making gasoline/oil useless.

    However, to change the entire world… that could very well take over a decade, possibly, (but I hope not) maybe more.

    To abandon all need of oil and gas right now WOULD be nice, but, sorry to say, it’s not realistic at this time.

  3. @bluewart12 What fish? There’s hundered of square miles in the Gul every year that are declared a dead zone.Very little can live there. Blame goes to farm run off into the Mississipi out to the Gulf. That should be just as much an outrage as this oil spill. They stopped the oil spill now. Little of anything has been done about farm run off. it;’s still happening this very moment.

  4. The way I figure it, BP (Bilderburg Pricks) need to deed over their damned islands of Britis Isles and all their damned money and then be hung!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. why GREEN PEACE dont go this point
    there are always obstruction to Japanese whaling ship
    Oil giant has funded to GP & mostly famous-NGO
    This accident will be intentional
    all people known it by internet(not mass media)
    this month to next month
    Something might erupt in the Middle East

  6. BP has always had a bad safety record they shouldn’t even be allowed to operate in the united states. you do know they are in control of oil in Alaska.

  7. je ne suis pas croyant dans le sens que pour moi l’église, la religion c’est de la foutaise telle qu’on l’enseigne mais par contre je ne suis pas aveugle et les gens devraient voir aussi et s’inquiéter

    Verset 3: Le second versa sa coupe dans la mer. Et elle devint du sang, comme celui d’un mort; et toutes être vivant mourut, tout ce qui était dans la mer.

  8. Don’t forget to keep boycotting BP. BP gasoline was of poor quality even before the oil spill.

  9. Everyone becareful the toxic chemicals rise to the surface of the water in the gulf evaporate into the air and carried with wind rain and dumped on land. Becareful about eating your fruits and veggies cuz DOLE cuts OFF the celery leaves on the stalks that are burnt! I live in IL and my plants, trees, flowers have burnt black leaves, black burnt holes, white corrosion some leaves on the trees have fallen off already it looks like fall here

  10. @SPAGHETTIMONSTER1 yup. I have heard that there are what they call asphalt volcanoes in that area, but have no actual data or information to share. I for sure know that Mancudo deposit has been known about for a LONG time but no one would touch it because of the danger the massive methane pocket on top of it would pose. I also know they had ONE SECOND of alarm before it blew up – meaning obviously the WATER was on fire below the rig.

  11. @bigtimeweb ,.. thanks, more info to research, someone should make a video explaining exactly what this volcano theory is. what exactly they hit , the difference between them, etc. would help a lot of people understand/form an opinion.

  12. We must go to D.C. encarcerate all of them and all who try to stop us. Phil Berg is having a march on washington in sept or oct. Let’s all go then and take out the trash and put responsible people in charge. They just put gag orders on all scientist that have been to the gulf and the press is not allowed. If you see it you have to sign a, what boils down to a gag order. This is hellish evil. Let’s go deal with them and crush them like we should have 30 years ago.

  13. @SPAGHETTIMONSTER1 Its nasty crude – when exploration drilling, they were hoping for what they call Mississippi Light – a very high quality oil found on the shelf, but what they found was a nasty crude full of contaminants and gases that would normally be used for asphalt.

  14. They did us in this time killed the oceans billions of fish and our food source all to line there GREEDY FILHTY pockets and it is all being blacked out by who Obama and his media. Cheny needs to go to jail along with pb.

  15. We are screwed as a world now, this just done us in. Long term.
    We sit back and say” oh thats bad” then go back to work for pennies.
    Seriously, the evil behind the scenes seem to be working at their goals and winning, We need some serious help.

  16. I believe that this project is that winning is liked a comment or a response to the account thanks

  17. @jhi1947 ,.. seeing it. now,.. what exactly it is made of? red oil?,.. but no matter what it don’t look good,.. . it’s huge, and it ran like that for a couple more months. what do you mean by fake? not an accident? not there? not oil? not a video? lol, WHAT????


An aerial view of the BP Slick, ground zero… The Source. Hurricane CREEKKEEPER© flies you to the scene and tells it like I see it! Please keep comments free of cursing. On May 5 we saw it on Chandeleur Islands. On May 7 we saw oil sheen approaching Dauphin Island in Alabama. On May 8 tar balls were washing onshore. Who and where is going to be next. This is my work. Use it freely, please send me links to where you post
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