The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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  1. Hey, I showed a link your videos on a chat room with BP live feeds. Everyone thought it was very well researched. Here is a link that show a video of the B well coordinants.
    You shouls post this on the OILDRUM site. dougr would be very interested. He is all over that site.

BP Well Head Fraud, Static Kill Will Fail Killing The Wrong Well Head 1 of 4.mp4

Please Read, Share, & Upload To Your Channel. First Americans were told by President Obama, “This was the worst environment disaster in US history.” Now we are told by this same class of master teleprompter readers to believe that the “Worst Environmental Disaster In US History,” has just disappeared? That matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but all the oil can vanish, dissipate, dissolve, & be broken down by microbes, the tide, and warm waters, unlike the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. We are still expected to believe that the this lighter crude that is a thick goopy gel & tar balls, resembles the light fluffy clouds pouring out of the BOP as seen on the live feeds? The story is now that there has been some 2.15 million gallons of toxic lethal chemical corexit dispersant sprayed and still being injected into the beautiful water of the Gulf of Mexico, but it is safe according to the EPA, Coast Guard, & every other agency that could be charged with crimes against humanity for poisoning the Gulf of Mexico. Dr Riki Ott and Dr Susan Shaw, both marine toxicologists, worked on ground zero during the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, know that corexit is not safe. They openly state that the toxic nature of these chemical dispersants is so lethal, it literally melts the Central Nervous System (CNS) damages lungs (vapors), and literally destroys entire organ systems, including the blood cells, which Dr Shaw stated were literally turned inside out and excreted in the stool of Shrimpers