The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. how can that fucking grand son of hers allow her to live in this hut while he rakes in millions,,,Obama is a piece of shit,,,this speaks volumes,,,his entire family lives in huts,,,and the way he talked about his brother was a disgrace

  2. It is a great shame that President Obama allowed his grandmother to live like that. Why is she not in good home Why did he not give her the solar pannel ? He has enough money ! Where is the solar pannels on the Whitehouse roof again ? And a wind turbine in the Whitehouse back garden ?? Set by example Mr President !!!. Developed lands should investing in solar power generation in Africa and other undeveloped lands ! Clean power and water will do wonders !!!

  3. Well at least we know were Obama is from. Would not want to think he does not deserve to be president. Only Americans can be president. We let this happen as much as the liberals.

  4. @DeafSunFreak There’s no money in solar energy, plus what do we do when the sun burns out?

  5. That’s his grandma? As fucking rich as Obama is that’s all he did? Actual greenpeace did this all… Fuck Obama he could of did a lot more with his wealth then this

  6. I think the illuminati “are” the ones making the changes, moving from one thing to the other, always money to be made in anything. Whatever it is, oil, hydrogen, solar parts, batteries, they will make money on taxes and fees somehow …oil, solar, they will screw us with something, prob taxes. There is too much control and taxing. lol Obama is a millionaire, why doesn’t he send the town $20,000, a dollar goes a long way over there, ..right now anyway.

  7. Arizona needs solar energy nao yo
    transfer the jobs at electrical companies and plants and manufactures to those of solarrrrrrrr
    jobs + renewable energy best of both worlds.

  8. That is great! It will be interesting to see how these students progress with the motivation they have and now the facilities

  9. watch this.. ‘Brink – Storing Solar Energy’ love to see scientists like Dan Nocera, full of spirit.. those kinda people will one day bring us there.. (youtube . com / watch?v=Gq7ISUYxsYA)

  10. Good words guy, have a little look on germany we are working on the breakthough to a new world without the economic cryses for future generations. Yes, the whole system requires a big change and thousends of german will do that now. We will get the pyramid top down waht you know as Illuminati.
    There is a big change after te breakthough – a step in the councisnous you never have seen!

  11. Thank you,

    we have a decision to make. Free and clean energy is awaileble like never before that is zero point energy and it is not a consperacy theory. Thousends of people work on that and our decision must be a step to the right way. We can end the war on fossil fuels when we want to accept that other tecnologys exist already and they are useful for future human beeng.
    Sorry for my bad languarge thats from germen – let us talk – rest in peace!

  12. that’s why government support is needed. if it weren’t expensive, there would be no problem, right?

  13. Hm. Could Africa invest enough in solar energy in order to sell it back to the world?

  14. And if Greenpeace had more money, they could more villages in Africa and around the world!!!

Bringing Solar to Mama Sarah Obama Volunteers of environmental organisation Greenpeace have installed solar energy in the village of Barack Obama’s grandmother in Kenya providing electricity to her house as well as to the community’s school.