The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Can anyone out there please help me with some tips on how I can become well noticed and be man pretty as well?

I have always desired for people to like me but it truly feels as if they are just using me for a certain reason. What should I do? I want to be well noticed and I would like to know how I can get people to like me as well as get people that are pesterring me for a certain reason to stop. What should I do in order to stop this? Some people really take a toll on me but I do not know what to do. I guess you can say I just want them to respect me and stop playing around with me in a certain way because it really bothers and makes me feel as if they are draining my energy away. It really is a tremendous bother and I just wish to know how I can become more well noticed in a good way. I have always felt that there was a conspiracy in society but I think it is just me blaming people that disrespect me for my hypocriteness when in reality it is just the way I can not come back at them in response. What should I do with my problem? How can I get people to consider me cool? I am tired of people trying to screw me over and I truly used to think that society was just as shallow as can be. How can I get people to stop trying to screw me over in response to better my lifestyle? To be honest, Yahoo! ANSWERS has helped in a myriad of ways and I would just like to know if it can come around as it did before this time. I know it may not but it is the overwhelming aura of people’s positive intentions which will make me feel great. I truly hope that there is someone out there that can help me with my problem and I wish everyone a wonderful summer.

