
The world needs a new source of energy; one that is continuous, plentiful, inexpensive, safe and unspillable

Can anyone please help me with these science problems?

1) a nuclear power plant generates_________energythat boils water to produce steam.

2) the spinninggenerator of a nuclear power plant converts ________ energy into electrical energy.

3) Why is nuclear energy considered a nonrenewable resorse?

4) How does a hydroelectric dam change kinetic energy into electrical energy?

5) Wind turbines convert energy of air in to ___________ by turning a generator.

6) the thermal energy caused by the heating of earth’s crust is called__________.

7) some geothermal power plants pump water underground next to hot__________.

8) organic matter that can be burned to realease energy is called_________.

9) Name one disadvantage of fossil fuels.

10) Why can’t solar energy br used to meet the energy needs of large cities?

11) Why is hydroelectric energy not always a disirable energy resource?

thank you in advance. appropriate answers only. thanks again.