Question by : Cars that run on water? Your thoughts.?
Did you know that the technology to make cars run on water exists? Why there’s a guy who in the 70s was able to make his van run on water. But ofcourse the government has done everything possible because if oil was no longer necessary, it would cause a lot of jobs. I mean look at what happened to Stanley Meyers. Don’t you think his death was a coincidence? Click on the link and read the ending. At the bottom where it says how he died read it.’s_water_fuel_cell
Doesn’t it make you think of conspiracies that the government is involved in? I am gonna stop now because there’s people here who are gonna think I am making this up and believe everything that their government tells them. Post your thoughts good or bad.
Best answer:
Answer by Nikolai
I Bet Over The Last 50 Years Someone Has Come Up For A Better Fuel, But Petrol Company’s Have Paid Billions To Shut Him Up.
Or A Scientist Hasn’t Tried New Idea`s Because It Will Ruin His Reputation And Be Laughed At By The World.
EDIT: I Dont Think They Care About Jobs Too Much, They Replaced Thousands Of People With Machines in The 80`s and 90`s
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