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7 Responses

  1. @banmido12345 Because H2 and O2 are not bonded to any other element, they have no charge. An element does not form a charge until it bonds with a different element.

  2. Hi can I ask how you work out the charges of H2 and O2, because I have studied chem for a while and still haven’t really grasped it. Many thanks

  3. H2O ionizes by itself to form very low concentrations (10e-7 M) of H+ and OH-. However, this is NOT decomposition. When electricity is applied to water (where a little acid electrolyte has been added to enhance conductivity), the water undergoes a DECOMPOSITION reaction to form H2 gas and O2 gas. The first one is a physical change…but this second one is a chemical change.

  4. i thought H2O splits in to H+ and OH- ?
    not 2O-2 and H+? can anyone explain it?thank

Chemistry Tutorial12.3b: Electrolytic Cells: Electrolysis Of Water

This video explaisn the electrolysis of water.