
The world needs a new source of energy; one that is continuous, plentiful, inexpensive, safe and unspillable

what are some good energy conservation projects for 4th grade?

Question by : what are some good energy conservation projects for 4th grade?
i want an real easy one so i can get a good grade it has to be on energy conservation. please list materials you will need or links where u found it and steps also if u made it up and ur sure it will work.

is this an energy conservation project?
what materials will conduct elecrticty?

materials ligh bulb, wire, and the big fat battery

Best answer:

Answer by Jacquie
Well when I was that age I bought 2 shower timers for like and took 5 min showers. to check if i was saving money and energy i had my dad check the monthly bill online every week or so but if you can’t do that then compare the months before bill and the months bill. To this day i still use a shower timer to limit myself with 5 minute showers.

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