The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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31 Responses

  1. @stallican
    No -I don”t mean the reptilian thing.This is too much for me too-but it is a perfect metaphor imo.

    It is what David Icke said about the universe and how it works-nothing about reptilians-only a scientific theorie.
    Kaku did many many years of research about the String Theorie and he presented his point of view in 2007 in an interview.
    The interessting thing about this:Mr Icke said the same what Kaku said,but he said this in the 90″s.
    I think this maybe interessting.

  2. @d2h1 There’s “no tangible evidence” bin Laden was killed on 1/5/11 yet it’s amazing how many people who are atheists believe that!

  3. I don’t believe that Jesus Christ walked on water, rose from the dead and was born by way of immaculate conception.. does that make me the Anti-Christ?
    I do however believe that if a persons belief in the Biblical story helps them to live a good life, treating others much the same way; Fantastic! The fact that there is no tangible record of Jesus’ supposed life leads me to question his existence.. A story created by elites of that time (the Roman Piso family) to manipulate & control humanity :-(

  4. @77rpipkin Anyone who denies Jesus is ignorant. Given the level of your intolerance, who would want to learn anything? Where’s the loving attitude in that? I don’t remember reading about Jesus going around talking shit like that!

  5. @77rpipkin People who deny Jesus are ignorant. What’s the point of sounding so intolerant of ignorance – how loving is that?

  6. I do follow Alex Jones, and i like him alot, but i wish he would chill out sometimes…

  7. During the cold war the CIA proposed a plan to Kennedy of faking the 2nd coming in the air over Cuba as a precursor to overthrowing Castro, in 2012 instead of Christ I think they will opt to fake 1st contact or should that be ‘official disclosure’ as ET’s would also get all the atheists and new agers on board and those devout albeit deluded followers of all other religions would not be asked to perform a theological 180 degree turn to Christianity but instead a new path.

  8. Who ever denies the name of Jesus Christ is the Anti-Christ.
    Lets NOT get our info from the devil masquarading as an angel of light!

  9. Who ever denies the name of Jesus Christ is the Anti-Christ.
    Lets NOT get our info from the devil masquarading as an angel of light!

  10. I think they only reason they are not “like us” is that they just hate wholesome life energy.. they are extremely constricted in every possible way imaginable. “This place is terrible” is their mantra. If things can get degraded and debauched beyond belief then they will feel much more comfortable. Imagine the queen of england sitting at your kitchen table, and your family is sharing jokes and stories… You think she would find that comfortable? No, she probably wishes you would all die.

  11. Our goverment in Ukraine, publically says, thay have an information, that Soros give money to sponsor “Day of Wrath” in Ukraine. It will be 15th of May. The African script.

  12. No, they are not different…Rockfeller is in a wheelchair. They can get sick and die like everyone else.

  13. @dionstrezlecki There’s demons and ascended masters in higher dimensions – though the demonic ones can’t rise above the 4th – due to lack of Light / lack of high vibration. Esu (akaJesus) is one of the ascended masters on the Earth’s spiritual hierarchy, for example – along with many others.

  14. @palkom13 No, the point is you can’t fix this system with little tweaks such as getting the politicians to do this or to not do that. The whole system IS corrupt – there IS a huge conspiracy – many in fact – AND it goes way deeper than just simple greed.

  15. STOP co-operating. Question everything.

    I don’t believe extra-terrestrials
    are the elite, but evil, possibly demonaic semi-humans, what ever you want
    to call it. It’s evil

  16. Yeah with regards to lightbulbs the BBC news ran a story this morning where some school has fitted ‘special’ bulbs that help the kids concentrate better and it modifies behavioiurs, YES. Unreal.

  17. The elite must have a real hatred for humanity, but then again they might not be human ?

  18. @Gnostic279 For some reason as unreasonable as it sounds i do actually think we are alone in the universe and that these ET’s are extra dimensinal beings. I’m sure this was said on some live call into the Art Bell show by some guy that claimed to be a former area 51 worker, no one knows is the call was a hoax or not, but anyway this is where i am at with it all.

  19. @TruthSeekingElf Jesus what he believes and what he reports are two different things. He can’t report things that he can’t generally prove or he would loose his credibility. Without that, he would be useless.

  20. @tiatdivad Ya think? UFO sightings for hundreds of years recorded, Myans, Incans, Egyptians wrote it on the walls of their high tech natural material buildings, and only a handfull of scientists will talk about the possibility of their recording of the ETs. Basically, if mainstream denies it, there must be some real truth behind it. It’s a huge universe and it’s awfully arogant to think we are alone in it.

  21. Alex only ‘goes with what I can proove’, how can he proove jesus or whoever it is he prays to? That doesn’t make sense. Sometimes he really does talk rubbish.

  22. I love your honesty Celente. Forget about oil. Oil isnt the main concern. Look at the worlds resources of phosphorus which is as oil also not a renewable natural resource. Easy access to phosphorus is diminishing fast. If agriculture dont get enough phosphorus will surely mean sky rocketing food prices and global mass starvation. Our governments are panic stricken and dont know what to do.

  23. Elenin ALERT: Jesus is God, but Elenin a stupid rock, for which youtube Christians are blocking me. Narnia, who predicted the Japan quake based on Elenin’s alignment, asks, can you smell anything? Oh yeah, Ruby Ridge, Jonestown, McVeigh, Waco. But what smells stronger the lower you go? Where did the “research” paper come from to start all this? PhD, Cornell U, Ivy League grant money. Go right to the source. The FED, says Mr. Ed! 5 will get you 10 the FBI is paying the rent and buying the guns.

  24. THAT’S how you can tell a man cares about this world. Never-mind your patriotic pride…you can’t keep your kids safe from harm with it!! War heroes are expendable, usually with a few medals in a wooden box to show for their service and plenty of traumatic crippling emotions, that is if they are lucky enough to live through it. Get the warmongers out of our government now they want us all to starve to death and people are in charge here not corporations! NO MORE WAR!

  25. Real Culprits:
    Nout H E M Wellink, Amsterdam (Chairman of the Board of Directors)
    Hans Tietmeyer, Frankfurt am Main (Vice-Chairman)
    Axel Weber, Frankfurt am Main
    Vincenzo Desario, Rome
    Antonio Fazio, Rome
    David Dodge, Ottawa
    Toshihiko Fukui, Tokyo
    Timothy F Geithner, New York
    Alan Greenspan, Washington
    Lord George, London
    Hervé Hannoun, Paris
    Christian Noyer, Paris
    Lars Heikensten, Stockholm
    Mervyn King, London
    Guy Quaden, Brussels
    Jean-Pierre Roth, Zürich
    Alfons Vicomte Verplaetse, Brussels

David Icke: The Global Conspiracy – Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Alex talks with English author, public speaker, and former BBC television sports presenter, David Icke about the latest going in with the Nwo, Japan Nuclear fallout, and it’s plume cloud covering the US with low lever radiation. Alex also dives into the Libyan conflict and who stands to gain from this oil grab. http
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Gerald Celente Loses It – When This Man Acts Like This It Means – WAKE UP Gerald Celente has not been wrong in just about every prediction and assessment we have witnessed. We have never seen him blow off the handle like this. This is dire warning for sure that if the American Sheep do not wake up and stand up for themselves we are going to be in trouble.
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