Uncovering the truth about the death and destruction caused by the BP oil disaster. Extended scenes from the upcoming new film by David Clow ‘turmOIL – the other price at the pumps’
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Geo-political researcher, public speaker and former oilfield executive, Ian Crane joins us to talk about questionable manmade disasters over the last 14 months. We begin recapping the BP oil spill in the Gulf and discuss the latest developments. Ian tells us about Robert Calusa who he believes was placed on an oil rig intentionally on April 16, 2010 to help create the spill. He also tells us why and how he thinks the Gulf area has been turned into a laboratory and talks about the “behavioral health” payments issued from BP to residents of the Gulf area. We also discuss miscarriages of women in the Gulf, same as the dolphins and the status on oil-devouring microbes. Then, we talk about Fukushima. Ian shares some ideas about why he thinks Japan was targeted. He links Fukushima to the largest E.coli breakout, resistant to penicillin, in Germany. It seems Germany has been keeping an eye on world events. They’ve also been the forefront resistance against the EU’s plan to use GM crops. Now they’re shutting down pre 1980 nuclear plants and winding down the nuclear program. Has biological warfare been released upon Germany?
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