Question by mattyboy12: Do Americans Support Israel? Do they know how Important Israel Is to the US?
Hi, Im a 20 year old male, from NY, Ive been to Egypt and Israel not to mention other countries in the middle east and I feel Israel is villified and misrepresented in this this country. I see all the false assumptions and accusations and feel I should A. Try to put the ones I can to rest and B. See your thoughts and Whom you support.
I hear alot of people and pro palestine groups saying Israel “stole” and now has been occupying palestine for 63 years. That isnt true Palestine was never a country, it was simply a region. It at the time of british authority and ownership of the land resembled the Mojave desert in the US. there wasnt truely a specific culture and had all three major religions there. The british split Israel into 2 states one for the Israelis and one for the Arabs. The arabs denied a state for themselves and the Israelis didnt, hence the Israelis got the territory, when receiving it they didnt simply kick out the people their in most cases Israelis bought the land their for over what it was worth, The top sellers of land to Israelis were the arab people there, the muslim council, the muslim nationalist movement and King Abdullah himself. Alot of arabs even tho this is never stated left at request of other countries arab leaders to form and try to push the israelis out, the israelis didnt let them back in rightfully so but the kicker is the other countries they were actually from, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria didnt either, hence the refugee problem. Nothing was indeed stolen and there wasnt a massive slaughtering of arabs in the region.
When it comes to gaza and the west bank “occupation and settlement building” I’d like to point out a peace treaty between israel and the plo was signed, Israel gave gaza over to the PLO, when israel was withdrawing themselves Hamas starting simply firing rockets into Israel from gaza as opposed to respecting the peace agreement so Israel went back in, security measure as anyone would of they didnt go back in solely to spite the plo or to kill palestinians without cause. when it comes to the west bank 42% of the west bank is Israeli land, the settlements being built which are one literally 1% of the land thus far are one the Israel land not on the palestinian land, thats never mentioned. Israel doesnt represent nazi jersey, every israeli citizen including arabs have equal rights and freedoms politically, voting, religiously and living wise, Israel doesnt resemble nazi germany in the least, they dont go around killing random arabs for no reason, these hurtful rumors were made by pro palestine groups and anti israel/white power groups.
Funding, the general rumor and idea is the US gives Israel 3 billion a year for defense spending…wrong Israel does use 1 billion on defense but the other 2 billion goes towards technology and other things. Alot of the technology it goes towards is used heavily in the US. People dont seem to realize israel helps the US not just militarily when they need troops but also technology wise, Intel processors, computer hardware is in virtually every computer from the 20th/21st century, Most firewalls and virus protection software is israeli based as well, same with cell phone hardware, software and alot of other things we use in our every day lives. Not to mention help us with our own military software, programs, defense systems and weaponry. Israel also aids the palestinians but you never hear about that nor the fact that yearly Israel gives egypt 4 billion a year and dont let the rumors fool you israel pays for their gas/oil egypt doesnt and never has given it to them out of the ‘goodness of their hearts”. Thats more money then we the US give egypt yearly at just 2 billion. Israel also sent us troops when we needed them in iraq/afghanistan.
Im running out of characters so ill finish with this, I wrote this question, facts page because A. I see Israel being villified by the media and wanted to clear it up and give some true facts about them. B. They helps us in more ways then we realize and are told along with other countries. Id like to end by saying no death Is right and while it seems Israel may be being overly defensive coming from the US I can say in their circumstance anyone would be. If it was the US being hammered with multiple rockets there most likely wouldnt be a gaza left. Israel doesnt go all out and truely wants peace with the arab countries. In the scheme of things technology, military wise Israel is our top ally and with things the way they are in the middle east were going to need them as much as they need us. The middle eastern parties oppose israel and most of them the US as well. very anti us and obama over there guys.
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this guys, I look forward to your responses
Sincerely- Mattyboy.
When it comes down to it the leaders of the PLO let everyone know what the deal was in the 70s when their leaders admitted this to everyone, im surprised nobody acknowledges this anymore.
“The PalestiniaÂn people does not exist. The creation of a PalestiniaÂn state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between JordaniansÂ, PalestiniaÂns, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a PalestiniaÂn people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “PalestiniÂan people” to oppose Zionism.
For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a PalestiniaÂn, I can undoubtedlÂy demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Pale
Best answer:
Answer by Thurston
I support Israel. The Palestine argument is on the wrong side of history and yes the media loves them so they can promote “multiculturalism”-a failed liberal idea.. If you knew your history you would see the Palestinian argument for what it is…which is total BS.
1. When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
2. What were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. What were its major cities?
5. Name at least one Palestinian Leader before Arafat.
6. What was the language of the country of Palestine?
7. What was the prevalent religion of the ancient country of Palestine?
8. What was the name of its currency?
9. Choose any date in history and please give the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US Dollar, the German Mark, The Great Britian Pound, the Japanese Yen or the Chinese Yuan (your choice) on that date.
10. Why did the Palestinians never try to become independent until after the devastating defeat of invading Arab states in the 1967 Six Day War?
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