The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. 10
    6 Not a myth but not majorly cased by what is being said.
    2 Maybe possible

  2. 10. absolutely
    9. AIDS – no. Ignorance of it has made it the epidemic it is today though.
    8. Paul was alive and well just awhile ago in washington D.C. with president obama.
    7. Marilyn monroe knew a lot of stuff which may have gotten her killed. (not sure).
    6. Climate change is true as facts prove it. How much is caused by man is speculative.
    5. Shakespeare probably did write most of his plays.
    4.Princess Diana was hounded to death by her popularity and not the BSS.
    3. Something more then a weather balloon was recovered in Roswell.
    2.They landed on the moon several times.
    1. JFK was killed by”friends” of Lyndon Johnson.

  3. Also 9/11 was perpetrated by our own government. There is a hella good documentary on netflix for free. check it out. peace.

Do you believe in any of these conspiracy theories?

Question by ganglymoose54: Do you believe in any of these conspiracy theories?
According to MSN, these are the Top 10 theories. Do you agree with any of them?

10. Big oil companies suppressed electric car technology in the 60s
9. AIDS is man-made
8. The real Paul McCartney died in 1966
7. Marilyn Monroe was murdered
6. Climate change is a myth
5. Shakespeare did not write his own plays
4. Princess Diana was murdered by British Secret Service
3. A UFO was recovered at Roswell
2. The moon landing was a hoax
1. JFK was not killed by a lone gunman

Best answer:

Answer by Yogurt Poopsydoo
i believe #9 is real the rest are conspiracy

Add your own answer in the comments!