Question by : Do you believe the government, about what happened on 9/11/01?
I personally do.I was a little skeptical at first, until UBL came on tv in november of ’04, admitting to it.I feel it could be very true.There are those who say it was to go to war with afghanistan, for oil.I, and anyone else with 2 cents worth of knowledge know that’s untrue, because there is no oil in afghanistan, and we wouldn’t have attacked the basis of our Armed Forces (Our financial center, and our operational center).I think if we just wanted to kill alot of people and go to war, we would have attacked the empire state building, or some other useless place.I think insurgents set the charges in WTC-7,not the CIA.Or in could have been some coladeral damage from the planes(I.E. an engine, a rudder, or some jet fuel).To the ones that say, a building wouldn’t collapse if it caught on fire, I think it would, considering the kersone burning at 1600 degrees, would go right through the iron, which melts at 1400 degrees.I think it just took so long, because it was so thick, and the rest of the building fell, because of the impact on it from the top falling.
Best answer:
Answer by tillan2k
temperature is in centigrade or Fahrenheit
in this case Govt means CIA .
in God I trust every thing is data
there is no data . , i would not trust either
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