Question by : Do you support the allied troops/soldiers?
I’m from England, and I was just watching WWE’s tribute to the troops, and recently the sun did one on ITV for British soldiers too, now to me patriotism is ok to be (in sports and competition), but some people go too far over the top, like killing yourself for your ‘country’ (really its for your leader), I’m very much pro American, I love the way that America is a family orientated country, unlike the UK, which at the moment only seems interested in alcohol and the X factor! I’m looking to move to the USA in the future, but I think its all a bit soppy when these things happen and everyone conveniently forgets that these men and women chose this work. I don’t believe all the terrorism BS that the governments feed us anyway, and its obvious Iraq was just for oil. Fair enough some things may be true, terrorism may have increased, but its easier and over-exaggerated by the governments and media. At the end of the day, the soldiers are the worst form of Sheeple you can get, we are all told BS to give our governments reason to go to war, and lets be honest if these troops were told go and kill that child as its evil and killing your country, they would do it. So don’t forget all they are working as, is war machines. They are away from their families (so are a lot of great people, like charity workers), they are at great risk (again they made that choice, its not like WW1 or WW2 when it was conscription and you had no choice, thats when you feel sorry for them). It’s annoying that so many people put these killing machines down to saving our freedom, well you got to ask yourself, #1 is this REALLY freedom and #2 is it really down to these troops who kill other human beings that were free in our “more important” countries!? I think not. I don’t call working for corporation and paying taxes to corrupt governments free!? I literally can’t go and do anything I want, so we’re technically not free, were only “free” when we deem it free, and if anything killing the enemy/opposition/disagreed party is the only way then I’m pretty sure the troops/soldiers who do as they are told should be ridiculed and not celebrated. Its the charity workers who show these confused and angry other countries that not all westerners are bad and they help constructively, through education and peace, not through force, control and death. Really you can’t blame the other countries, when they look at us, and see us greedy westerners, who own 96% of the worlds wealth and there they are starving and living in poverty, and then we have people like d
Donald Trump and Walmart with billions, I mean I agree with them and if the shoe was on the other foot I’d be angry because it just shows that westerners are greedy, even when 4000 children die a day, we can still go and spend £8 billion at Christmas, on gifts no one really needs, and defeats the object of Jesus’ birthday! So do you really support the troops, and if so why? And please no answers from either troops or people who’s family have been in the forces or are still in. As of course your answer will be biased.
Yep, I want non biased answers, preferably from people who have done research into things of this matter, whether you were there or not, it doesn’t matter as it doesn’t change the reason you’re actually there. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I will support the forces, like in WW1 and WW2 when we were fighting for freedom (well more freedom than what we would of had if the Germans took over), and it was conscription, and basic suicide if you were in the trenches, now they are heroes. But in this modern day, I don’t fully trust the government, as most don’t and I think its unfair to put troops in battles over stupid wars, that as we speak are still being investigated anyway!! Plus if you did join the forces, why!? if you were willing to go to war, why!? Do you trust EVERYTHING your told and do everything your told like a sheep. That’s what they want you to be like, they want all of us to act like that. And that is why I don’t fully support the troops, they don’t seem to have a mind of thei
their own*
That was what is was meant to say!!
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