Question by Ryan: Do you think were doing all we can do with the Gulf Coast?
Its day 46 of the Oil spill already and nearly 40 Million Barrels of oil are now in the Gulf of Mexico. Alone the oil is hurting Tourism, Animal life, Ocean and Jobs. Top Kill has failed, i think i saw something about a saw that had failed. Do you think there is anything we can really do? I mean we could shut off the oil, but that won’t happen for many reasons. And what do you think of Obama’s plan to drill for more Oil of the Coast of Louisiana? I mean the Oil could possibly spread all the way to Florida’s coast within the next few days. Do you think the Gulf Coast is doomed? By this time next week nearly 55Million gallons of Oil could be in the coast.
Do you think the Gulf of Mexico can be saved?
What do you think of Obama’s idea to drill for Oil of the coast of Louisiana?
Top Kill has failed, do you think any other methods could work?
What do you think the Effects will be when this is all over?
Best answer:
Answer by mojojojo
I think that whenever americas government gets involved with BUSINESS affairs. everything gets screwed up either in short term or long term or both. so they just need to stay out of it. All of the top scientists from oil industries need to come together and continue to develop a plan of action.
this has never happened before so of course its going to get worse before it can get better. its a hard problem to fix.
i read this article about it. maybe this can help
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