The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. I’ve seen a flame arrestor for HHO gas and I think everyone should have one as you can make your own very easily.

  2. @panzuman – yes, but your flame tip is will be a hypo needle or maybe a basket ball filler needle … very small orifice … the gas needs to be at a critical velocity to keep the flame front from going right back up the tube and blowing up your gizmo … so the less gas you make, the tinier the exit hole has to be to keep that velocity up …

  3. is iy possible to make a 1 lpm torch? im thinking about trying to mak a small compact design

  4. @fireball1821 – the little torch was made up of small bit plumbing parts we got at HomeDepot … easily obtained and pretty cheap … you might check user d3adp001’s channel … I think he did a really good video on how to put one together … to support the torch, you do need a pretty heavy duty electrolysis device able to put out at least 5 lpm … what we show needs 15 lpm .. cost of such is about $1200 and yes we do sell those … most just build one from scrap …

  5. When the world is worrying about global warming and CO2 gas,you smart people now keep heating it up for FUN and CHEAP.

  6. Aim a Brown’s torch at a significant volume of water. Keep the torch on the water, watch the volume of water go up and down – as if the water is disappearing and reappearing. You can also put an ice cube next to the torch. Water will boil, while the ice cube won’t melt faster than it normally would.

  7. heh, the fat lady hasn’t even made it to the building yet, this is the audiance walking through the door.

  8. Getting more HHO with less energy is the $10mil question. If you figure that one out, please let me know. A lot of folks out there with a lot of theories, but none that I have been able to replicate. For now, I do best I can with whtat I know works.

    We have a sister project starting up now in Arizona that will use a 200cc diesel engine modified for spark injection. This project was just the warm up. Fat lady aint even started singing yet.

  9. My testing is not complete but it looks like a larger engine would help:)
    Seriously though, I am testing an idea. Taking a 6 1/2 HP engine and only getting about 3hp Seems much more efficient than a 3HP engine trying to get 3hp. In other words the larger the chamber the more efficient for the same hp/HHO. Not sure about this yet, but so far that seems where it’s heading. Also how do we get more HHO with less energy?
    Seems like that’s the real goal, isn’t it?

  10. We had a lot of fun but actually did answer many questions we had. Neither of us had ever handled this much gas before. A lot of what were doing had to do with learning how to safely handle this volume of gas. We have some plans for next year that will require 50-100 lpm of gas flow. So this was the warm up session to develop plans on how to handle BIG volumes of gas. This time next year, 20 lpm will seem like childs play.

  11. That’s really playin’ with fire. Great stuff guys, keep up the awesome work. Stay safe up there

  12. Ha..Ha…Ha… Man you guys are nuts! or you had to much coffee!…
    Wow! 20lpm stuffed into 98cc’s and ignited….
    Thought that would come out like the potato shooter….
    Great stuff, can’t wait to see what happens next….

  13. it was so rich at 20 lpm we could not keep it running … like being flooded with gasoline … had to back off to not more than about 12 lpm to keep the generator runnning … an even then, we were giving it a lot more than it needed … runs great on 6-9 lpm …

  14. mmmmm That’s just downright scary….
    Wonder what that generator would have done?
    20LPM goin in…….Metal fragments and flames coming out? Sheeeeeesh!

  15. we can typically get 5 mililiters per minute of gas flow volume per watt of energy we input … so if we are trying for 10 lpm, we would assume about 2000 watts of engery required … if we want 20 lpm, we assume 4000 watts of energy required … we used 2 x 20 amp wall outlets to power our devices and managed to pop breakers when we pushed it for all it was worth … the tip we used was a .035 mig welding tip … system does well with 6-10 lpm … 20 lpm is insane …

  16. 20 lpm that’s impressive20 lpm that’s impressive, how much wattage are you using to create this much gas. In another one of your videos comment section you mentioned tip sizes and how much HHO was needed for welding, can you post this info again?

  17. the torch body itself is made up of an assortment of small plumbing tube fittings picked up at Home Depot. The tip is a mig welder tip. Hardest part to do is drill then tap for the mig welder tip. Have seen many variations on this theme from many people that all seemed to work well. For the amount of gas we are making, we really needed a bigger orafice than what we had this day.

EBN – More fun with the HHO torch!

118 plates, 140vDC, 25-30 amps, 15-20 lpm of HHO This combo makes for one SCREAMING torch when pushed through a .035 tip. An insane amount of HHO gas being generated here for such a small tip. We really needed about a .090 tip for this much gas but did not have one handy. So we made do with what we had. Enjoy … this was a lot more fun in person!!!