The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Random Post

(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. “Open source engineering is all about research and development, sharing ideas and achievements, using each other’s experiences as our own stepping stones and to move forward as a group. Each of us provides encouragement and appreciation for open sharing and participates in a collective non profit effort to bring neglected and suppressed technologies into public hands.”

  2. ok guys, enough testosterone fumes … take it out back of the wood shed please …

    Frankly, I would just like to see someone develop the darn engine and make it available for a reasonable price … I have looked at the design and it is based on an early Daimler design from the late 1800’s so is not anything really exotic … its just not available …

    the “My-T” engine is another one that has good characteristics and may be in production someday …

  3. JAFO

    Did Roy help in the development ?
    Did Mel use Roys injectors ?
    Did Roy purchase the patents and manufacturing rights ?

    Please stop the “Somehow involved” nonsense , unfounded rumors helps no-one , if you have facts and links to facts post em up.
    Honestly does Roy really seem like the black opps type ? His camera man maybe,, lol

    If the enging was stolen, wheres the link to the AZ police report ?

    Jafo , hit the AHANW site and start a thread on Mel and his engine

  4. Davehho1 –

    RADAX engine info straight from the Arizona court dockets:

    – Roy McAlister
    – Kathleen McAlister
    – American Hydrogen Association
    – Trans Energy Corporation
    – Emergent Corporation
    – Larsen Radax Corporation

    All under Roy McAlister’s Corporations. He holds the patents and engine. He was somehow involved in the so called disappearance of the property after the death of Mel

  5. he’s fine … I understand his point of view … quite a few of the fellows within EBN felt the same way and a lesser few still do … but the fact remains, the design of the EBN dry cell has been given away to the public domain … I dont care if you call it open source or whatever … if you want to copy the design and sell it, EBN has no problem with it … many already have … just never refer to it as an EBN device or imply that EBN has any liability related to it …

  6. As far as open source goes, we have no intention of devoting the resources required to produce cadd drawings for public distribution.

    However, if you would like to copy our design, go ahead … its a simple enough design and all the information required to reproduce it has been published on YouTube … Do with the design what you will as you see fit … there are MANY who have already copied it and some who are selling more of them than we are …

    So, once again, what was your point?

  7. Yes, we hope someday to make some money at this. Can tell you that to date, the effort has cost us dearly and that no one at EBN has yet seen a pay check, bonus, or stock dividend.

    Yes, we formed as a corporation in order to limit our personal liability, achieve tax advantages only available under a corporate structure and to document the cash investment made by many involved.

    So the question is, what was your point?

  8. Jeeessee JAFO82269

    Save the drama for your momma !

    8×8 316l SS ,1/16 to 2mm neopreme gaskets with 1 or 2 in PVC end plates, run about 1.6 to 1.8 all the way to just over two Volts per cell, My buddy built one and it puts out like a broken candy machine !
    I don’t believe for a minute Roy stole Mels design,much less sit on it.

  9. And as for these Mail Bag video’s, Check EBN’s site:

  10. Roy got the patent under his corporation for the Radax after the inventor died. just do a Google search for radax and the corporations he owns with his wife. So much for ever seeing this engine come to fruition.

  11. Check out Roys vid on the Larsen Radax 8 cylinder

    search: Larsen RADAX (Part 1) Hydrogen Powered Engine

    The injectors are discribed at 6:19 into the vid, good stuff ! This engine needs a supersized EBN H-Gen set on board ! lol

  12. i think u guys may really think of using a analog electric injector .. it will use 1/4 less hho its 4 stroke engines .. use 3 cycle just for power and only one for intake so if the engine runs at 900 rpm u only need to inject it 225 times when the intake opens it can use the vacuum .. theres a better idea make a vacuum injector it will help the analog electric injector work better dont push it in let it get sucked in

  13. well i was going to do psi testing first before i would put it on a car but im going to try the injector mod on a small motor first

  14. Good Day Sir

    As usual “Excellent”

    Results of testing diesel engine 1.9 lts.
    14 days testing, 63 miles each test run (same route) hho gas multiple point injection. 3/lpm43 mpg no hho gas, 43 mpg with hho. I needed to do this prove that a diesel engine is already very efficient, making gains is going to be very very hard indeed. but most of us no that. These results are for those peddling snake oil. Gasoline engines we have room for improvements. All the best to you.


  15. I am not sure how you would get existing injectors to handle a vapor fuel. Not saying it cant be done, just have no idea how would work.

    I think that to get a 1.6 L engine to run well you should plan on at least 120 lpm. Might ge closer to 200 lpm.

  16. how much gas do u think it will take to run a 1.6 l using the injectors from the car .. i know i will have to mod the injector timing so but do u know any way to move the timing of the injectors ? thanks that is more my plan i think .. if u use the injectors it will stop leaks and i dont think u will need so much then but u need to use a dc to ac .. well just a thought

  17. Great series, Great Stuff… I hope you would do more of these mail bags in the future.

    The segment with the pond fogger. I have a couple of these units myself and have thought of seeing if they could be of any benefit to an HHO system. It is good to see (or hear) that there are others that are thinking along the same line as myself.

    Great feature, look forward to some more…!!!

  18. How does part three get twice the views as part 1 or 2? Anyway, Thank you for taking your time to inform the public who wants and more importantly needs a solution to the earth and energy issues. Great info!

  19. not a problem … and you may be correct in your evaluation … but I would sure like to see a few determined folks give it a try so we can all benefit from the attempt … so much is unknown … even failures contribute to the body of knowledge … we can make educated guesses but there is no replacement for actually trying it …

  20. Hi scartscarecrow

    If you don’t mind a reply to minde4000. 200 amp alternators are not the way to go, what about the drag on the engine, more drag, more fuel consumed, lower mpg, all in all less efficiency from the engine. You would need a large amount of hho to brake even.

    Regards from The U.K.

  21. well, I dont know about magic, but some tests would indicate that you start seeing real deal at about 5 lpm and get a serious kick in pants at about 10 lpm … so more tests with these volume are needed …

  22. I understand all that smartscarecrow. I just wonder If anyone has assembled setup like this. There are 200amp+ alternators for 300$ with ability to produce 120amps at idle. So single alternator would do it. I was wondering if those 6 lpm would do any “magic” any significant difference by improving mpg… Tnx

  23. problem is with powering a device like mine using an automotive electrical system … to get 6 lpm, I have to consume about 1200 watts … at 12v, that means 100 amps … not many cars out there can spare 100 amps … to make a setup like mine work in most vehicles will require a secondary alternator dedicated to powering the HHO generation …

  24. Sorry smart. I meant car engine. I was thinking… instead of 1.5L-2L/min HHO how about feeding some 6-8L/min of HHO. I wonder if that would do any difference regarding MPG. I just wonder if you or anyone else here heard about anything like that. Tnx

EBN – Part 3 of 3 – Scarecrow’s Mail Bag

Trying something different. Answering some viewer mail on line. If this bores you to tears let me know and I will spin up another music video next time around. Enjoy … and please experiment safely !!!