Help please! I have to write another essay that I can’t figure out how to explain. can anyone help?
here’s the specific question:::
At the T. B. Simon power plant, burning coal produces steam in a boiler, the steam flows through turbines, the rotating turbines drive electric generators, the generators deliver alternating current to the transformer station, and the transformers provide emf to the campus electric grid. Thus electric power is available throughout the MSU campus.
Therefore the energy that powers electrical devices at MSU came originally from the sun. Explain this statement in a short essay, and include the answer to these questions: When and how did the energy come from the sun?
3 Responses
what makes coal?
coal is made from the remains of plants and animals. plants get their energy from the sun. animal get their energy from plants. so the energy stored in coal was originally captured from sunlight.
that is it in a nutshell. now just use those four, i mean three, sentences to write an essay
Plants take carbon dioxide (CO2), water, and sunlight to grow, that is, they make NEW plant material. MATTER is just a form of stored ENERGY, so we can say that palnt material is a form of stored sunlight energy.
Coal is fossilized, dead plant material.
When tou burn coal, you are releasing the energy the sun thet the plant stored in its “body” as it grew.
Now YOU need to make it longer than that.