The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

46 Responses

  1. @demintor1 Well the problem is, that they, the government, the CEO´s, the Shareholders of the A stock´s, the religious leaders, the bankers…. don´t pay direct taxes and you are bailing them out with the taxes you pay.

    The problem is: They don´t give a fu** about you, like you don´t give a fu** about the homeless guy sitting on the sidewalk.

  2. These are crimes against humanity. The American military are war criminals, and God will have His vengeance. Allready, over a million Iraqi war veterans are suffering from non-depleted uranium contamination. There is a price to pay for destroying God’s creation.

  3. This is suposedly the same technology used by the SDI Program to create crop circles on wheat fields.

  4. Sounds like an awful war. What happend to the good old days of trading goods/raw material for peace?

  5. Yep. Actually it is our Government is who develop these weapons BUT the technology is aquired from Alien contacts. Our Gov could be interchanging technology in exchange to let them abduct people

  6. Ok, people, so you all know things like lasers and high energy weapons are more or less real now…

    High powered lasers, homemade atomic bombs, magnetrons used as weapons, anti-missile laser systems, other stuff. You idiots just think it HAS to be aliens…

  7. this stuff about the credit crunch is based only on the domestic wealth sector.
    They simply do not share the other 99.9% of their avalible funds and resources with the rest of us.
    I have seen the US air force pulling a stealth bomber apart with a bull dozer just because they have no room for it any more.
    They are trying create one world bank to take over the (crisis)
    people will be ok with it at first.but you will need id bank cards and you will not get your money if you cause trouble.

  8. 1# there is not difference between gangsters and gov’t that is why you can’t stop drugs. Corruption in the USA is out of hand.

    Look at all the bad housing loans that were giving out. That now every American has to pay for. 300 billion dollar bail out. The USA is writing checks they can pay for. out then printing more money to cover it.

    America is So over budget it is crazy! do we really need a 5 billion dollar air craft carrier???

  9. they actually want all these weaons and crime and chaos ao we can get ready for the atichrist and satan ad his angels.

  10. Damn ! all of this technology and they are unable to stop crime in the US.
    They are unable to stop drugs from coming in the US but the have technology far superior of what we think they have. Something doesnt add up. WHY?

  11. a waste of tax payers money but what you said about police warning protesters at home is acutally communism or police dictactorship,
    as for a terrorist well according to the govt. im a supporter of it, as for the new anti terroe laws its a ploy to increase more laws and violate out so called democratcic ways

  12. Yeah, and why? maybe cos the terrorism threats that make usa so nervous r also the same threats we face here, lol, and if the aussie military r using these weapons here then its even more scary, but as for using them for a peace rally, thats sad, the world has definately gone mad! they not only closed whole streets down in Sydney that day, but whole suburbs and went door knocking former protesters warning them to stay home, its just waste of taxpayers money, it is bully tactics is all!

  13. sydney australia , the police special commando unit during the 2007 apec summit had vechile that has a large dish on it that was capable of emitting microwavesthat would literally knock unconcious large rioting crowds for upto 10 mins. but it was never used

  14. would be scary, if they have this kinda firepower now, imagine when they really use it! ;) thanx for sharing

  15. Glen Beck may not have that great of a grasp on the situation. However, the real joke here is you. Stumbling on your words and sweating a river. You’re unbalanced biased news is what I’m laughing at.

  16. Watching him stumble back and forth between black boards is truly hilarious. The fact he has a large audience is embarrassing. God i wish we could this lunatic from the rest of the world.

    I doubt, but am curious as to if the UK, Spain, Ireland, Canada ect. have their own Glenn Beck’s?… I get the feeling only America would give a man this deluded a television show. *shakes head*

  17. @1988scottcarey Beck isn’t right, hes so much of an idiot, he just brings it to a new level. And the Ottoman empire wasn’t really a enemy of the west, after all, it was allies with Germany, Austria and Bulgaria in world war one. (and may have allied with the British if the Brits didn’t commander two Ottoman ships without compensation)

  18. Yesterday, Beck was referring to some website, Calipha dot com, but in the Arabic spelling. Well, we’ll see, actually Glenn Beck predicted trouble in the Middle East for some time and here we see lots of action in the region but perhaps it can be for the good.

  19. Becks right..he’s pretty much saying the Globalists want a new enemy of the west,The Restoration of the Ottoman Empire.

  20. @Skeksis In other words don’t pay attention to facts or truth. Jones was a communist you bonehead. The only panic and fear is the problem you are having because FOX and Beck expose your fraud on a nightly basis. All you can do is say its crazy, racist, sexist, homophobic, zelotry, evil rich. Youre a joke. The difference is the same difference between revolutionary bull shit and revolutionary horse shit. Different name but still shit. Watch a Jim Jones documentary you kool aid drinking dummy.

  21. Question Israel with boldness.
    Question 9/11 with boldness.
    Speak without fear.
    Hold to the truth.
    Glenn Beck

  22. @cozyfoxstudio
    “promoting a foriegn ideology intent on destroying capitalism is treason. Thats what you are doing. Calling for a revolution to overthrow the American system is treason. That is what you choose to support. Now thats really crazy. ”
    Lol you really are crazy aren’t you.

  23. Sorry guys. The writings on the wall with this one. I think you’d be an idiot to think otherwise.

  24. @bathroomhog1990 Attack us with what? A failed suicide bombing attempt once every 2 years? And the attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq wouldn’t happend if US troops were never there. And if someone else said “redistributing wealth”, Glenn Beck would go after whoever said that and go “COMMUNIST!!!” And the US doesn’t have nearly 200 years worth of oil. No country has that much oil.

  25. Cenk says that Glenn beck is coming up with absurd conspiracy theories about Egypt and then plays a clip where he talks about oil. First of all, Glenn never even mentiones “Egypt” in that clip. He is making the point that America has all the oil it needs for 200 years, yet we still continue to buy it from our enemy. In turn, we are essentially providing the middle east with all of the money they need to attack us. That is what Glenn means when he says “redistributing wealth”. Typical spin.

  26. Just letting you know guys, cozyfoxstudio is a republican Propaganda service. Videos submited by him are aimed at trying to call socalisim communisim, and use Soviet union as a example of socalisim. Look, there are BAD examples of Capitalisim. The account also tries to hate on the innocent Muslim population to glorify the murderours middle eastern oil theft.

  27. @MClown69 He wasn’t a communist, he was a lunatic. Don’t give any credence to the bullshit those paranoid hateful fear mongers like cozyfox spews.

  28. @cozyfoxstudio I bet all of that hate and paranoia are eating you from the inside out. Communist, Marxist, do you even know the difference, or are you just jumping at shadows and parroting what you hear on Faux noise?

  29. I’d like to laugh at him, but the fact that people believe him leaves me saddened and worried.

  30. “China..China just pushes in this direction and says “knock it off guys”.

    Honestly, people who think this man is an educator are phucked in the head.

  31. @cozyfoxstudio You can believe anything you want about what GB has to say, but just realize that it’s nothing new. We’ve heard it ALL before. In fact he plagarizes the John Birch Society, McCarthy, and Father Coughlin all the time. When he says “research it yourself” he knows 99% percent of the people will glance at the first 5 results of a Google search, which is how he gets his “information”. Even Bill O’Reilly was shaking his head at him the other day over his caliphate conspiracy.

  32. @greenthumbguy1 Great one! It shows youre really using your head. Let me try…… Denial is not reality, reality is reality, reality is the truth. You are a cross between Hansel & Gretel and the chick on top of tower records in Independence day.

  33. @SkeksisRule Jim Jones was a “communist” who made “drinking the Kool aid” a popular phrase after feeding poison to brainless, Marxist utopia dreaming dunces like yourself. Do you always stick your foot in your mouth like that? Are you aware that you are a useful idiot?

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