The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

50 Responses

  1. Excellent video with an excellent explanation – especially at the end – shows an unselfish thirst for knowledge and mutual advancement – unlike the NWO

  2. Well it’s an interesting video and concept but not free energy. No measurement on how much power is consumed to neutralize the magnet. This would need to be based on time the coil has to be energized and current through it. Also, when the piston comes back, the non-neutralized magnet is opposing the rotation so when do you turn on and neutralize? This is important to consider because early energization uses more power. Until this is answered, this is not an over unity device.

  3. Ok …. No input power with a positive output? How can this not be measured? Put the output through a bridge rectifier and measure it. Or…. measure your batteries before running and after running? Nice machine but you got a little strange at the end.

  4. I wonder if these principles of cancelation could be used with a timing system on a n-machine type device

  5. You should get a 1000 mfd Capacitor and charge it up from battery when the device is running you turn off the switch from the batteries but leave the charged cap. If the device is running tomorrow you have a device once you can get enough power to use maybe 8 coil or something and produce outbound power you have a device worth millions. You can patented it but must leave it with the patent office tell them bearings will finely burn out.

  6. Thank you for sharing.
    An excellent demonstration and machine.
    Why not PROVE it is overunity by making your crankshaft drive a generator to feed the batteries – then monitor battery voltage as you load them ?
    Rectify output from a coil winding around the magnetic piston going backwards and forwards !!!!!
    Only when you get ‘free’ power from your battery pack can you claim overunity.

  7. i bet the sandal wearing enviromental green brigade still wont be happy with this. imagine the energy required to build these machines etc. i say we should build a big fire, throw the hippies on and we could probably generate enough energy to live on oil for another couple of years. i’d also throw this twat on the fire too, just because of his voice

  8. This is the first reasonable attempt at a perpetual motion machine. Normally I’d be making fun of it right now… but I can’t :P

  9. Three hundred horses on a leash, will pull three M1-tank, do you think a three hundred horsepower engine will do the same?

  10. Is the narrator of this video Art Porter? It sounds a whole lot Dr Miller – lol

    Come on guys, get someone to test this thing and find out it’s OU.

  11. im not sure of the effeciency of hydro static motor but it would make the best of the power pulse from the first instant of the magnet movement, but it would then have to be converted form back and forth motion with a hydrostatic motor . Just a thought have a great day. and good video

  12. Can’t they make this a push pull system? Having two of these units back to back and feed the back EMF from one coil to the other, instead of storing back EMF power to batteries.

  13. @TroelsPoulsen
    Dont call other people stupid after saying stuff like PRODUCING energy.
    Makes your whole comment senseless.

  14. Why does it need 10 huge batteries if it is an overunity device? If it is real, make it run on a generator using the extra energy it creates.

  15. Et can only be a perpetual motion machine if it itself produces the energy it takes to make it run. So remove all the big car batteries and replace them with a generator, that is driven by the machine and then let the electricity it produces run the machine. Until then you dos not have a real perpetual motion machine. And if you get it to work you just have broken all laws of physics. And are going to be the richest man in the world.
    But until then stop your stupid claims.

  16. I came up with a similar idea for an 8 cylinder car engine that i blueprinted but I never took the time to build it. I knew it wold work but I just never knew how much HP it would produce.

  17. I like it but what affect will friction have on the device over time? Very neat…

  18. I’m going to dive back into it once I can get above water with another invention I just launched.

  19. By using the spining motor you can hook up a low friction monopole coil in a series and produce electricity.

  20. questions: how far apart are the magnets spaced from one another?what is the diameter of the wheel?I made my own,but I think my wheel is too small in dia,and the magnets are too far apart – it wants to get hug up on each rung of the V, rather than move on to the next one.

  21. I’ve been slammed with launching an international product and I’m a week away from the largest trade show in Vegas, so I’ve had to set this aside for a little bit. Gotta pay the bills.

  22. Very awsome! We may be getting close to a self suficent motor… But then we have the whole energy output for uses other than to keep itself running… If that makes sense… I belive we are getting there none the less! Great job!

  23. Bingo…thought the same thing. Wouldn’t even need the springs if it was mounted on top of the rotor – gravity would hold it down as well as the pull of the magnets. The whole point being, to mechanize his hand movements.

  24. It seems like you could mount the magnet you are holding on two spring loaded arms and push it back with a cam mounted on the side of the wheel. Just a thought.

  25. The North is facing up on one side and the South on the other. They are magnetised axially. You need the length to be twice the diameter so you dont get flux loops.

  26. The V is acting like one large magnet. If you where to take the four out it would just move the strong gate farther way from the small part of the V. It does not deminish the gate, I’ve tried it. You have to start at the small part of the V to get it going. Need to try the angle bit.

  27. I need to build a holder so that is a non issue. But, when I first place the magnet next to the small part of the V, it just starts. I don’t feel any push force, just pull/attraction.

  28. Wow, genius. I don’t suppose you’ve considered the possibility that all the energy in the system is just coming from your hand movement?

  29. questions:if it gets hung on the last four rows, why ot eliminate them?Will momentum keep turning until it gets to the beginning again?Can you start anywhere in the sequence,or do you have to start at the beginning where the magnets are closest?does the angle of the V matter? More aggressive angle, better pull?

  30. are these magnets diametrically charged versus axially charged? You’ve got a row of N facing magnets and a row of S facing magnets right?

  31. Here is what I see: Magnetic Force – which can generate Torque/Inertia Force — which can be continued by Oscillations/Wave Patterns — which can be Designed/Engineered Mechanically.

  32. in regards to my last comment…this way you could put lots of stationary magnets all over the outside of the wheel and this thing would be flying!

  33. Why not push the magnets mounted on the wheel around the gated area more towards the hub of the wheel?This way the magnet you’re holding in your hand would be stationary and you wouldn’t have to move it up and down.What I mean is, instead of having a perfect circle profile of all the magnets mounted on the wheel,the profile of the magnets on the wheel would arch down around the gate.

  34. Nice! :-)
    Question, can you tell me where you buy these magnets?
    I’m from Europe, The Netherlands, Erik

  35. Rare earth NEB magnets lose 1% of their gauss strength each year at 25 degrees celcius. If heated above 80 degrees celcius, lose all their magnetism. Once dustaid optimises the gate, this thing could easily run 10 years given the bearings cope that long and the magnets would lose only 10% of their strength in those 10 years. Also, all NEB magnets can be remagnetised to their original strength and be reused. This device when operating would never increase in temperature more than 1 degree.

  36. the 1/4×3/4 inch neo rotor magnets are spaced half the diameter away from eachother at the wheel. There are 54 rotor magnets on a 83mm wheel. They are sunk in 1/4 of an inch. The stator neo magnet is 1/4×2.

  37. the good mags last 400 years most mags only lose 20%of there strength when hot

  38. Can you give us details about the setup, magnet dimensions how many you used etc. Thanks.

  39. The dipping of the magnets up and down like you mentioned may accomplish the same sine wave effect I’m talking about, though not getting alternating effect where one side pulls as other diminishes. Perhaps a combination of these ideas will work the best (wave patterns on sides and dipping)

  40. By the way, as far as my last comment about wave pattern, I was using a steel ball. It works with a magnetic ball also, but was more difficult. Distance from magnets was important when using magnet ball.

  41. Most of the smot designs I’ve seen seem to work on weak to strong magnetic fields. Well i got passed the sticky point by stacking smaller magnets in a sine wave pattern along the sides of the ramp. In V formation smots the diagonal magnets could be represented by magnets stacked as two equal waves(or sine wave) halves. So I completed the wave pattern. Worked best in an alternating wave pattern. As one wave completed its attraction and begin to diminish the other took over-one side to the other.

FREE ENERGY # 24 Working Magnetic Overunity Device – Magnetic Neutralization

FREE ENERGY # 24 Working Magnetic Overunity Device This is an invention by Art Porter. This device working by permanent magnet and electromagnet. He called this “GAP power” that use a magnetic neutralization technique. Most of torque power comes from permanent magnet. I think, this is a very important concept for overunity free energy device. This is a simplified version of the full introduction video. More detail information include technical date available at : Related Article : More Free Energy Videos : New Wake Up Video (This is new one) : Please Rate and Subscribe this channel. More to come. Stay Tune. Be LOVE. Your are an Infinite Consciousness Self. Thank You.

Calloway V Gate on a skateboard wheel. For more info please visit Brought to you by http – seeking simple solutions for a better world.
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